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RE: Why I Don't Care About Elon Musk

I have a mixed feelings for him , he is good with his space projects and he has failed many times but he has never given up on his dreams and i respect him for that.Hello @phusionphil , how are you ?

But when he supports bitcoin then after few month he says that Tesla won't accept Bitcoin anymore and he becomes a reason to manipulate the entire Crypto Market it simply hurts.

I wonder why this single man is alone capable of making shit things go up in the sky. He is never loyal though and doge coin holders will also suffer Someday.

I wonder how many Tesla's are used in the Uyghur concentration camps in China?

Is a Tesla Power wall being used to heat the concentration camps instead of human carcasses of undocumented executed Uyghurs?

These are really some tough questions to answers and even if someone ask his face to face about these issues he will probably walk of from the situation.

Uyghur people are really suffering a lot.

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I am well known for hating on religion, that's why I bring up the Uyghurs, because it's the people's lives that are the important factor and their freedoms. Not what God, identity, or what gender pronoun they prefer. Real human suffrage that is being put on them by someone outside of their sphere of influence, unlike the petty problems the left in North America care about.

No one deserves to be in shackles and it's conformist slaves who have created a world of suffrage for their slave race to "coexist" in where you have culture clash with no respect for intellectualism or civil liberties because emotional slaves have their feelings all pent up polluting the entire world's conversation about the dire consequences there is in many places such as China and Africa.

Most people don't know about the poverty in China, and the mass starvation, that get swept under the rug while the CCP runs giant 7 figure budgets to silence opposing opinions to the point of genocide...

So the CCP logic for investment is,

Genocide > Farming