POB TALK 13/10/2021 - #137

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

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Do you go to the shopping mall or the centers which makes you physically move?
Or do you order everything online? How do you find reasons to go out if you do online shop only?

😂 This got me laughing because I thought of something after reading your question.

I saw an update on WhatsApp saying "If you refuse to go out, you'll never meet your soul mate or are you hoping your soul ate would come find you inside your room?" 🤣 so funny but that's just a fact we should know.

While online shopping is cool, physical shopping is way more cooler and full of fun, life and opportunities... You know what I mean.

So I'd prefer going out to buy my stuffs 😊

"If you refuse to go out, you'll never meet your soul mate or are you hoping your soul ate would come find you inside your room?"

Lol, this may be true except when I go out I'm not looking to meet anybody. I just want to shop and go home, every other thing is by the way.

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Yeah, some aren't looking but we never know what things might turn to be 🤷‍♀️

Occasionally thing doing by me because it depends on what exactly goods or product I want to shop so I can do it online if I can find in our local market

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Ordering things is cool when am busy. But honestly i prefer going out to buy cause it offers me the opportunity to meet people i can be of help to or can be of help to me. And most time people i can be friends with. People with different character makes life sweat. The thing i fear most in my life is being alone.

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I'm not a fan of shopping online, I rarely do so...the last time I purchased a dress online, I regretted it so bad😭, camera and graphics makes everything looks best online. Hence, I prefer shopping physically, although stressful because I have to walk around to get the best but I don't mind. Even when there's no time, I make out some.

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Good morning@esmeesmith,I luv your questions and your questions give more edge to express my inner most feeling,as I do say it depend on an individual and periorty giving to each and everyone standard of living.to me I prefer the centers due to the reason below
1 meeting with the people more understanding when it come life not people with pride
2 opportunity to buy more at affordable prize.
3 opportunity to Interact with different customerwhne it come to buying and selling.

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I shop online occasionally depending on what I want to get but I prefer going to the mall physically

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I like physical shopping more because I get to examine what it is I want to buy, I also indulge in online shopping when I can afford to live with anything they send my way

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Good morning fam,

It's another day, keep doing the good work.


Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.. ✌️

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Good morning to you Raph. The good and quality things we do when no one is looking most times gets you more rewards.

Do enjoy your day.

Definitely friend because no supervision on what you are doing call quality Keep it up good quote from you

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Hmm that's a new definition for quality and I agree with you on that.

People tend to do nice things when others are looking and then become their real self which aren't too good when others aren't looking

#fakelife that's what's they're living so let's strive to do quality at all times

Hi dear, How are you doing?
Always Compete with yourself, never settle for ordinary, keep pushing yourself and be the best version of yourself. Remember its only impossible until it is achieved. 😊🙏. !PIZZA

Good morning to you all. It's a new day once again. Drink as much water as you can and smile as much as you can. Do have A beautiful day.


When you are meeting someone for the first time, what's the impression you would like to make on the person?

Drinking as much water as I can (I'm very bad at yielding to this advice 🤦‍♀️ but I'll try) is very important for our health. I do smile a lot though 😃😊

And the answer to your question would be "I want to make a really good impression and attract the person in a way that he or she would love to meet me again and for a more better reason.

I guess we're more of making good impression in everything we do because that kinda gets us going on to do more.

Nice question 👍

Please do try to drink as much water as possible. It will help you A lot.

Making good impression is the key, like the impression you made the first day you stepped into #pobTalk🙂

😂 Now he's going back to remind me of my vibe or whatever I did when I first started 🙈😊 I'm feeling highhhhhhhh 😃🤣

Thanks a lot and yeah, I'll drink more water... Maybe 😬🙈

Good morning! Drinking water is very good until you consider how many times you have to pee🥴🥴

To answer your question, when I'm meeting someone for the first time I like to just be myself. To me it's not about the impression I'm making, it's about telling this person "if you want to continue with me, this is who you'll see most of the time".

So while trying to be my best self, I do not try to be who I'm not just to leave an impression.

