Here's the thing, the trans issue is minuscule with regards to their population representation. Not many people want to alter their junk. It is such a tiny minority that wishes to do this kind of thing. What I'm saying is there shouldn't be gender politics at all. It's stupid and meaningless; If a tiny fraction of individuals desire to change their gender, more power to them! They can go and do that. I don't rightly care. My point is the number of trans people doesn't even merit a national conversation, and this whole business of making it in vogue to cut off your penis or add one on is nonsense.
Granted, for trans people, it's an important topic, and I wish them the best regarding their transition, but seriously it's not that important for everyone to hone in upon. It's just one of those wedge issues that politicians are using to divide and conquer people. And with 120 odd genders, they're doing a damn fine job at skull fucking all of us. It's a bit like the OJ Simpson trial in America. Some lady got murdered, big whoop, but then transformed into a race issue and team black vs. team white.
"We the people," we have to get a bit smarter than the games they play on us, or else it will never end, and we'll get conquered indefinitely. Have you heard of body integrity dysphoria? Should that be the next national conversation? Should we dole out doctorates in academia dedicated to people who bravely choose to live without their limbs? What I'm saying is, this shit has got to stop. At some point, the adults in the room have to take over.
We need to stop gaslighting people into believing that they are special and unique snowflakes and that the world ought to bow at their feet because they're different—this is not how reality works. We should stop making people weak people and start making them strong. The overall health of the nation depends upon it.
We don't live in a dictatorship of the majority, so it doesn't matter the size of the population, it is meaningless to point out if it is 1% of the population or 50%. Also, the best way to solve an issue that affects such a "small minority" is to just give them the rights and allow them to do as they please.
As if it merits a national discussion, well, you are discussing so to you it looks like it merits, if it did not you would not invest time into it would you? But again, we don't live in a dictatorship of the majority, so the minorities are allowed to express and talk freely. Do you think they should be silenced?
If it was a good choice they will appreciate, if it was a wrong choice, well, it was a small minority, so it doesn't matter.
You seem to care and you are contributing to make the topic go on. You can't make a conversation stop by talking about it, that is not how politics work, by arguing you are contributing to the dialectic, either by proposing a thesis or an antithesis.
Now yes, I am sure politicians use this topic to divide people so I stand by the simplest solution that benefits most people and makes the most progress. To me the simplest solution is to just allow them to talk and discuss. Ideas need time to mature. They might reach wrong and bad conclusions but that has happened over and over throughout human history, we push humanity forward by making mistakes.
In the anedocte about my country, the mistake was exactly to oppose gender politics so fiercely, by using hate against gender politics an insane president was elected. People chose that everything was worth it to fight gender politics, they thought any price was worth it paying to fight it, and that lead us down a hole we might never recover from. So between silencing those voices or allowing them to make noises, I wish I could go back in time and make people choose to allow those voices because we are not a dictatorship.
If it is wrong let them make mistakes and learn. We already made a mistake to elect a madman that promissed to fight gender politics and it destroyed a nation.
But yeah, if they are such a small minority, just allowing them to do as they please should not be a problem at all. I still believe that any aesthetic surgery should be proceeded by psychological assitance, but other than that, I don't think there is much to talk.
In the end, if it is worth an academia doctorate, I am not a doctor from any field regarding humanities, so I literally have no base to take a stand on that regard. The academia is not a place to do what me or you or anyone want, it is a place to discuss new things, regardless if taboo or not. If a thesis is well done and the doctors and member think it is worth a doctorate, I can't oppose. If you can you are, I believe, more than welcome to do your research and publish your papers. I am not qualified or knowledgeable about that topic to go that far.
You make a good point in that, to a certain degree, I'm only fueling the fire by even talking about this nonsense. The fact is that the national conversation has gotten hijacked by gender politics, and in some retarded cities, they've gone out of their way to make it a crime to misgender people. Here's the thing, I think misgendering legit and genuine people who try to be the opposite sex is mean. I don't want to be that person because I'm a nice guy, and I respect people overall. But I don't think it should be a crime to misgender people because when you start regulating what people can say, that's the beginning of mind control and thought control. The same is true about regulating what people must say; If I am legally required to call you a "he or she" or a this or that or whatever. It means that you are dictating my thoughts. It means you are a tyrant about what things I can say. And that too meddles with free speech. I think people ought not to be assholes, but if you respect free speech, they have the right to say what they think; and the moment they do not have this right is when you are attempting to control their minds. They've forced this conversation to be had, and they are altering the laws to curb our rights to free speech because someone wants a gender reassignment. It's uncalled for and ought not to get tolerated. People ought to be nice, but also, someone's gender
my religion. And I shouldn't get legally compelled to respect you anymore or less than anyone else because of it. Any legal compulsion of speech leads to some Sieg Heil bullshit. Anyhow this does all tie into critical theory and the frankfurt school of Marxist shenanigans, it's a long walk but if you dig below the surface, there it is.I saw that news making it illegal to misgender people. I didn’t read the proposal itself so I am saying this as an ignorant:
It sounds bad. It would make sense to somehow punish someone for trying to misgender you on purpose with the goal to try to offend you, like a hate speech or bullying offense, but not if it were an honest/accidental misgender, like you told someone how you identify as a madcow but the person forgot, it is not their fault to forget.
Me myself I would not be offended if someone called me a woman, gay or whatever other gender they come up with (I am not knowledgeable about the topic).
I understand that some people may have grown traumatized by bullying, but then it would be a case of regular violence and offensive/hateful. Again, talking as someone ignorant as I never invested time into this topic. It would be silly to think there is no violence or crimes aimed specifically to hurt those people because hateful people do exist and transphobic and homophobic people exist.
