Recording drums with the Yamaha EAD10

in Drumminglast month

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I have had my Tama drum kit for about a year now and have done some videos of it, but recording with a phone is not great. Ideally you should have lots of microphones to record each instrument and cymbal individually as well as capturing the general room sound. I was willing to compromise for a simpler setup.

I had seen lots of people using the Yamaha EAD10, including some top Youtubers. You just clamp the microphone/trigger unit to your bass drum and play. The idea of the trigger part is that it detects when you play the bass drum and it fires off a sample, but with my kit that is not working. Of course I looked online and found that lots of other people had the same issue. There does not seem to be a definitive reason, but it must be that the vibrations from the drum head are not reaching the rim. There could be part of the drum is damping that. Some people just bought a dedicated trigger that senses from the head, but I am not looking to spend that extra money just yet. I am looking at a possible DIY solution that will be pretty cheap and will report on that later.

Even without the trigger the recorded sound is pretty good. In the video I do an introduction before actually playing and I switched to the sound I was getting on my phone for part of that. I have to say it is pretty terrible whilst the EAD10 capture the drums well.

There are lots of settings to play with. You can do some really far-out effects if you want or keep it more natural. I could take the raw sound and process it on the PC too. This device was not cheap, but I think I will get a lot of use from it.

Rock on!

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This is something that really interest me these days. My home is filling up with instruments, and as I did play a lot of drums when I was young, I really love being able to sit at a drum set. BUT, I live on the forth floor in a flat and I also want to take my wife into consideration. So all I did was buying an African hand drum and two drum sticks with the intent of getting better at polyrhythms (quickly realising that I had a lot of things I had to learn before I could get beyond simple triplets.) But now my wife actually has said that maybe I should get one of those electronic drum sets as I use any opportunity to practise with my sticks just on my legs... So maybe!!!

Ooh! We will happily welcome you to the cult of Hive drummers. There are some nice e-kits out there. Roland did a new one that is designed to reduce the noise even more. Some people build isolation platforms, often using half tennis balls between sheets of wood. I am fortunate to live in a detached house, but my better half will still complain about the tapping noises. I play the acoustic kit when she is out.

There are loads of free lessons on Youtube. I just joined Drumeo to get more structure and they do have a lot of content. Maybe we can get the Hivers to give some tips in their videos.

I'll be honoured to be part of that... have to get those drums first of course. But I'll write a post about the mini-studio I that suddenly appeared in my living room.

Good choice my friend! 🤘

I'd heard good things from a lot of people, but this issue with the trigger is a little annoying. I have played with the settings to no effect. I will see if I can try it on another drum some time. I know the trigger works as I can tap the unit with a stick and it fires.

Simply... could it be the unit with some software problem?

I don't think so as I can see the trigger sensor is working. It is not essential to have the trigger for now anyway.

In fact, I would say that that control unit is really designed to work more easily without it. The only icorporated trigger is the one on the bass drum, then the integrated microphones do the rest! I've seen some videos and the result is not bad at all!

I have the option to add other triggers that I could use to get some more options on the kit.

This guy is a big user of the EAD10 and has some strong opinions on how to use it.

El Estepario is a super drummer!

It does sound good!

Isn't it annoying when issues like the one you have described don't seem to be in reviews?

It is an amazing device, but the lack of triggering is odd. Even on full gain it doesn't detect anything. The mics pick up the bass drum, but it would give the option to mix in other sounds.

That is odd indeed. There is almost always someone with a workaround as well. Bloody internet letting us all down!

I'll be sure to document what I get up to with it.

So, so cool!!