How happy or unhappy you are?
Mixed, but rather unhappy because of the financial discrimination and other problems in my country (Hungary).
also is as a result of your habits or how successful or unsuccessful you are? can also be result of your habits.
I am sure that the financial discrimination is not a result of my habits, but rather the result of the habits of the corrupt politicians in my country. And also the result of the fact that the EU does not do anything against this tyrant government. We have quasi-dictatorship in the middle of Europe. Just it is not official. But there was at least once "Hello, dictator" to our "prime minister" in a EU meetup in 2015.
Greetings from Hungary.
Sorry to hear that.. I get your points vividly. I myself I am from Nigeria. Another country ruled by Corrupt politicians only can only embezzle funds for themselves and their immediate families whereas the masses suffer so I very much understand. But I am hoping and wishing you don't get too deep to things you can easily let go. I have my own habits which some is not on the government but myself. That is why I am working on a project about habits and addicts.. Hopefully you get to see it too.