2022 Reflections: poetry, pictures & wishes ✨


This is where we (all) live...

After I took this picture underneath a red Floridian sky, found myself thinking how very fortunate we are to inhabit such an enchanted planet, however briefly.


Now, that it’s coming to a close, finally, feeling strangely tender towards this difficult year — like a strict master — and letting it go with a surge of gratitude, respect and awe...

Dear Friends in #Hive,

On the last day of the last month of this unfathomable year, I find myself cautiously optimistic as I share these New Year's Greetings.

Wishing us unshakable patience and gratitude to embrace whatever else may come our way...

Here’s a little poem of mine in honor of 2022:

Forgive this year
it did its best
to break you down

And forgive yourself
if you failed
to rise to the occasion

Bless the New Year
for granting us
another chance

Here’s another picture, that I took in Peru, which I hope will inspire you to have personal and professional breakthroughs :


May our bodies and minds be free of old suffering; may we finally find the courage, discipline, sanity and clarity to clear fear hurdles, break off self-destructive habits and step closer to that oft dreamt of Transformation!

Thank you, Friends, for sharing the journey with me, here. I wish you Peace & Joy on your Way 🙏🏼🕊💫

May we continue, in the New Year, to ward off the dark, as best we can...

“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.”

―T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets


Awesome pic of you and your queen and the Florida sky. Time to soar into 2022. Happy New Year! :)

Bless you, brother 🤗 Modest expectations for the New Year and giving thanks for all the things I once took for granted. 🙌🏼

Sending good cheer to you & yours — wishing health, joy & luck 🍀

Yay! 🤗
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