Three Types of Beautiful Mushrooms for #FungiFriday

in FungiFriday2 months ago

Hi friends of the #Hive and friends of the #FungiFriday Community wherever you are, I am very happy that today I am still sharing this extraordinary Community with you.

I'm still enthusiastic about looking for mushrooms even though sometimes the search has to stop because of the rain. However, in both the rainy and dry seasons, we can still get mushrooms if we are willing to look for them. Like this time I got more mushrooms and shared them here.

"My Contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw"

The first mushroom I share is Panus neostrigosus This mushroom is like most other mushrooms that I often find growing on parts of trees that have died and are in the process of decay. It is small in size and does not break easily when we hold it, the color is attractive and fine hairs grow all over it. The feathers add to the attractive appearance of these mushrooms.

The second fungus is Schizophyllum commune It grows on dead trees and only a few, maybe as the wood gets more rotten, more fungus will grow again later. I often find this mushroom, this mushroom also seems to be covered with fine hairs on every part. This mushroom still looks wet with rainwater, one of the obstacles to looking for mushrooms now is the rain.

The third mushroom is the softest mushroom, I can't even hold this mushroom directly with my hands. To take the photo I had to lift the part of the banana stem where this fungus grows, apart from its small size it also breaks very easily, if it breaks of course it doesn't look pretty anymore in the photo 🙂. I found this fungus growing on rotting banana stems. The layers of the banana stem have withered, because the banana stem is often wet because it is exposed to rain, maybe that's why this fungus grows in that place. This mushroom breaks very easily, is small in size and also looks still wet from being exposed to rainwater.

OK friends, those are some of the mushrooms that I can share this time. Thank you for coming, I hope you are happy and entertained.

By @dzaky12


It's great that you can always find beautiful species of mushrooms regardless of the season
The species of mushrooms you found were beautiful, but the first species is the one that caught my attention the mostHello sir @dzaky12 good day

Hi too @miprimerconcurso, these are some of the many beautiful mushrooms among many others. Glad to share here with you and other friends.

The yellowish mushroom looks so much like bread, I want to bite it 😂

😀... Looks tempting. But be careful my friend, not all mushrooms are edible