For ¨FungiFriday¨ we found two interesting mushrooms to see [Esp/Eng].

Como están los apasionados seguidores de esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  No se imaginan cuanto espero que llegue el día viernes para enseñarles a todos las hermosas especies de hongos que hallamos durante los días de la semana

Source: Family Álbum

How are the passionate followers of this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  You can't imagine how much I wait for Friday to come so I can show everyone the beautiful species of mushrooms we found during the days of the week

Estos últimos días hemos estado a las corridas yendo de un lado a otro para cumplir con los compromisos de mi abuelo, aunque tengo que decir que eso no ha sido del todo malo, dado que con mi abuela mientras esperábamos que Luis se desocupara de sus asuntos, hicimos algunas tomas hermosas a dos especies de hongos que hallamos en las calles céntricas de la ciudad

These last few days we've been running around from one place to another to fulfill my grandfather's commitments, although I have to say that it hasn't been all bad, since my grandmother and I, while we were waiting for Luis to get his business done, took some beautiful shots of two species of mushrooms that we found in the central streets of the city

Source: Family Álbum

Eso son las cosas que más me gusta de mi abuela, que siempre esta activa haciendo fotografías para mis posts, y cada momento que tenemos libre estamos en busca de algo para fotografiar. Tal como les mencione anteriormente, mientras esperábamos que mi abuelo saliera, en un jardín vimos este hermoso hongo llamado ¨Lepiota¨:  y tal como pueden observar son hongos realmente preciosos, e invitan a tenerlo en las manos para sentir su textura, son realmente tiernos al tacto

These are the things I like most about my grandmother, she is always active taking photos for my posts, and every free moment we have we are looking for something to photograph. As I mentioned before, while we were waiting for my grandfather to come out, in a garden we saw this beautiful mushroom called ¨Lepiota¨:  and as you can see they are really beautiful mushrooms, and they invite you to have them in your hands to feel their texture, they are really tender to the touch

Source: Family Álbum

Otro precioso hongo que hallamos en la corteza de un árbol es uno que no es muy común verlo, al menos por acá, aunque tengo que decir que en los últimos meses del año pasado comenzamos a verlos más seguido; estos son conocidos con el nombre de ¨Hapalopilus-nidulans¨:  y como pueden ver tienen una forma muy particular, aunque este es bastante uniforme, algo diferente a lo que vimos anteriormente

Another beautiful mushroom that we found on the bark of a tree is one that is not very common to see, at least around here, although I have to say that in the last few months of last year we began to see them more often; These are known by the name of ¨Hapalopilus-nidulans¨:  and as you can see they have a very particular shape, although this one is quite uniform, somewhat different from what we saw before

Source: Family Álbum

La verdad que tengo que ser agradecida con mi abuela que donde vamos lleva su ¨teléfono-móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ y siempre está atenta al entorno donde caminamos para fotografiar todo lo que llama su atención. Esta semana dimos con dos especies hermosas de hongos que son maravillosas para participar del ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   de @ewkaw. Espero que todos aprecien y disfruten de los hongos hermosos que hemos hallado

The truth is that I have to be grateful to my grandmother who carries her ¨mobile phone¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ wherever we go and is always attentive to the environment where we walk to photograph everything that catches her attention. This week we found two beautiful species of mushrooms that are wonderful to participate in the ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   by @ewkaw. I hope everyone appreciates and enjoys the beautiful mushrooms we have found


Source: Family Álbum


It's great that they took advantage of the time with their grandmother to photograph the mushrooms that were on the streets.

The two species they found are beautiful.

These are the things I love about my grandmother, she is always attentive to the things we can take pictures of

Thank you very much, Grandpa

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Algunos hongos hasta parecen hojas secas, que maravilla como y donde crecen, muy buenas tomas!🤗