I am like you . A coffee fiend but I just can't get the home brewing correct so I'm gonna splash out on the Ferrari of coffee machines in a few weeks as the pods just aren't doing it for me. I love my head to be blown off me with Americanos so I need strength and the strongest pods aren't doing it. At the moment I'm gone back to basics with the Aeropress. That's how bad it has gotten.
Have you tried intravenous methods of getting the right kick? If not, please don't as I'm just making jokes. Lol.
I'd love one of those whizbang grinding/making jobs but I can't justify the money. Nespresso pods work for me, but...if you're making invitations and I get one I'll be at your place with bells on for one of your super-coffees when you get your new rig.
I tried the old barbie heads up the jacksie but it's an admin nightmare at the end of the week and the local toy store has run out. 😀. So the wife told me we are allowed splash out on the good coffee makers as a result. Saves money and goof for the environment. I'll send that invite out when I get it. I'm sure you will be on the first flight.
P.S. Bring a few barbies!!!
P.P.S not the food preparation equipment down your way.
Haha! Yeah, I'll scour the country for Barbie's for you. I can ship them you know, just saying. One never knows when the wife will renege on her generous approval of your coffee machine purchase.