I was thinking about how much coffee I've drunk in my life and whilst I can't put a number on it I'd say it's a lot. Like most of us, coffee starts my day, fills up a good proportion of the middle of it, and even ends my day sometimes.
I've drunk coffee all over the world and, whilst most has been really great, some has been decidedly awful. I don't just mean instant coffee either, that disgusting granulated shite I call, instant disappointment, due to the emotion of 'instant disappointment' it inspires in me. There's been times I've not had a choice though and so, instant disappointment it is.
I spend a fair amount of time in café's so generally enjoy good quality coffee however even then I've been subjected to terrible coffee which, considering the price of it, some $5.00 AUD for a small cup of flat white coffee these days, it's left me disappointed, and it's not even instant coffee!
I drink a lot of coffee at home also and back in the day transitioned from instant to ground coffee made in a plunger or an Italian style stovetop coffee maker called a Moka pot. The problem is there's still room for failure. A bad batch of beans, an incorrect grind, too fine of course, bad roasting, too much compaction or not enough during the preparation phase...it's not consistent.
Back in 2007 I moved into a brand new house and spent some time working on decorating it, buying furniture and appliances and basically making it a home. It was pretty nice and, because I'd worked so hard at my job, I was able to afford nice things to put in it, one of which was a coffee machine, my first ever.
Rather than go for a traditional ground-coffee machine I opted for a Nespresso pod machine by DeLonghi.
I'd never had a pod machine before but in my research had come to understand they were very good with great consistency; the coffee tasted the same every time. There was the flexibility to choose long-cup or espresso pods and they came in various intensities and strengths. At 0.68 - 0.74 cents per pod they were also significantly cheaper than café-bought coffee. The machine was super-expensive, but still far cheaper than most of the ground-coffee machines so I forked over the money, took it home and the rest, as they say, is history.
I've enjoyed so many great cups of coffee since, at least one a day, usually more, since I got it, excluding when I've been away from home for business or vacations and it's performed faultlessly. I've also spent a lot less money at café's due to having such good quality and consistent results at home.
I've cared for the machine, de-scaled it with the proper stuff from Nespresso, run clear water through the system after I make my coffee so it's kept cleaner internally and generally just looked after it and now, fifteen years later, it still delivers quality coffee with repeatable results. I'd say that's a fairly good value for money purchase right?
I know how popular coffee is, how crazy people get for it, myself included, but it's not always good. As much I hate to admit it, bad coffee happens. I'm fortunate that my home coffee is always predictably good but when out it's somewhat of a lottery.
What about you? Tell me in the comments, should you wish to, about your good or bad coffee experiences. If you don't drink coffee and prefer tea tell us about those experiences if you have any.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any images in this post are my own
Coffee is my lifeblood. I have once counted the number of cups I drink in a day, then lost count.
I have two "coffee makers." One is a Keurig and one is a "French Press". I use the Keurig mostly because it's quick and easy and does not produce shit. Being that I want to be environmentally friendly, I even use re-usable pods for it. I also save the coffee grounds to use as seed-starters when growing things from seed.
Back as a child, last century, I had a job at a gas station (is that 'petrol' to you? I dunno) and we always had a pot of coffee on, even if no one was drinking it. There were times it became sludge and, dear god, did it stink. That was about the only time we'd wash it out. I shudder thinking about it now.
My first-ever-date was to a coffee shop. That was also my last date with that particular girl. Yet my love affair with coffee has never waivered.
There was a time that I could have said this and it be totally relevant to me. (We are remarkably alike you know.)
The save the coffee grounds thing is legit. They use it for many things, face scrubs as well I've heard.
Lol...Such a sad statement, but also awesome as the last century was a better place to be a kid.
Yes, petrol station.
I think many could say this. I can't though, my story is a little different. There's something so great about coffee, it's more than just a drink. I made a comment in this post (to someone else) about coffee brewed on an open fire, in the middle of the wilderness, under a blanket of a million stars. It's the best coffee ever, even should it be instant coffee. It's...a moment. I try to make coffee an event, even if it's just to stop and enjoy the act of sipping it for a split second.
