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RE: Predictable and repeatable

Lol...I'm bonkers most of the time so it's difficult to tell if a particular thing makes me bonkers. Maybe I need to come up with a scale, some sort of tool, to measure my bonkers so that I can make statements like, I'd not go more bonkers without coffee. I think I'll call that tool a bonkonometer.

See, I told you I was bonkers!

I never knew you had a restaurant. I feel I should know that though. It's pretty cool but yep, living where you do would bring issues considering that you probably have a higher expectation of food and beverages after having to focus on quality in your own establishment.

Those travel percolators are great. I have a JetBoil which lives in my LandCruiser so I can brew up coffee if and when I need. (And I do.)


Bonkonometer 😂😂 that is brilliant. You better patent the term before it becomes new slang in certain bonkers circles

Lol, I thought you'd like it. You seem to be the sort who appreciates someone being a little bit bonkers now and then because, you're also bonkers.