I mostly came out into the forest for leaf colors and birds but I noticed a few nice shots of shrooms I could take with the zoom lens. As usual here are a bunch of mycenas growing out of a dead log.Here are a few zoom lens shots of mushrooms for this #fungifriday by @ewkaw
And some more mycenas. Towards the bottom you can see the mycelium that is infesting the log. The mushrooms are just the fruiting bodies.
A little bit of an older batch of mycenas. There are quite a few different types of mycenas out there that all look very similar. To identify some of them you have to look at their spore differences under the microscope as many look exactly the same from a distance.
Now for a sad sight. This was a perfectly good edible giant puffball mushroom Calvatia gigantea that someone stomped on. Around here most people love stomping them for fun, they probably don't realize they are wasting a huge amount of food.
Here is a unique find. I believe it is a type of clitocybe.
The most well known clitocybe are wood blewits but there are quite a few varieties in the clitocybe family. This one lacked the purple color of a wood blewit but has all the other features of a clitocybe like growing out of dark ground under hardwood trees during the fall.
The gills match the pattern of clitocybe as well. I suspect this one might be a Clitocybe nebularis aka cloud funnel. These used to be considered edible but quite a few people have negative reactions to them like stomach ache so they aren't considered edible anymore. Perhaps they need to be boiled then recooked to remove whatever toxin causes the stomach ache. I still wouldn't trust them and would rather just harvest the purple wood blewits.
Here is a strange pattern. These are false turkeytails aka Stereum ostrea and they are super common here, just about as common as true turkeytails. The main difference is that these don't have any medicinal value like true turkeytails do.
Here's another sad sight, I missed a huge batch of chicken of the woods and now it is all old and rotted. Perhaps a month ago I could have made a nice meal out of this. Now not even the slugs are going after this.
That's all for now, hopefully the mushroom season isn't over yet... At least there will be wood ear and winter mushrooms to look for once the first snow hits.
Congratulations on this great find, I really appreciate that you let us know these beautiful images
Have a splendid weekendI love this forest, there are beautiful varieties of mushrooms dear friend @sketch.and.jam
If the sun is shining at around 10am in the forest it creates nice little spots of light to shoot the mushroom with the zoom lens. Now we are having nothing but gray days so the zoom lens won't be an option anymore.
Always great when one goes to the forest for something else and suddenly find so much mushrooms.
Nice finds.
A shame they stomped on the edible one. Most people don’t know.
Thanks for sharing. 👋🏻😊
They think the giant puffballs are soccer balls and kick them.
I can see why… or even stand on them until they go puffffff
People will be people
So far I've never seen a big one actually sporing out, they let out billions of spores probably in a huge cloud if one was to step on it.
I haven’t seen that either. Little ones, yes. But it is different with the big ones.
Thanks again @ackhoo :-)
Nice finds. Mushrooms still out here as we have had some nice weather. At least in my yard 🤣
I thought they were over here until I started brushing some of the leaves away. Turns out there are a bunch out still, even some edible blewits.