Thanks for commenting Victor. You really are a nice chap. I hope things went well with the head master too.
Thank you! We've come to a good agreement, just need him to follow through. Things are looking up for the boy right now. I'm feeling positive, and he's feeling positive. The principal now needs to do his part.
Word up to that! "Let me finish my coffee first," is a statement that should never be taken lightly by those who it was directed toward. There is nothing quite like sitting in comfort and knowing that the coffee in hand is at just the perfect temperature. Yes, let me finish that first, and then I will face whichever crisis has presented itself.
Good news and I'm glad for both of you.
I am sitting in a café right now, two coffees in. I have just written the first draft of an 1800 word fiction post about a man and war that I will post in 24 hours. I'm not going to credit the coffee for the words, but the moment in which I'm in, the setting, the comfort of it and the coffee combine to help me write. That's an event.
I envy your coffee machine. No, I envy you for having your coffee machine lol. That's a great lifespan, but you clearly take good care of it so I'm not that surprised.
Predictable is good yes, but the mystery of not knowing what your coffee might be like is kind of exciting in a way or maybe it just shows how boring my life is that I get excited about coffee
Here's a thing I found on some of the different coffees and I'll link the source too, I didn't realise that it gets so freaking technical but that explains why machines are a good investment, means we don't have to work out all this jazz when trying to make a good cup a joe.
I'll sell it to you for that hat you wear in your profile picture.
I take care of all my stuff. I grew up with little and knew that should I break or destroy something I'd likely not get another. The mindset endured.
Nutbag. I'm just kidding...and if you believe that you're bonkers.
Dafuq! That many coffees? I'm such a basic simpleton that I only know three. Espresso, flat white, cappuccino and Americano.
See? Such a simpleton I don't even know the difference between three and four.
Lol, hmmm you would have to pry my favourite hat out of my cold dead hands. I'll stick to my plunger coffee.
Yup I know, scarcity increases value and looking after your things is something that is being forgotten in the throw away lifestyle of society these days. I'm trying to teach it to LL, it's difficult with small kiddos sometimes and she's like me, she likes to figure out how things work so she takes them apart. I wouldn't let her anywhere near my coffee maker if I had one lol
Hahaha that last paragraph made me laugh. Galen you are very good at making me laugh. I appreciate it 😁 And yes, totally owning my nutbaggery just like you do!
Fuck, I thought the hat/coffee machine swap was a sure thing. Back to the old drawing board. I'll get that fucken hat one way or the other.
Here's my next attempt.
Swing down on a rope, grab that hat and swing to the other side of the canyon with your damned hat. What could go wrong?
It's a difficult thing to teach Andy, I guess going without/missing out is a good lesson though. Although, LL is a smart cookie as are you. I'm sure you'll get it done.
Did someone say cookie. Now I bloody want one.
It's lekker that I make you laugh. Job done.
I'm sure that that's a Marvin the Martian quote. Hahaha Acme anvils and pianos is what can go wrong - Whiley Coyote what a legend.
Who said cookie? Now I want one too. And cake.
Don't try and distract me with cake! I'm focused on the hat.
Lol, you really do have my hat in your sights to turn down cake AND cookies in one go.
Hi @galenkp I am sorry for your disappointment with instant coffee (I laughed a lot at how you expressed it). I love coffee in almost all its presentations and I have a Colombian instant coffee at home, which comes with different flavors and I love it, but you have to know how to put the right amount of coffee, because if you overdo it, it becomes bitter. Of course this type of coffee is not to be drunk daily, but sporadically. Nothing like a coffee with milk from a machine or homemade with plenty of foam!🤣😅 Thanks for sharing your experience with us. 🤗👍🙏
coffeedisappointment should be outlawed. 😀Your comment about the right amount of coffee is exactly my point about coffee shops; depending on the barista the coffee can be good or bad. Of course, the coffee itself comes into play, but user error is a big factor.
