in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)




It’s hot and super humid. The traffic, the noise, the constant rush-rush of la-la land grinds away at the senses. It seems that too many are comfortable (or are they?) with all of it. I walk on, fading into the background. There’s a quiet space within that. It’s not long now anyway.

Beneath interlaced branches, the trees breathe a cooling balm as I walk down into the ravines. The chaos of la-la land abates. I’ll take any bit of access to the natural world I can get, especially these days. On all levels, I need it.



Hiking inside a city; it’s always been such a novel idea to me, even after several years. It’s an experience I never had growing up, since I grew up in a village. Hiking has a very different meaning in the city than what I grew up with. There are no real woodlands here. Instead, there are the remains of land that’s been pillaged and abandoned, with partial attempts to resuscitate it in the most meaningful(?) of ways. I’ve long noticed where the benefits of such endeavours flow.

There are ideas, the beginning grassroots and formation of whatever group, the push to get grants, donations, funding. All of which is highly competitive. It grows a bit and then a little more, depending on various circumstances. Many fail. Once it gets to a point of receiving enough “attention” and “interest”, it will inevitably become co-opted and used to facilitate other plans. Also, there is the in-fighting, the “me-me-me’s”, that go on and on in a mindless chattering litany. Those daring to be too different from the group in their ideas and thoughts are shamed into adopting group mentality to enough of a degree to survive within it. If they do not do this, they are pushed out of the group.



I’ve been directly involved with some of these groups, the longest was about three years for two different ones. They had good intentions for the most part, although neither exists now. What I saw though, is the allowing of outside influences to dictate and completely alter the direction of such well-meaning intentions. I see people not paying attention to how they are influenced and it gets to a point where there is this coldness, this detachment, this lack of care that develops, while one grinds through the whole experience.

Thoughts like this go through my mind every time I go to a certain area of the ravines. It is land and people that have been treated in the manner I’ve described above. I watched it all happen over a period of years because it was a project I was interested in becoming involved with. It’s very noticeable once something becomes appropriated. This occurred before an opportunity for me to become involved came up.

As I walked by that area in the ravines, I felt gratitude that I never became involved with anything there. It’s one less repeat experience of the same old, same old.

(image removed)

Off the main beaten paths I go, as soon as possible to reach one of the spots I have mapped in my mind. It’s a short walk down to the creek from there, then along to two large rocks on one side. They are positioned like a leaning back chair. Both are rounded and smooth. It’s a natural seating area where I can use another small rock as a footrest, or soak my feet in the creek flowing by.

I hear the sound of the water washing along, up, over and around the rocks. The trees canopy overhead, while the sun spots patches to light up. It’s quiet. The city is muted, with only the occasional sound of others walking the main paths and the cicadas' click-click-click buzzing song. Relaxing into such moments is the most delicious experience.

Across the creek, up higher, is a huge ash tree. The sun had lit it up with what looked like over a hundred pinpoints of light. I watched it dance in the wind and light. Ash leaves are darker green; but in the light at that time of day, they looked bright green, lighter green, yellow, and highlighted with brilliant white dots of lights. What a gift to be there in that moment to see this.


The tree in the sun and the sun in the tree; they are one, connected and interdependent on each other.




There are so many beautiful aspects of life like this that go unnoticed where I live. I don’t even have to go to the ravines to see them either. It could be anything, if one opens to the experience.

For years now, I get these looks from people I know when I point out the texture of a flower, the way water looks, a leaf, things I find on the ground that others consider garbage and so on. There’s this distinctive impression that they think I’m strange for seeing the world this way. I think they are missing out, which is the whole point of my sharing with them. There’s an openness that is necessary and a willingness to be present in the moment.



I leave the creek behind, my cooled off feet now snugged into my boots. Even in the heat, I wear boots, an old habit. Other footwear doesn’t work well in the woods. Today, I took my camera with me hiking, a first, since this time I wanted to capture some photos. I think of the last hike when I didn’t have my camera.

I’d done a seven hour exploration. On the way back I’d turned off to the creek, went down to it for the spot I like to sit. Crisscrossing back and forth, I lost my balance, kissed several rocks with my body as I fell in, and then popped back up again half wet. I was grateful my camera wasn’t taken on that day. It would have met with water.



No scaling ravines today, a walk instead, so I can take photos. I took the paved path through the revived area. I avoid this almost always. I see there’s now a camera with audio recording capability installed on the path.

Always under surveillance. It never ends. Why does everything have to be shoved into some kind of conformity? The natural world knows its way. Nature doesn’t need human interference to force it into anything.



As I’m circling back around, not far from a willow tree, I’m bombarded by this shrieking out of nowhere. I’m about twenty yards from the tree. I don’t recognize the sound. I know it’s a bird. I can’t see it but there’s no not hearing it.

