I have no idea what a flat white actually is. A café latte with less crema/milk froth I guess.* I'm actually not that fussy with coffee and will drink what ever is put in front of me as long as it has no sugar in it.
Moka pot's are good and do a great job providing a cup of coffee, there's nothing wrong with them at all. I just like the ease and consistency of the Nespresso pods. You'd need some storage batteries, maybe 150 amp hours in total, some solar panels and a 2000w inverter to run enough power to make a pod machine work though, consistently.
Lol, it's funny, one of those mustache's is the universal symbol for so many things. None good.
Yeah, I don't know much about the batteries, but we have a few storage ones, but just the one solar panel and the details of the inverter I really don't know. I'll do anything, just not electrical stuff.
Yeah, that's the "H" mustache...I know many take offense or are sensitive to the name, so I sometimes try not to say or write it:)
Yeah, the Hitler mustache and the negative connotations that come with it are universal I think. Remember the soup Nazi on Seinfeld? Funny shit.
AGM deep cycle batteries is what I'm talking about; it seems you have some already. They differ from cranking batteries as they are designed to discharge their energy over long periods rather than in one big hit like a cranking battery. The inverter changes the power from 12V to the voltage that matches the appliance. It converts DC electricity to AC electricity. Solar panels use DC and the power grid uses AC.
DC electricity flows at a constant voltage only one way and AC flows in both directions the inverter regulates it.
Anyway, that probably means bugger all to you. 😜
I know BASIC stuff about the inverter like changing the power from 12V to match the appliance. We use it to charge laptops and our washing machine. The fridge is 12V, and those are the only appliances we use really.
We have USB chargers throughout the boat that are convenient for everything else.
The entire electrical wiring of this boat is the one thing we would have done differently completely. The mechanic improved it when he installed the new engine.
...and yes, that's about all the knowledge that I know about the electrical setup.
I try to leave some pleasures for Cam, and anything electrical falls under that category.
I figured you had a USB 12V system. The boat is not that different to a caravan I guess. Anyway, seems you know some stuff and Cam has the rest covered.
Yes, you're very right. Many things are the same as that of our friend's caravan, so I guess that's it across the board:)