I always say that good company makes average food of beverages better and the same goes for coffee. I've consumed the worst coffee with the best people and it's worked out nicely.
Oh oh I know to never send you an instant coffee gift 😅
I do like them but not to drink it every day. Nothing better than freshly brewed quality coffee, from the aroma in the container to tasting it in the cup.
I've also had my bad experiences with coffee, either because the place doesn't know how to prepare it or because I've bought poor quality without knowing it.
Oh oh ya se para nunca enviarte un café instantáneo de regalo 😅
A mí sí me gustan pero no para beberlo todos los días. Nada mejor que un café de calidad recién elaborado, desde el aroma en el recipiente hasta la degustación en la taza.
También he tenido mis malas experiencias con cafe, ya sea porque en el local no lo saben preparar o porque he comprado de mala calidad sin saberlo.
I accept all gifts that are genuinely given, even instant coffee, but it would be better if you shared it with me because coffee with others is better than coffee alone.
I think bad coffee experiences are an opportunity. You see, it helps remind us how valuable the good coffee moments are to us. Right?
That's right, one day you decide to drink a coffee in a nice establishment and it turns out to be exquisite, the next day you want to repeat the experience and it doesn't turn out well... at that moment you miss and value the previous coffee more. 🙃
Hey Galen,

Honestly, I only learned the term flat white three years ago, when I came back to the UK on holiday. I don't really see anything impressive about it though, and $5.00 AUD sounds like a lot of money for one.
I agree, and enjoy the Nespresso for the same reasons as you: consistency, number one!!! ...and the variety of flavours and types of coffee that you can make.
I'm disciplined, and maybe if we do rig up a way to use appliances efficiently on this boat, then a Nespresso machine
wouldcould be a great solution. However, my other half would have to curb his coffee drinking habits.... or I'll get a moustache and be ration with the pods.
For now, it's a plunger, Moka pot, and a vacuum drip coffee maker for us...all manual.
I have no idea what a flat white actually is. A café latte with less crema/milk froth I guess.* I'm actually not that fussy with coffee and will drink what ever is put in front of me as long as it has no sugar in it.
Moka pot's are good and do a great job providing a cup of coffee, there's nothing wrong with them at all. I just like the ease and consistency of the Nespresso pods. You'd need some storage batteries, maybe 150 amp hours in total, some solar panels and a 2000w inverter to run enough power to make a pod machine work though, consistently.
Lol, it's funny, one of those mustache's is the universal symbol for so many things. None good.
Yeah, I don't know much about the batteries, but we have a few storage ones, but just the one solar panel and the details of the inverter I really don't know. I'll do anything, just not electrical stuff.
Yeah, that's the "H" mustache...I know many take offense or are sensitive to the name, so I sometimes try not to say or write it:)
Yeah, the Hitler mustache and the negative connotations that come with it are universal I think. Remember the soup Nazi on Seinfeld? Funny shit.
AGM deep cycle batteries is what I'm talking about; it seems you have some already. They differ from cranking batteries as they are designed to discharge their energy over long periods rather than in one big hit like a cranking battery. The inverter changes the power from 12V to the voltage that matches the appliance. It converts DC electricity to AC electricity. Solar panels use DC and the power grid uses AC.
DC electricity flows at a constant voltage only one way and AC flows in both directions the inverter regulates it.
Anyway, that probably means bugger all to you. 😜
I know BASIC stuff about the inverter like changing the power from 12V to match the appliance. We use it to charge laptops and our washing machine. The fridge is 12V, and those are the only appliances we use really.
We have USB chargers throughout the boat that are convenient for everything else.
The entire electrical wiring of this boat is the one thing we would have done differently completely. The mechanic improved it when he installed the new engine.
...and yes, that's about all the knowledge that I know about the electrical setup.
I try to leave some pleasures for Cam, and anything electrical falls under that category.
I figured you had a USB 12V system. The boat is not that different to a caravan I guess. Anyway, seems you know some stuff and Cam has the rest covered.
