POB - A high-powered ship, stuck in the port // POB - Um Navio de alta potência, amarrado no porto

I don't usually count time or account for much of my activities here at POB, but I can consider that I've been actively participating for some time now, and slowly I've realized that, even with the growing popularization of the token and the concept of the project (and naturally, a increase in users) we still have the same problem: The lack of a path, a road-map, a north. I'm an extremely layman at a deeper level in the world of crypto-currencies and their uses, but I see a lot of people talking about the importance of the token having a use, and not just another coin. Many tribes have shown a dedication to making this happen, forming strong teams with specific roles to guide the projects. And, even though I am engaged in the curatorship project started by @calumam with the help of @proofofbrainio's votes, I see that we are still a long way from having any safe north to the POB and that's exactly what makes it still very fragile, or to the unless that doesn't make you take off faster.

What protects us from this community becoming obsolete is the fact that their concept, the idea of ​​the "Proof of Brain" is WITHOUT A DOUBT the strongest and most attractive idea in all of HIVE. But still, without a team and a project behind me I wonder, where will we end up? We know that @proofofbrainio doesn't have time to dedicate himself to the community as he himself has explained a few times, @calumam had to leave for personal reasons and it looks like he won't be back anytime soon (if at all), @amr008 is putting an end to to your curation project as well. It is impossible not to feel a certain helplessness in terms of leadership and direction. And the most bitter of this is the fact that apparently we can't do much since we don't have the "keys to the main gate". As I said, I don't understand anything about advanced levels of technologies that involve the blockchain and all that, I'm just a big supporter of content creation and the use of crypto-currencies so I don't know how much we can do on our own. How much can we do? Can someone tell me?


Do these token usage ideas, projects, etc., depend on some approval from members who cannot remain active and are more involved with the creation of the tribe? One day I even asked @onealfa what was preventing him from maximizing his gains and importance within the community by declaring a certain governance of a "sub-tribe" so to speak. Make use of all his stake to promote full POB leverage, but he gave his reasons and explained that he can't commit to it now and doesn't even see the point in the idea. But what about all these other top POB profiles? Can anyone do anything? What exactly are we at the mercy of? What impedes our advance? What prevents the development of a "road-map" of an actual and scheduled list of uses for the token? How can we get out of this stage of dependence and endless waiting?

What I see is a tribe full of potential trapped in the harbor, with a mighty ship that has no captain. It's weird and a little sad. And I would like to do more, but I'm not able mainly because I'm not there at the top yet. And everyone who is, doesn't seem to care too much about this tethered boat.

Thômas H N Blum


Não costumo contar o tempo nem contabilizar muito minhas atividades aqui no POB, mas posso considerar que já estou "há algum tempo" participando ativamente, e lentamente tenho percebido que, mesmo com crescente popularização do token e do conceito do projeto (e naturalmente, um aumento de usuários) seguimos com o mesmo problema: A falta de um caminho, de um road-map, de um norte. Eu sou extremamente leigo num nível mais profundo do mundo das cripto-moedas e seus usos, mas vejo muita gente falando da importância de que o token tenha uma utilidade, e que não seja só mais uma moeda. Muitas tribos tem mostrado uma dedicação em fazer isso acontecer, formando times fortes e com funções específicas para nortear os projetos. E, ainda que eu estou engajado no projeto de curadoria iniciado pelo @calumam com a ajuda dos votos do @proofofbrainio, vejo que estamos ainda muito longe de termos qualquer norte seguro ao POB e é exatamente isso que o torna ainda muito frágil, ou ao menos que não o faz decolar mais rapidamente.

O que nos protege de que essa comunidade se torne obsoleta é o fato que seu conceito, a ideia do "Proof of Brain" é SEM DÚVIDAS a ideia mais forte e mais atrativa de todo o HIVE. Mas ainda assim, sem um time e um projeto por trás eu me questiono, aonde iremos parar? Sabemos que o @proofofbrainio não tem tempo para dedicar-se a comunidade como ele mesmo já explicou algumas vezes, @calumam precisou se afastar por motivos pessoais e parece que não voltará tão cedo (se é que volta), @amr008 está pondo um fim ao seu projeto de curadoria também. É impossível não sentir um certo desamparo em termos de liderança e rumo. E o mais amargo disso é o fato de que, aparentemente não podemos fazer muita coisa, dado que não temos as "chaves do portão principal". Como já disse, não entendo nada de níveis avançados das tecnologias que envolvem a blockchain e tudo mais, só sou um grande incentivador da criação de conteúdo e do uso das cripto-moedas então não sei o quanto podemos fazer por conta própria. Quanto podemos fazer? Alguém pode me dizer?


