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RE: Hive UK Meetup - September 19th 2020 in Halifax United Kingdom

in TeamUK4 years ago

It's looking good :) There was a very good meetup in Cambridge last year organised by @molometer, I wonder if he will be able to join us :) @basilmarples and @sazzler came too and @adetorrent. Be nice to see all of them again.


It would be great to visit Halifax but think I may have to settle for the live stream. We'll see closer to the date. I might just rock up.

@c0ff33a I'll get in touch about the coffee affiliate program when we both get a moment.

Looking forward to seeing all you guys again. It's been a long time since Lisbon and London.

Thanks for the shout out @shanibeer I really appreciate it.

I'm not here that often lately because I'm focusing on getting new subscribers on my YouTube channel just now.

I need 150 new subscribers 👍
I have nearly 2000 followers on hive apparently? If a small percentage of them subscribed it would be great. 👍

If we truly want to raise more public awareness about hive we need to show that ordinary everyday people can use these blockchains.
Even YouTubers 😂👍

The audience on Dtube Hive etc is small at the moment and I do get some support but I'm also getting several 100'000's of views on YouTube annually so in practical terms that is the best place to be talking about web 3 and hive eventually.

I do have a playlist of crypto related videos on YouTube that I have made and they get virtually zero engagement.
People in general are just not interested in the whole concept.
I think it scares them?
The thought of actually having to be responsible for their own money? Freaks them out.

Hard work on youtube, but good luck with the subscribers. I must look for you and "like" a few videos, I understand that helps?

Thanks Shani, I need all the help I can get and I do appreciate your support. Any likes have an impact so the more the merrier. 🤣

A big thank you to everyone who is subscribing. I have noticed an uptick in new subscribers. Thank you all and do let me know when you subscribe so that I can keep track of your content.

it would be lovely to see you all again.... not sure Im quite genna make it to halifax this time. although you never know! I have been known to get spontaneous :p

Perhaps you can join the live stream on the day. I missed your recent event about charities, it would be good to catch up about that.