But yeah, making misgender a crime doesn’t sound good. Doing it with the intention to offend or to bully makes sense to be a punishable offense, but I commit honest mistakes accidentally every time when I meet new people. Both parties need to tread lightly.
I think you may like this, it's a
lot of material packed into a
short three and half minutes.
I started already disagreeing with him. Yes, there are infinite ways to categorize people, so what? I am not a squarehead, let them identify with an apache helicopter. I won't be an issue if people just accept, agree or not.
I agree with him that assessing and classifying is hard, so my solution is leave it to whoever is interested in those politics, I am not so I am for leaving them be. The problem arrises from not letting people just be.
His arguments sounds like someone that is afraid of losing whatever "power" that only exists in his head. There is no problem in dividing people, people are inherently different and it is not a problem in any other field, religion, sports, hobbies, everyone tries to find something to identify.
No one is unique, that I grant, but if someone identifies, as he said "1/8 black" why would I care to begin with? I know a problem would arrive when someone "8/8 black" arrives and say "hold on, you are not black, I am black" but that is a discussion for them, not for me, my stand would be to let him identify with it but it is a loose position, if "they" come into an agreement it would make me decide in which feet to stand.
But Jordan's point is loose and not convincing, he sounds like the brazilian people that were scared and the fear made them elect a dumbass just because he promissed to end identity politics. Like I said, it did not go well over here. This speech is very very demagogue
Once you get down to the nitty-gritty, the truth is that: The largest minority is the individual, and that's what people need to re-remember. It's the less-divisive and most inclusive ideology which treats people the most equal. Anything else is a bunch of tribalism bullshit divide and conquer techniques. What Jordan said was distilled truth. It wasn't demagoguery at all. The truth is when you get politically divisive, dangerous things like democide ultimately can and will end up happening. Just look at Adolf Hitler. He did that same caste system bullshit and made people wear special arm badges to identify them as a this or a that. We'll be doomed to repeat history if we cannot learn from it. It's one thing to pander to unfounded fears, and it's another thing to give legitimate warnings. If I say to a child, "If you touch that fire, you'll get burnt, and it will hurt very badly," that doesn't make me a demagogue, but rather, a truth sayer.
Interesting dialogue here. I would like to join and add my point of view.
I've worked with young people, school drop-outs who have left their parents' homes and gone under the protection of the state institutions. Well, such is a double-edged sword. Pedagogues, who earn their living from their work, would be well advised not to add fuel to the fire and turn children against their parents. Or not let the young people out of their victimhood.
Some pedagogues I've seen so enamoured with their helper syndrome that they enjoy the fact that the young person now prefers them instead of the parents and do everything to confirm the helplessness they have experienced.
The house I worked for has about 25-30 flats where the young people live either alone or in pairs, often from their teens up to 21 years old. The rent and living costs are one hundred per cent financed by the state; these are immense budgets that are spent annually on housing the young people.
The young people are usually in therapy for many years and have perfected psychologist-speak. They manage to pull themselves out of all the demands made on them and see themselves as outcasts and misfits who are bullied because of this or that identity.
They are themselves permanently in love with their existence as outcasts and I have heard from them more than once that there is no way they will or want to attend a regular school. Insofar as they feel pressure to participate in any measures devised for them, they manage to boycott them successfully. All this then drags on until they complete the so-called youth welfare, at 21, when all funding finally ends.
The inability of these pedagogues to reintegrate the young people into the parental home and school life has to do with their attitude that these parental homes and schools are not a suitable place per se and instead of the young people familiarising themselves with the realities of life, they continue to be channelled through the system until they are too old at some point. What disturbed me the most was that young people were persuaded that they were fighting against a world that ignored their problems and left them to their own devices. Of course, the heroes of youth welfare come in handy. Teachers make it easy for themselves not to deal with their own lack of confidence in the classroom.
Young people who don't quite fit in are spotted early on, and the teachers in turn draw the attention of the youth welfare offices early on to so-called learning disorders and maladjusted behaviour. Parents are persuaded that they have disturbed children or are disturbed themselves and insofar as they do not resist interventions in their family life but accept that both they and their children need educational or psychological help, they become part of this complex system.
Where economic interests are mixed with psychological and social ones. The fact is that the social institutions are not really interested in downsizing or, for example, showing a high success rate. On the contrary, it is quite respected among the helpers to expand their sphere of influence even further and to attract new funds.
This sphere, small as it is in fact, is an expression of a much larger system of helpers, be it hospitals as big as a village, doctors' practices, cosmetic surgery and so on. A society in which the systems of helpers have grown immensely needs a mass influx of clients, patients = helpless people who voluntarily feed into the system. Every minority, no matter how insignificant, grows mentally into a movement in which the individual feels helpless. Nevertheless, I would say the whole thing is a birth of affluence.
I think we are dealing with an "everybody wants to help everybody" mentality in which ultimately independence from help is not only not achieved, but is economically unattractive.
I agree with you where you say that the constant discussion around such basically rather marginal issues of life only fuel them with more energy. The mass market demands masses of helpless and sick people. Where you look for them, you find them. It is a self-feeding system where the good approach of "helping people to help themselves" is merely lip service, not lived reality.
In my view, parties and oppositions have long since become a media theatre, an equally self-perpetuating sphere, detached from the realities of the "common man". Whereby I ask myself whether the common man, for his part, still exists at all and whether the so-called Western world does not already have an oversupply of theorists and media workers who far exceed the number of craftsmen, farmers and those working in the real field.
This may all sound very negative and I can also take a rather humorous attitude to it, but that would make this already long comment even longer.