Someone wants my attention. I was going to walk by without looking but there was an instance that I go to the tree, so I do. It’s a young hawk. I should have known. I watch them all the time and know where several hang out in parts of the city. I’ve never heard their calls due to the city noise.

I decide to photograph it. The angle of the light isn’t good. I keep adjusting my position to get a better shot. The hawk is very aware of me. It is twelve feet above me in the tree. It keeps moving and finally flies a little higher to a branch where the leaves obscure most of it.

I’m thinking, you called me to you and now you won’t stay put for a few seconds so I can get decent shot. We danced a little more like that until it took flight from the tree, swooped around and headed north. I thought, I see, it’s a message delivery, not a photo opportunity. Message received. I move on.



I’m on my way out of the ravines now. I stop to look at the garden on the way out. It’s a part of the revival effort. It’s there as a teaching tool for the programs they have. I’m saddened by what I see. Little to no effort has been taken to attend to it. I’m not sure why.

Watching food going to waste never sits well with me, especially when I’m acutely aware of how many people in the city live on the street with limited access to food (most of which is unhealthy food), not to mention all those barely scraping by, cemented in poverty.



This “revived” place has been developed to meet the demands of those who are more entitled. Everything must be palatable on their terms. There’s a weekly farmers market, if you can call it that. The contrast between the vendors and the customers is like black and white.



I used to enjoy having access to fresh farm produce and chatting with some of the vendors, despite having the entitled customers elbow me to and fro. On one occasion one of them attempted to shove me out of their way. I became an unmoving rock and took even longer because of this behaviour.

I’m not as pretty or acceptable as they are. They see that and then try to doormat me. I’m having none of it. I haven’t been able to go that market for almost two years. Those making the calls on rules have made it impossible for me to go buy food there now.



It’s just one more good-bye to life before.

This is now “normal”.
How long before I can’t buy food at all?
I know this is coming.
This is what people want.
They support it with their behaviour and choices.
So be it.



All photos taken by Nine with a Pentax digital 35mm camera and 90mm Tamron macro lens.


Your writing is so poetic. I really enjoyed reading this piece from you. It’s amazing that you have such a place full of beautiful scenery to visit and relax. These photos are incredible!! I loved every single one of them. I’m not even brave enough to walk through a forest but your photos made me want to go explore one. 😊

I can imagine how disappointing it is to see all that wasted food. Is this resuscitation being advertised enough? I wonder how many people in need know this is available for them.

I started appreciating the smaller things in nature once I became an amateur photographer. The littlest things get me excited now and I love trying to capture them.

Thanks for such a wonderful read ~

Wow, wow, wow, thanks! I've never written like this until I joined Hive. It means a lot to hear that. I'm happy you enjoyed my photos. I wasn't pleased with several of them (utter crap), lol, but managed some that were good.

This place isn't scary at all in terms of "forest". You'd probably like it I think. There are other photos I took, but they clearly identify the area, so I couldn't post those. If you saw those, you'd see what I mean about it being like that. That said, I'll look for the roughest trails, the most woodsy parts.

They probably have let it all go because of the restrictions, that's my guess. There's a tiny window of a little less but it looks like that's going to come to an end very soon. Regardless of the situation, it's a waste of food. I guess it's the way I grew up. I was taught not to waste anything.

Photography will do that to you. Anything creative will draw your attention to all kinds of ways of seeing in fact. That's wonderful that you had that experience with photography. I love hearing these things from anyone.

Thanks for such a wonderful read ~

You're welcome, thank you for reading and commenting. 😊

You’re welcome! 😉

Oh wow we’re in the same boat. I didn’t realize how much I liked writing or how creative I could actually get with it until joining Hive! Yay! 😃

Oh okay I see. Yes, definitely understand you can’t post those photos that reveal location (I refrain from doing that too).

It’s heartbreaking seeing so many nice things come to an end due to all of these new restrictions.

I too was raised not to waste food. Although I break that training from time to time but really try hard not to.

For sure! It was really enjoyable ~ 😊

Thank you! That's too funny, we're in the same boat. Frankly, I've always been oriented towards visual art and if not that, music. I never thought I could write, never mind something decent. It's been quite a surprise to go down this path and I'm actually enjoying writing for the first time. I can see you had that discovery too. Also, I have to admit, I am getting inspired by people on Hive, in terms of ideas and so on. This seems to happen with others also. What a delicious unexpected experience (since I thought, writing is going to kill me, that will be hard but going to try anyway, LOL).

Yes, location protection. I usually don't think of that until after I've taking photos and have to edit or not use certain ones. I'm glad to hear you do the same. It's nice to have that company, since sometimes I feel sad I can't post those ones.