Yes, you're very right. Many things are the same as that of our friend's caravan, so I guess that's it across the board:)
That's a tiny cookie right there ! I hope there were about a half dozen that went with it that you had already eaten before this photo. LOL
Coffee... coffee, I had so much to say in a comment, so I just added most of it to my post this morning instead.
I didn't start drinking coffee till I was around 40, but of course after in a while, grew to nearly daily and I've never put it down since for very long. I always drink my home coffee black, even though I am a sugar addict and wouldn't mind having a tiny bit in there. At a coffee cafe though, of which I have not been too more than a time or two through a drive through since covid started, I usually have a flavored one. My fav I guess is a White Chocolate Mocha, with extra expresso of course. I admit it is more like a liquid dessert than just a drink.
It's so bloody tiny! They put them on the side of every coffee they serve, even the take away ones (in that case on the top of the lid) and they are packed full of flavour. So good, but never enough of it. (They are available to purchase though).
I used to drink this sort of thing from time to time before being diagnosed as diabetic. These days, it's extremely rare. I have a vanilla café latte now and then though, just because.
I have diabetes too, so I understand and it is also why I don't make more effort to go get them. I liked them long before I was diagnosed, so on very rare occasion, still had one. Got into the flat white, trying to find one that was not so full of sugar. I don't really think they actually taste good, but when I have gotten those, it was simply a way to get the extra caffeine.
Diabetes ruins a lot of fun !
Diabetes ruins most fun, at least when it comes to eating, but we don't have much choice I guess. When I was diagnosed (2009) I went off all sugar and carbs immediately, including in my coffee, and it went along way towards helping. So, I guess the bloody doctor was right. 😒
I manage the situation well though, and whilst I was injecting for a while (Byetta), but do not now. Metformin pills and a few other things plus a good diet and a lot of exercise have me on the straight and narrow.
There is, however, a legitimate use for instant coffee - Caffenol! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffenol). It can be used to develop film. I shit you not!
Dude, this is news to me. I had no clue. But then, that goes with the territory of being (largely) clueless.
I came across it by being incredibly lazy. I was googling methods of developing film without a darkroom (there are methods!) and came across this. I must try it. I must!
And if id doesn't work, just drink the fucken coffee. 😂
I haven't drunk coffee for around 3 years now and don't miss it tbh.. I miss the smell though and meeting up for coffees aspect though.
I drink tea or water now mostly. In particular, I'm keen on ginger tea with orange or lemon.
I forgot that I didn't drink caffeine the other day and drank two small bottles of Pepsi on holiday and was wondering why I was up all night! lol
My dad wasn't a coffee drinker either, he drank tea or water, as do you. His reason was the caffeine and yep, he'd look at a cup of coffee and be up all night. 😂
I think we lose tolerance to the caffeine which is probably why a couple of Pepsi's did you in.
Really? Have you ever tested the theory? I know many people who would probably go beyond bonkers. Mind you those are the types who drink really cheap and nasty instant coffee (gag)
My coffee drinking only began in my 20's living overseas and having the wonderful experience of fresh roasted and brewed coffee in any shape and form. When I opened my restaurant I learned barista skills. Imagine my horror years later when I moved to the isolated countryside and even the restaurants have (gag) instant coffee! Now we never leave home without our own travel perculator and coffee beans
Lol...I'm bonkers most of the time so it's difficult to tell if a particular thing makes me bonkers. Maybe I need to come up with a scale, some sort of tool, to measure my bonkers so that I can make statements like, I'd not go more bonkers without coffee. I think I'll call that tool a bonkonometer.
See, I told you I was bonkers!
I never knew you had a restaurant. I feel I should know that though. It's pretty cool but yep, living where you do would bring issues considering that you probably have a higher expectation of food and beverages after having to focus on quality in your own establishment.
Those travel percolators are great. I have a JetBoil which lives in my LandCruiser so I can brew up coffee if and when I need. (And I do.)
Bonkonometer 😂😂 that is brilliant. You better patent the term before it becomes new slang in certain bonkers circles
Lol, I thought you'd like it. You seem to be the sort who appreciates someone being a little bit bonkers now and then because, you're also bonkers.