Essas ideias de usos do token, projetos, etc, dependem de alguma aprovação dos membros que não podem se manter ativos e tem maior envolvimento com a criação da tribo? Certo dia até perguntei ao @onealfa o que lhe impedia de potencializar seus ganhos e importância dentro da comunidade declarando uma certa governança de uma "sub-tribo" por assim dizer. Fazer uso de todo seu stake para promover um alavancamento do POB completo, mas ele deu seus motivos e explicou que não pode se comprometer nisso agora e nem vê sentido na ideia. Mas e todos esses outros perfis do topo do POB? Ninguém pode fazer nada? Estamos exatamente à mercê de que? O que impede nosso avanço? O que impede o desenvolvimento de um "road-map" de uma lista real e programada de usos para o token? Como podemos sair dessa etapa de dependência e de espera infinita?

O que vejo é uma tribo repleta de potencial presa no porto, com um poderoso navio que não tem capitão. É estranho e um pouco triste. E eu gostaria de fazer mais, mas não sou capacitado principalmente por que não estou lá no topo ainda. E todos que estão, parecem não estar se importando muito com esse barco amarrado.

Thômas H N Blum

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I will comment in English because I want to declare my support for your questions.

I've been thinking about this for a long time, but what I realized is that things here at pob work minimally like this: It's no use just pointing out the problems that everyone knows exist, it's necessary that you give a solution, no matter how hard it will be ignored, there's a big chance it won't be, mainly because you're a respected figure here at POB.

If you want to think of some use case of token together with me, so that we can make a proposal to the biggest pob detectors in the community, you can count on me. I believe this community must advance or it will die slowly and I really don't want that to happen.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Respondendo só com 18 dias de atraso (e em ptbr mesmo jhaha)
Ah amiga, quando houver tempo para nós, vamos trocar uma ideia no discord sim, e tentar pensar em algumas coisas. A grande vantagem do POB é que essa efervescência constante, de gente pirando nas possibilidades, acaba gerando mais e mais ideias e possibilidades. Naturalmente acaba que o POB se retroalimenta de ânimo e energia, mas ainda temos esse problema de falta de direção!

POB is is really doing incredibly good no doubt about that and I am a living witness.

I can say right now that POB is one the best things that have ever happened to me.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Firstly I would really like to understand more about the sub-tribe and I just wish we all had focus has group of community working together and achieve our goals one after the other.
I really enjoyed the post @ thomashnblum.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

As mentioned below by @hranhuk, sub-tribe was just a way for me to call the idea of a non-leader group ending up creating leadership and its own independent mechanics within a tribe like the POB. I hope it was clearer, it's kind of an anarchist idea, but I don't see "evil" in the idea. Given that the idea of the blockchain is to open up this freedom and the POB is kind of a free land where whoever wants to can nominate himself as a curator, whoever wants to can do projects, etc., this anarchism would not be harmful at all. Just one extra option. Hope this clarified the term for @scholaris.pob too!

I'd like to know about that sub-tribe comment too. Is this the first mention of it or is there an article that talks about it?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think the Sub tribe was just a way of referring to it.

Where any whale had the highest possible stake percentage of that token and even if it didn't "own" it could rule and dictate the rules from it...

Ah ok. Thank you

It did. Thank you for addressing it.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I've been talking and warning about this since the golden times... Today it's just like that for the simple fact of what you've already mentioned: The idea of ​​the tribe and the subject is brilliant, but that alone doesn't work.

The POB value is still stable for whales when they decide to buy more, other than that it remains more of the same.

It is also necessary to distribute more tokens in curated form. @proofofbrainio himself could open more delegations or the big accounts that miserably vote...

Eu venho falando e avisando sobre isso desde as épocas de ouro... Hoje só está assim pelo simples fato do que você já mencionou: A ideia da tribo e assunto é genial, mas só isso não adianta.

O valor do POB ainda é estável por baleias quando resolvem comprar mais, fora isso continua sendo mais do mesmo.

Também é necessário distribuir mais os tokens em forma de curadoria. O próprio @proofofbrainio poderia abrir mais delegações ou as contas grandes que miseravelmente votam...

