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RE: Unlocking Productivity: The Transformative Power of Touch Typing

I never regretted every moment I played Mavis Beacon when I was between the ages of 7 and 8. It was around this age that I started playing chess, and I was good at it, as those were the only two games on my dad's laptop.

While in junior secondary school, I had a typing speed of 50–60 words per minute, and I was just about 12 to 13 years old. I could remember that there was a time some computer guys came to my school to teach us about computer stuff, and they were amazed to see how well I typed.

The guy had to ask me how long I had known how to type, and I told him it had been a very long time. I didn't take my typing too seriously, so there isn't that much of a difference in my speed then and now. Just that, I am now around 80 to 100 words per minute now.


so there isn't that much of a difference in my speed then and now

Kind sir, the difference between 100 and 60 is 40. Some people are praying and fasting for that level of speed. 😅

I remember playing Mavis Beacon a lot as a kid, but I really don't think I was dexterious with it like you were, and neither do I remember my top speed then. I don't even care as long as I learned it now that I a much older, thanks to a very good friend brother of mine, YOU.

Sir, with this power at your finger tips, you can keep gracing our community like this. Let the power flow.

yeah brother... Let the power flow in his Grace!

See this man 😅