The Beauty of Hypsizygus Ulmarius Mushrooms on a Rotten Log

in FungiFriday13 days ago

Hello friends who love the beauty of various types of mushrooms in the #fungifriday community by @ewkaw. Hopefully we are all always healthy and well so that we can do activities happily. In this post I want to share photos of several types of mushrooms from this week's hunt.

A rotten hardwood tree has several types of white mushrooms with a soft texture shaped like an umbrella. This is a type of Hypsizygus ulmarius mushroom which according to several sources says that this mushroom can be consumed. The mushrooms that I found grow in groups. I took photos of them in various positions and I share them with all of us.

Next is a small mushroom with a fairly long straight stem. This mushroom grows on dry leaves that have rotted. In terms of beauty, this mushroom is quite beautiful to look at.

Thank you to all my friends who have stopped by my post this time. Hopefully the photos of mushrooms that I share will add to our collection and knowledge about mushrooms.