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Good morning! Drinking water is very good until you consider how many times you have to pee🥴🥴

😂now this is so funny. Good morning to you too.

I love your point of view on this. It's better to be yourself. You might be trying to leave a good impression and end up pretending or worse still doing what you hate just to impress the person

You might be trying to leave a good impression and end up pretending or worse still doing what you hate just to impress the person

Exactly my point, at the end of the day when you eventually try to be yourself, they will start saying you have changed and the rest. You may even find out they don't like the real you, just that person you claimed to be.

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I did like the person to desire against all things to meet again and again.
Good impression is key to relationship,

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Good morning everyone, I've been taking my time with my health and thanks to God, I'm getting better.

Thank you all for showing some love 2 days ago...I really appreciate, you all are the best! 💕.

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Morning. Good to know your health is much better. You're welcome, I believe that's why we all here for, to become one family

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Ooh sorry to hear about your health, please take your time and take very good care of your self.

I wish you stronger and healthier body.
Have a blissful day ahead.

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That's great news to hear, I bet you'll be perfectly fine soon enough and get on to work with a lively heart 😃🙄

Take care of your health and rest while you can, we will keep wishing you good health from here... We got you Bro 😉

Good morning from this end my good people of hivers.
It's a warm morning here and i woke this morning been greatful for what i have most especially for life.
My friends, how do you feel when things around you seems not to be working? I mean a particular day it just seems everything in that day is off, have you experience that before cause sometimes in my life i feel so and then i kind of withdraw myself from people. In such case i did pinch myself and say haa, be greatful for what you have and like magic i did be cheerful again. How then do you get yourself out of depression? Am anxiously waiting for your response.

Alright, my day wouldn't be complete if i didn't wish us a beautiful day. So as you go out today Favour that you're not expecting will locate you, a power from somewhere will cause people to look your way and favour you.
May your day be filled with bliss. Do have a lovely day my friends and family.

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Hello @dprudent two days no #pobtalk, i hope you have been great?

how do you feel when things around you seems not to be working?

The best way i can handle such moment is to focus on those things that i have going on right with me, with that i don't get upset by the things going on wrong .

Beside i can hardly get upset these days when there is hive and POB here for me 24/7

Is nice to have you here again pal, enjoy the rest of the day.

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Thanks alot, had little challenge that i needed to deal with, now i have a way around it.
Quite interesting to note the effect this wonderful community can have on people. #pob and hive is simple the best beat.

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Good morning to you. I have such days a lot, sometimes I feel some powers are bent on seeing that my everyday is tormented.

What I simply do is to let go, listen to loud music and just be on my own. This really helps me to settle my mind and forget a lot of things

Music is a blessing to the soul. U picked a good way to relax. Nice one

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It is starting to get cold where I am. I have a cardigan on plus socks! Winter is coming, alas.

Sorry about that, i would have invited you to come over, but the distance might be too much, plus lots of engagement going on over there with you. Any ways try in as much as possible to have yourself fully covered and ready for the cold.

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Your answer to the question is very valid and that is what I would have said if you had not answered so I'll just add this.

Life is like that, we can't happy all the time just as we can't be sad all the time. What we need to do during those sad and depressing moments is to think happy thoughts and stay grateful, we could cheer up through that.

Have a nice day out there friend, nice question.

Yes my good friend staying happy is wonderful remedy.

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I've been having many of those days recently. I just try to remind myself of the days things were going perfectly well and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. Plus it's always a phase and it will pass

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Surely, it will definitely pass. The thought of success is enough to change everything. I know you are stronger, do always believe in yourself.

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Hey the beautiful queen and handsome kings I. The great community pobtalk,Is been a while now and thanks GOD we all alive to witness today and may we all see today ameen.with that I greet you all with the greeting that supercede all the greeting in this world and hereafter which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi ta Allah wa barakatuhu, meaning may the blessing and mercy of the almighty GOD be with us all ameen.also may his wisdoms and his spoken word locate each and everyone of us in this great community pobtalk.once again good morning to you all.

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