Restrictions yes, new ones now today I saw on waking. I let go of a lot of things last year, more this year, and still more to come. It's obvious things are going to keep plowing forward like this, so I figured best I grieve the losses, let go, and move on. The hardest is watching others struggle and suffer.

I had the feeling you were also raised that way about not wasting food. It's impossible to not be human, things slip at times. I can always hear my parents in my head when I do that though, so as you do, I try hard not to. 😂

Lovely to chat with you, get to know you a bit, and hopefully more as time goes by. 😊

Yeah Nine, you just transported me to this walk which was awesome considering it's freezing here and I also want to get out and take beautiful photos. Your writing is fluid and tinged with melancholy. I like it.

Have a great day.


Wow, freezing where you are. What country are you in? I know the feeling about wanting to get out to take photos and having the cold discourage that. Thank you for what you've said about my writing, I like that. Thank you also for checking out my post.

I hope you have a good day too Andy. 😊

Hey Nine, thanks for writing back.

I'm in South Africa, we have generally mild weather here, so this is pretty freaking cold for me. I must admit that the cold weather creeps into my skin and then I just can't motivate myself to go outside. I wish I was like my daughter, she is impenetrable when it comes to the weather. 3 degrees? No worries, she'll be out there playing up a storm not feeling the temperature or wind at all.

While I was reading your post I was thinking back to certain "environmental groups" that I had to work alongside and the issues that come with it. It's very sad what you say, also tends to become the project of the highest bidder and you have to lick that person's boot - something I just don't do. Needless to say, I was not overly well liked in that arena as I'd choose the options best suited for the actual area and not what the rich kid wanted to do in his/her new found "playground". So I get it. I'm no longer part of any of those groups or groupies - my integrity just won't let me be a part of any of it.

Anyway enough of my rambles. Have a good one Nine.


Ah, South Africa! It makes sense how you'd feel the chill then. I think children, well, they don't pay as much attention to those things like adults do. I know I didn't, but now I do. LOL.

So you've had the lovely experience of these groups too. Good on you for standing your ground. It's exactly how you've described. I don't do boot licking either, that's just devaluing oneself to serve other purposes. Not a healthy way to be in my mind.

I've also encountered the "not well liked" experience many times, but I don't care. I have to be true to myself or I can't sleep at night. Also not part of these groups now for several years. I'm done with all that. Best I be different as I walk about the world, no group needed to make a difference by doing it that way.

Loved your rambles and thoughts. I relate. Thank you for sharing.


On one occasion one of them attempted to shove me out of their way. I became an unmoving rock and took even longer because of this behaviour.

Well done, those sort of entitled pricks can shove off.

I was recently in Aspen, a town I like to describe as nauseatingly wealthy. Peeps there be walking down the sidewalk coming at me in a group, taking up the whole sidewalk. The polite thing to do would be to shift into single file as I approach, thus sharing the sidewalk with me. They hold rank. I keep walking at them; we're getting awkwardly close. Still they refuse to share. So finally, when we're just a couple feet apart, I just stop in my tracks and stand there staring holes through their heads. They finally get the message and realize I'm not a doormat, and they walk around me. Fuckers. You gotta stand up for yourself.

Sweet pics.

those sort of entitled pricks can shove off.

My sentiments exactly, lol

So finally, when we're just a couple feet apart, I just stop in my tracks and stand there staring holes through their heads. They finally get the message and realize I'm not a doormat, and they walk around me. Fuckers. You gotta stand up for yourself.

I like you. This is exactly what I do where I live as scads of people do this here. I tried many techniques for years but I found the most effective and favourite is the stopping dead like that. 🤣🤣🤣
Some of my favourite people are ones who have an extreme attachment to one side of the sidewalk or the other, just won't give ground, even if it means walking in the road or on some lawn.

Other favourites are:
The tourist approach...look at all those tall buildings way, way up there (as I crane my head in whatever direction and pick up my pace). For some reason when people think that someone is out of it and not paying attention, they move.

Staring at the palm of my hand while talking (I'm not with anyone) and appearing not to see or hear anything around me.

Thanks so much, happy you liked the pics!

Other favourites are:

Have you tried the madman approach? It's the one where you whip out your knife and start waving it around and screaming at nothing in particular. In my experience it is highly effective.

That would be a take down, ie, cops, charges. In Canada, you're not allowed to carry sharp pointy objects unless they are harmless, so there's that too. Now, if I were somewhere else, that would be most effective. LOL

Why aren't you allowed in the farmers market? Nobody can stop you. As for the public garden, can't the homeless be invited to tend it, and enjoy the harvest?

