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RE: Predictable and repeatable

I envy you for having your coffee machine

I'll sell it to you for that hat you wear in your profile picture.

you clearly take good care of it

I take care of all my stuff. I grew up with little and knew that should I break or destroy something I'd likely not get another. The mindset endured.

but the mystery of not knowing what your coffee might be like is kind of exciting in a way

Nutbag. I'm just kidding...and if you believe that you're bonkers.

Dafuq! That many coffees? I'm such a basic simpleton that I only know three. Espresso, flat white, cappuccino and Americano.

See? Such a simpleton I don't even know the difference between three and four.


Lol, hmmm you would have to pry my favourite hat out of my cold dead hands. I'll stick to my plunger coffee.

Yup I know, scarcity increases value and looking after your things is something that is being forgotten in the throw away lifestyle of society these days. I'm trying to teach it to LL, it's difficult with small kiddos sometimes and she's like me, she likes to figure out how things work so she takes them apart. I wouldn't let her anywhere near my coffee maker if I had one lol

Hahaha that last paragraph made me laugh. Galen you are very good at making me laugh. I appreciate it 😁 And yes, totally owning my nutbaggery just like you do!

Fuck, I thought the hat/coffee machine swap was a sure thing. Back to the old drawing board. I'll get that fucken hat one way or the other.

Here's my next attempt.

Swing down on a rope, grab that hat and swing to the other side of the canyon with your damned hat. What could go wrong?

It's a difficult thing to teach Andy, I guess going without/missing out is a good lesson though. Although, LL is a smart cookie as are you. I'm sure you'll get it done.

Did someone say cookie. Now I bloody want one.

It's lekker that I make you laugh. Job done.

Back to the old drawing board.


I'm sure that that's a Marvin the Martian quote. Hahaha Acme anvils and pianos is what can go wrong - Whiley Coyote what a legend.

Who said cookie? Now I want one too. And cake.

Cookie Monster Cake.jpg

Don't try and distract me with cake! I'm focused on the hat.

Lol, you really do have my hat in your sights to turn down cake AND cookies in one go.

I'll steal the hat then come back for the fucken cookies and cake whilst you're crying about losing the hat.

As if I'd leave it.

That's more like the G-Dog I know!!! For a second there I was wondering if you were feeling ok 🤣