😂😂😂, This cracked me up and I must say it must have been painful to taste something so disappointing after tasting something really good.
The way you talk about coffee it makes me want FOMO into getting myself a coffee machine too but then it's crazy expensive and I don't know the much about coffee..the only small knowledge I got was from a novel I read a long time ago...I'm trying to recall the title, various flavours of coffee I think.. it was a beautiful story, one of love, libration, sacrifice and destiny including the beautiful taste of different flavours of coffee.
We don't drink that much of coffee, I don't think I've even tasted real coffee before just something made to look and taste a bit like it..sad..but then we do have tea ..most of our teas are home made so I can't really say I've tasted a bad one unless it was one I made myself.
Thanks for sharing your experience with coffee.. ❤️
I've done some of my best work after a cup of coffee or three; I like the drink, enjoy the taste. It's not just about that though, there's a moment, an enjoyable moment, that comes from sharing a coffee with the right person, or people. That's how I find it anyway.
Although, having said that, some of the best coffees I have had have been instant coffee made with hot water heated over an open fire under a sky full of a million stars in the middle of nowhere. There's a certain beauty in a moment like that.
Coffee, for me, isn't just a drink. It's an event.
Thanks for your comment.
Of course it's nice to have a nice and well maintained coffee machine. It's really history and not really history because it still gives the same coffee taste.
I've also bought a coffee machine from Oten, but I rarely use it. In my area, coffee culture is always done with family and friends and did you know? We do that in coffee shops, traditional or modern stalls.
If you drink coffee alone at home, you only get the taste of the coffee and you don't get an atmosphere of togetherness enjoying a cup of coffee. The taste of good coffee and the warmth of togetherness have combined in my place.
Having coffee with friends and family is a nice moment as I said in one of my other comments in this very post.
Here though, coffee is drink all the time. I think Australia is one of the most prolific coffee-drinking countries in the world, or so I read somewhere.
Yes you are absolutely right, it is very easy to find coffee shops in almost any part of Australia.
What is your favorite type of coffee?
I drink flat white or espresso mainly although am not fussy so if my first options are not available I'm happy to work around it. You?
Whenever I have coffee, I always drink pure coffee and no sugar. It's so much fun and keeps me hooked, and it's no less than 3 times a day.
Sugar ruins coffee.
I am like you . A coffee fiend but I just can't get the home brewing correct so I'm gonna splash out on the Ferrari of coffee machines in a few weeks as the pods just aren't doing it for me. I love my head to be blown off me with Americanos so I need strength and the strongest pods aren't doing it. At the moment I'm gone back to basics with the Aeropress. That's how bad it has gotten.
Have you tried intravenous methods of getting the right kick? If not, please don't as I'm just making jokes. Lol.
I'd love one of those whizbang grinding/making jobs but I can't justify the money. Nespresso pods work for me, but...if you're making invitations and I get one I'll be at your place with bells on for one of your super-coffees when you get your new rig.
I tried the old barbie heads up the jacksie but it's an admin nightmare at the end of the week and the local toy store has run out. 😀. So the wife told me we are allowed splash out on the good coffee makers as a result. Saves money and goof for the environment. I'll send that invite out when I get it. I'm sure you will be on the first flight.
P.S. Bring a few barbies!!!
P.P.S not the food preparation equipment down your way.
Haha! Yeah, I'll scour the country for Barbie's for you. I can ship them you know, just saying. One never knows when the wife will renege on her generous approval of your coffee machine purchase.
That's pretty remarkable. Tending for a machine for 15yrs with such delicacy and consistency...
In Africa, coffee isn't common. Tea would be the coffee here in Nigeria. The kind of tea would depend on your preference as an individual.
I look after my stuff as I respect the effort that went into earning the money to buy it.
I never knew coffee wasn't a thing in Africa. Seems strange.
I like both coffee and tea and it's almost a must-have beverage for me to get through the work days. I think it helps that there are so many permutations with coffee, from the standard black coffee to the flavourful ones like caramel lattes, so it's not possible to get "bored" of drinking coffee every day.
