
That and more. They do not respect my health conditions. I can't wear one. I'm not going to get into why, but there are very serious reasons why I can't, plus years of medical documentation to support that. They don't care. I am self-governed, always have been, so that is how I live my life.

If they want to starve me because of it, I say let it happen, go for it.

If you have the paperwork they can't refuse you! You can fight this...

I'm not interested in fighting. My preferred style is to walk away and remove all my support. No drama to deal with. I figure out a solution for myself that works instead. I walk my own path, always have.

Just don't let them cause you to starve! Maybe buy online?

I don't do online shopping, never have, never will. Yes, I'm a complete weirdo. I do look out for myself, but I will also decide for myself what is right for me. I will not give power over me to anyone, never have, never will.

Good for you :) I know you will find a way to get what you need :)

Thank you. Not everyone likes that quality about me, but I don't expect them to either. I will find a path somehow, yes. 😊 Maybe ask for some help from the cemetery spirits? 😂😂😂