I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for in this post. One problem with respect to growth is money and time. I'm not too sure that money is the problem, but time certainly is an issue. We're all participating in the community, but we also have our own lives. It takes time to grow a community and reliable use cases for development.

I recently started reading and participating with insight.pob's talk series. I think something like that is good for the community because it asks for the basics and is forward-thinking to a degree.

In my case, I've been trying to record the proposals given by the community with the hopes of writing a project plan for proposal to pob. We've got a new front-end in use and in development. The next thing on the list I see as important is recruitment and refinement. We need to get more people involved with pob and then refine our governance to be as stable across the platform as possible. We need refinement to avoid the unnecessary instability.

I'm interested in the conversation you had with onealfa. It seems like there's a conversation I missed and I'd like to get it included for future reference. Can you send an article link?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Eighteen days late, friend, I'm sorry! I will improve! haha.
In fact, take it easy, time is really a major issue around here, and I can prove it with my own delay in responding to comments! But in a way this is still "my problem", due to lack of organization, and I hope to gradually discipline myself better in this regard. Of course, POB will continue to grow in popularity and projects, but it is still a "no man's land" in my view, where we could have more intelligent engagement (in terms of delegation, curatorship, etc.) from the greats. About this conversation I had with Onealfa, it wasn't in any text or topic, it was through Discord, where I just questioned him if he wasn't interested in taking on more responsibilities here, since he's a high-power profile, he could not only do a lot of the project develop, it would also have more profits, but it is not in his interest to get involved in something like creating a team or a group to take positions and take care of a parallel organization.
I was curious about your Insight.pobs comment, what is it about? Where I find?

In terms of @insight.pob most of his articles. I’m drawn to participate in them. A lot of people have questions there about the platform specifically.

If @onealfa doesn’t want to participate in the day to day honestly that’s his option as an investor regardless of his stake. He maintains a sort of regulatory position in my eyes. It’s what I’m used to in my career. He drops his opinion like anyone else when he feels the situation calls for it. I'm naturally drawn to his responses because he presents data to back it up.

Don’t worry about late responses. I would worry if no responses came at all. I appreciate the engagement.

My priority now is to continue with these POB talks, get a clear line on what POB is pursuing, and communicate his message as needed for the rest of the community.

Nice one and don't forget to carry your people's along with yourself for the success.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@thomashnblum, seriously, I really wish this community go to the next level soon.

This is my testimony: for the past few weeks, I've developed this urge to read some contents and do some comments to some appealing and relatable contents sometimes, unlike before. I'm already increasing the number of my posting due to the fact that I am already enjoying here, and in times, I'm hoping to increase the number of times for posting in this community.

I hope everything settles and ends well for the betterment of this community.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for commenting dude! Indeed, the trend of POB is for growth and we see more and more people interested in understanding the system and taking better advantage of it! Let's do our part as we can!

No problem dear friend @thomashnblum. Yes, you're absolutely right. And the trend is for growth as you've said earlier.

It's nice meeting you here. Looking forward to seeing your posts.

Stay blessed!

A falta de um caminho, de um road-map, de um norte.

Vejo algumas pequenas mudanças acontecendo, mas tudo ainda é muito simples para causar um grande impacto. Nós precisamos definir um farol para guiar essa comunidade.

... sem um time e um projeto por trás eu me questiono, aonde iremos parar?

Pois é! Também me questiono isso e fico preocupado em ver um projeto tão bom quanto este "parado" no tempo enquanto outros seguem avançando e dando passos mais largos.

Ótimo post, @thomashnblum!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Valeu irmão! Acho que a comunidade seguirá um bom tempo ainda nessa estrutura mais lenta de seu potencial latente. Quem sabe veremos grandes movimentos futuros, ao menos sei que fracassar ela não irá, afinal é o projeto mais instigante e avançado do Hive (exatamente por lidar diretamente com o estímulo humano).

You may think that you can't do anything because you are not in the top yet, but that's not right. You can and everyone can. We have so many curators, a project to curate and many ideas to do something even without being there like you said. Not all people here are for rewards, they need attention, they need support, they need guidelines. So, you can do what's on your hands and if everyone at least do something small it will be good. We just need more people who work for the favor of the community and everything will be ok. For example setting a goal to comment a few times a day may help you find those people who will be excited about the community even more, the more we have of such people, the better everything here will be.

Posted via proofofbrain.io