I know right? Tea and coffee anlre both good and both have their place. I'm the same as you it seems. Also, there's so many varieties of each it's not likely one could get bored.
And that's probably the reason I always go for cappuccinos, no matter where I go, somehow that's the safest bet for me. Sometimes finding a proper cup of coffee feels like gambling haha.
A cappuccino is a pretty safe bet I think, like the one I had in my picture above.
Yep, I think so too, can't go wrong with a proper cup of cappuccino.
Yet, it does get boring sometimes, I really have to man up and try something different next time haha.
Lol, you should find courage through adversity and try a different coffee - It could change you life. 😆
Yes sirr, next time I'll surely be taking a "riskier" bet with my coffee haha.
Lol...One step at a time.
And try making your own coffee capsules is a great idea.
I've heard that's a thing. I'll have to add it to the long list of things I have to try at some stage.
Okay, let me know what you think, it's really easy to do.
Bad coffee really exists, and very bad sometimes.
I don't have a Nespresso machine at home. I use a small espresso machine to do the coffee every day and sometimes if I'm alone I use an Italian greka. But for a while now at home we have become picky about ground coffee and prefer to buy it in beans and grind it. The coffee tastes of course much better. Unless the beans are over-toasted and for that, we already have some brands on the black list.
Now how much coffee have I had in my life, I can say A LOT, LOL.
By the way, this has nothing to do with your post. But I just saw a post in your community that at first glance caught my attention and I opened it intending to curate it, but when I looked at the user's profile I found it suspicious. I know it's not the place but I think I should warn you. It's about a weekend in Campania
Being picky about coffee is a good thing, it should be enjoyed and if it's better quality it will be better enjoyed.
I know the post you mean. I've downvoted that user several times and recently he has been making posts about various military things in respect of the Ukraine/Russia war that have clearly been plagiarised. It has been addressed. I gave a small vote on the post he put in my community as I can't prove the images are not his own, however the user is being watched.
Absolutely, coffee is to be enjoyed :)
Ok! I didn't know where to report him. It's clear that he has a lot of plagiarized content in his profile, and in some cases, he publishes the content more than once. When I saw that all the pictures in his post were vertical, that somehow made noise, so I checked the profile.
He will probably never earn much here, he has been exposed and I'll be exposing him further.
You can report people here.
Ok, thank you. I'll keep that in mind from now on.
I can honestly say that I drink coffee all night long, but only on some nights. I have two coffee machines. One is a Keurig, the other is a Cuisineart Coffeemaker.
I love Nespresso for the consistency and will gift myself one before the summer is over.
In high school, the whole class used to skip the Literature of Ireland class and go to the local cafe. We did this every Monday for a month, and then one day, Mr. Quinn showed up for coffee. Oh! We didn't even get to take our coffee with us.
There is honestly nothing better (okay... almost nothing) better than a great cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
Tipu because... COFFEE!
.@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 45/55) Liquid rewards.
Damn that Mr. Quin and his coffee drinking ways! You would have gotten away with it if only he drank something else.
I'm glad you put the almost in there. 😂
Org Img Src
For me, it's all about the tea. I used to drink about 10-12 cups a day, although I've since managed to cut down to 2, as the caffiend headache I'd get for missing a couple was so not worth it...

I don't just drink it for the perk it gives you - I genuinely enjoy the taste, and get quite grumpy if I don't get a large enough mug, lol...
Thanks for sharing, @galenkp!
Annabelle 😊
10-12 cups is a lot. I like tea also, have a few favourite ones: Earl Grey, English Breakfast and rooibos among them. I'll admit to drinking more coffee though. I also drink 3 litres+ of water a day. I like being hydrated.
I'm partial to Oolong and White tea with pomegranate, as well as good old Breakfast tea. I've never tried rooibos though...hmmm.Good point @galenkp, and I am glad I've whittled it down a lot.
I could do with upping my water intake though, hydration is ley!