Como están los apasionados seguidores de esta increíble ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFridayContest¨: Este es uno de esos desafíos que espero con ansiedad, dado que además de compartir con todos los hongos que hay en mi ciudad, conozco otras especies que hay en otras parte que no sea mi ciudad, y eso es realmente genial, poder agrandan mis conocimientos que lo que me apasiona Muy feliz de acompañar a nuestro amigo @ewkaw en este genial

Source: Family Álbum
How are the passionate followers of this incredible ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFridayContest¨: This is one of those challenges that I look forward to, since in addition to sharing with everyone the mushrooms that are in my city, I know other species that are in other places other than my city, and that is really great, being able to expand my knowledge, which is what I am passionate about Very happy to accompany our friend @ewkaw in this great
Aquellos que regularmente siguen mis posts saben que muy cerca de casa hay una hermosa reserva donde generalmente voy a buscar hongos, y lo hago allí ya que siempre estoy encontrando especies que no las veo tan seguido, como estos hongos que no los he visto por varios meses, se trata de uno conocido con el nombre de ¨Coprinus-atramentarius¨: un hongo precioso con una forma realmente preciosa

Source: Family Álbum
Those who regularly follow my posts know that very close to home there is a beautiful reserve where I usually go to look for mushrooms, and I do it there because I am always finding species that I do not see so often, like these mushrooms that I have not seen for several months, it is one known by the name of ¨Coprinus-atramentarius¨: a beautiful mushroom with a really beautiful shape
Este es otro de esos hongos que hacía tiempo no lo veía, creo que la última vez que lo hice ha pasado más de tres o cuatro meses, su nombre es ¨Leucocoprinus-birnbaumii¨: Este tipo de hongos se desarrollan en lugares con el clima como el nuestro, es decir, en zona ¨tropical¨ o ¨subtropical¨; en esta oportunidad su color es blancuzco, pero en otras ocasiones las he visto de color amarillo verdusco. Son hongos realmente muy bellos y lo que llama mucho la atención es la forma de su sombrero y esas pequeñas ¨escamas¨ que tienen

Source: Family Álbum
This is another one of those mushrooms that I haven't seen for a while, I think the last time I did was more than three or four months ago, its name is ¨Leucocoprinus-birnbaumii¨: This type of fungus grows in places with a climate like ours, that is, in a ¨tropical¨ or ¨subtropical¨ zone; on this occasion its color is whitish, but on other occasions I have seen them in a greenish yellow color. They are really very beautiful mushrooms and what really catches your attention is the shape of their cap and those little "scales" they have
El tercer hongo también es de aquellos que no lo he visto en los últimos meses, y me ha sorprendido, dado de que antes los encontrábamos bastante seguidos, se trata de uno conocido con el nombre de ¨Gymnopilus-aeruginosus¨: Este tipo de hongos necesita de madera en descomposición para crecer, este lo hallamos sobre el tronco de un árbol de ¨palmera¨

Source: Family Álbum
The third mushroom is also one of those that I have not seen in recent months, and it has surprised me, given that before we found them quite often, it is one known by the name of ¨Gymnopilus-aeruginosus¨: This type of fungus needs decomposing wood to grow, we found this on the trunk of a ¨palm¨ tree
Estas son las cosas que hacen que me guste visitar regularmente la reserva natural en busca de hongos, ya que puedo hallar especies nuevas, o como en este caso, tipo de hongos pocas veces vistas. Estas preciosas fotografías las hicimos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ Has sido maravilloso hallar nuevamente estas tres especies diferentes de hongos

Source: Family Álbum
These are the things that make me like to regularly visit the nature reserve in search of mushrooms, since I can find new species, or as in this case, types of mushrooms that are rarely seen. We took these beautiful photographs with our Nikoncoolpixb500 camera. It was wonderful to find these three different species of mushrooms again.

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Wow! All types of mushroom looks fantastic 😍
This has been another great week for finding mushrooms, we found some beautiful species
for appreciating my finds
Have a beautiful day Thank you very much dear friend @mysteriousroad
You too have a wonderful day 😊
What a great set of photos that you shared with us! Yesterday, when I was working on the field, outside, I just saw some small little mushies popping from the ground, just after the heavy rain from the last three days... since I didn't had my mobile with me back then, unfortunately could register on photo.
Have a great Friday, my friend!
This time we found some beautiful species of mushrooms, it was great to be able to take pictures of them
What a pity you didn't have your cell phone, otherwise you would have been able to take pictures of those mushrooms
Have a beautiful day dear friend @xrayman
The mushrooms you are drinking this time are really beautiful and nice my brother @jlufer
This has been another great week for finding mushrooms, we found some very nice species
Thank you very much dear friend @bananaklatbarat
I loved having you with me to the farm. You found some really beautiful mushrooms. All three species are really very pretty.
It was great to visit the reserve, it never disappoints, we found beautiful mushrooms
Siempre veo formas maravillosas en los hongos, hoy veo sombrillas y me encantan!! Gracias por traer cosas tan hermosas y asombrosas @jlufer 😃
Siempre es un placer poder compartir los hongos que encontramos por aquí
Muchas gracias el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas
Que disfrutes de una tarde preciosaque alegría saber que has disfrutado de los hongos que hallamos esta semana querida amiga @avdesing
Siempre me gusta ver las nuevas formas y especies que encuentras, son maravillosas! Igualmente bonita tarde!