Late Spring Ganja Growing

in Canna-Curate3 months ago (edited)

Something amazing happened! I have made it late spring with three female plants and a few young ones that might very well be female too. This year I started out with quite lofty goals. Last year I only grew one plant that was limited by the small pot it was in. This year I vowed to have several and grow enough buds for fall, winter, and hopefully some to share as well.

Due to some unfortunate mistakes only one of my original plants made it to adulthood from the many seeds I planted. Some dried out when I went to visit family, some were male, and others were mysteriously pulled up by an animal (maybe my cat?). I was resigned to another year of a solitary cannabis plant until ...

... my best friend surprised me with two adult females and even dropped them off at my house! Both looked much more robust than the female I had growing and all three needed to be moved either into the ground or into a much larger pot.

If it were up to me I would plant all three in the ground but, sadly, that isn't possible at the moment. Where we live is currently for sale and I would rather not have any issues with the owner of this land or the realtor. Neither ever visit the garden where these plants will be growing but, just in case, I decided to plant them in my biggest ceramic pots, semi-dug into the ground.

It is a perfect compromise. The plants have a lot more room to grow and are no longer growing in plastic pots. In a way they are growing in earth because the ceramic pots are of course made of up an earthen material. I chose to dig the pots about halfway into the ground so that the roots don't dry up and also so that they don't stand out too much from the huge catnip plants that surround them.

These beauties have just shown their femaleness and flowers will be forming soon, I am so excited to greet these buds and see them grow amongst the catnip and other flowers that surround them. To me, the most beautiful garden is one of diversity and that is exactly what we are cultivating here.


That plant in the second picture is gonna be a beast.. what a friend indeed

I am so glad to hear this prediction. And yes, she is a great friend ~ I am so lucky 💚

Wow, a good medicine! 😊💗

One of my favorite herbs!!

se ven bastante saludables tus plantas, espero que empiezen a formar cogollos pronto ;D

tambien espero los cogollos con emocion!! gracias!!

They look very healthy and strong!
Those girls are going to produce big buds. Excellent presentation!

thanks so much for saying so. To be totally honest I have kinda lost my confidence in growing cannabis. But, I have also realized how vital this plant is so my happiness, and so I persevere!

I hope you will regain your confidence for cannabis.
I can tell it is a special plant for you and that plants in general terms are good for your happiness and overall well being.
You have our support here!