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RE: Recording drums with the Yamaha EAD10

in Drumminglast month

Ooh! We will happily welcome you to the cult of Hive drummers. There are some nice e-kits out there. Roland did a new one that is designed to reduce the noise even more. Some people build isolation platforms, often using half tennis balls between sheets of wood. I am fortunate to live in a detached house, but my better half will still complain about the tapping noises. I play the acoustic kit when she is out.

There are loads of free lessons on Youtube. I just joined Drumeo to get more structure and they do have a lot of content. Maybe we can get the Hivers to give some tips in their videos.


I'll be honoured to be part of that... have to get those drums first of course. But I'll write a post about the mini-studio I that suddenly appeared in my living room.