I loved the nature walk, thank you :)

The restrictions here are the problem and they won't respect my exemption, which is in the by-law code. I'm not going to argue with anyone, so I just won't go and let them discriminate against me. I didn't even go there once things became restricted almost two years ago now, I asked someone how it was there, so I didn't waste my time going to be denied access to buying food there. With how things are going here, it looks like it may change to my not having access to buy any food for the same reason. So not a fun situation for anyone.

They would never allow any homeless in that garden. They are the "unacceptable" people. This garden is for those who are involved with the programs there and those tending the garden.

Glad you enjoyed the nature walk. It's a nice break for me to go on those hikes.

Oh, the mask requirement? If it comes down to wearing one for a few minutes or starving, you should consider it. Starving is sort of fatal!

That and more. They do not respect my health conditions. I can't wear one. I'm not going to get into why, but there are very serious reasons why I can't, plus years of medical documentation to support that. They don't care. I am self-governed, always have been, so that is how I live my life.

If they want to starve me because of it, I say let it happen, go for it.

If you have the paperwork they can't refuse you! You can fight this...

I'm not interested in fighting. My preferred style is to walk away and remove all my support. No drama to deal with. I figure out a solution for myself that works instead. I walk my own path, always have.

Just don't let them cause you to starve! Maybe buy online?

A question I get a lot is "how did you know that?"
My answer is "I read the sign"

Perfect message for today. I wonder how many understood the whole of it?

Your writing is a joy to read. Hope all is well in your world!

Too funny 😂

Thanks, I wonder that too. I see you're adept at reading between the lines. 😁 Thank you for noticing that. You'd be the first person that's made reference to the things I, um, embed in my posts.

Thank for your supportive words about my writing. It's so encouraging to hear and spurs me on. It's been a very peaceful day, most of the time it's like that, since I create it. I hope you're having a good one also 😊

I don't know much about cameras but you sure are good at making yours do tricks. You people who just walk, walk, walk-walk-walk like it's no big deal. Show off.

That part about people look at you weird when you appreciate weird things makes me wanna go off on a tangent about how as kid I was the most extroverted ever like extra extravert even early in my career and how now with each passing day I go waayyy the other way like intro-introvert but I don't wanna get all tangenty.

I don't know much about cameras but you sure are good at making yours do tricks. You people who just walk, walk, walk-walk-walk like it's no big deal. Show off.

I don't know that much about cameras, I just flip around a few settings, shoot 300-400 photos at once, hope for the best, and see what I get once home. If there's nothing good, it's back out to shoot a load more of photos until I get what I'm after. I'm surprised you didn't make comment about waterproofing cameras again, LOL. Okay, I'll admit I've been playing with photography since age twelve. It's a practice and developing one's eye.

I like it when you get all tangenty. That's called tangential thinking. How you went from extreme extrovert to extreme introvert boggles my brain. How on earth did that happen?

Thanks @dandays. I always love your comments. Kinda missed hearing you snark about water and my camera in this one. I did give you an opening too. 😂😂😂

It's your fault. You painted such a vivid display of falling girl who managed to smack every.single.rock en route to the laundromat I assumed you were graceful with your camera like drunk guy who smacked every step and handrail on his way to the seat and didn't spill his beer.


"The Camera"

was not on me that day. I'm smart. No acrobatics when I have the camera. Go slow. Be careful. Pay attention. If I want to tattoo myself with bruises, I do that without the camera along for the ride. Last year I decided to punch a tree with the meaty part of my palm to slow my decent (a little martial arts thing). A bit of bruising, but not much on that part of my hand. Takes practice to build up the tissue to withstand the impact. Tree Punching

Yay! 🤗
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Don't give up, sow some food seeds in the ravine, perhaps? I just love that burly tree bark photo, that would make a good stock photo

It's all highly polluted, not safe to grow anything to eat there. The small food garden there is in a raised bed arrangement for that reason.

Glad you enjoyed the burly bark on that tree. Thank you!

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I find this post very interesting and horrific based on the fact that some of the photos were so cute and flashy while some of the photos were very gross! But all thesame it was entertaining and that's so cool.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you. Which photos did you find cute and flashy and which did you find very gross?

You are welcome.

The 'Bubble Reflection and the Creek Connection' was so gross. But the flowers and birds🐦 photos were so gorgeous.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hahaha, I thought it was maybe those ones. Thanks for answering me. I can see why you would perceive them that way, so I get it.

I'll tell you what! You thought right.

The pleasure is mine because i got the privilege to witness that with my mobile phone. Bravo.🤲

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you, 😂!

You are welcome.😊

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Very nice post!

Thank you for checking my post out!

Que buenas las imagines, me encanto, felicitaciones por tan buen post!!

Gracias, me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado!