Hey Guys!
Happy Weekend!🤗
Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event! Grab your warm cup, put your feet up, and join this conversation.😁
Cinnamon Cup Coffee, the social hub of the blockchain, strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a funny, thoughtful, thought-provoking, or whatever comment your coffee-induced brain produces in response to the question presented... AND! You could #WINHIVE & some #HBD.
Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event! Grab your warm cup, put your feet up, and join this conversation.😁

How much coffee is too much? Some of us can drink coffee all day, yet others will feel ill if they have more than a cup. Where do you fall on this wide spectrum?
Add a photo of your favourite coffee cup:)
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Add a photo of your favourite coffee cup:)
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In my fast-paced world there are no limits to coffee. That would be like asking me to breathe so many times a day or take so many steps, I cannot submit to a limit.
What I do like is to enjoy my own cup, I have many because I am a cup collector but as long as it is one of mine I am calm. When I worked in the office I had my own cup and I brought my own coffee pot to be well equipped all day long.
I think that coffee is not harmful to health. My godfather is a 78 year old grandfather and all his life he carried a small thermos with his coffee to drink it during the day and he is in good health ☺️👍🏼, I like to think that thanks to coffee today he enjoys good health and continues with his inseparable friend.
This mug is special to me. It is the only one left from a set of 6. My mom bought this set when I was a little girl and every day we had coffee here.
Coffee must be one of life's great pleasures. To limit it would be a crime.
Photographs and gif of my property @chacald.dcymt
I understand you perfectly. I have several mugs, each one, the last survivor of a set. I like to take them all out at Christmas when my family comes to visit and see how picturesque the image is.
My father is almost 80 years old and has had coffee three times a day for as long as I can remember. Faithful companion!
That's special in itself 😊
You should capture all the mugs and share the special sentiment of each of them 🤗
Well, that'd be a lovely post no doubt. There's just so much behind every cup we coffee lovers treasure. Thanks a lot for the idea!
You're very welcome.
Have a lovely week ahead:)))
Thanks. You have a great week, too!
I love that you have a special cup that has sentimental value! These always enhances the experience of drinking and enjoying a cup. You could be drinking the exact same coffee in a different cup and you won't be feeling the feels as you would in your own special cup!
That's very true, indeed!
I love everything you say about coffee, wow you are uniting to this excellent beverage, for life.
A hugHi @chacald.dcymt
That's right, my friend. It's part of our lives, I'm a coffee lover
I agree! @chacald.dcymt does a phenomenal job at that:)
Beautiful story and valuable reasoning 👏🙌
Thank you 😊
Hello friends I am going to join this conversation because I tell you that I love coffee is a family tradition, my father was a country man of those who use cloth strainer, in my particular case I drink several cups of coffee a day, but in the mornings I need to feel its aroma and have a hot cup, I can not leave home without drinking my cup of coffee when I do not do it gives me a headache, my mom says it is psychological, I have my special cup that is big.
I can drink it in any form, the brown one is not to my taste but I still drink it, it can be black, with milk, cappuccino, etc.
Aquí mi tacita👇👇
When I don't drink coffee in the morning, I don't get a headache right away, but at the end of the morning I have a feeling of heaviness in my head and I get sleepy, and it's not psychological, hehe.
I like your coffee mug 😍
Hahahaha that's because of the fuel you need oseala caffeine to activate you, I do not think it is psychological, hahahaha there was a year that in my country there was a shortage of coffee because of the crisis I looked like spaiderman up the walls hahahahaha.
Thank you that mug is a gift from my children on mother's day.
Haha, I think your country is the same as mine ;) I used to look for coffee wherever I went, and I always made sure I didn't run out of stock back then, although I didn't drink as many cups a day as I do now for fear of running out.
Hahahaha I don't know if you ever bought one that tasted horrible toasted wood...I used to go everywhere to get coffee, I used to wait in line at the supermarket hahaha, when they told me the coffee was arriving hahaha.
Some of the coffees sold at that time indeed tasted horrible, and sometimes we had to buy them out of necessity. Hopefully, we won't go through that again. Saludos
Thank God there are already different types of coffee and you can choose, I really like a Colombian coffee called red seal, I was told that there was a vanilla flavor that is very rich, here in my town I have only bought it traditionally.
I agree that it's not psychological. That heaviness is definitely real!
Your garden looks very nice to enjoy a good coffee. Nice your cup
I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/3)Dear @nill2021, you just got hugged. on behalf of @chacald.dcymt.
It is a good place for a cup of coffee.
Since we had a couple of hugs I feel confident to tell you that I love coffee cups, I feel it is magical if you enjoy a good coffee in your own cup. I want to share with you one of my favorites, I haven't used this one for a long time, but we have had good times together, especially enjoying a soccer game to support my favorite team. Here it is. Tell me if you like it?
I love your mug is very nice to enjoy a delicious coffee, I have mine was a gift from my children, is the one I use every day to savor my coffee dely.
So let's toast to our favorite cups and the best coffee.
My fav cup. 3 sides in one.

A toast health
The cup looks like a teapot. It's awesome 😍
This is my Father,
SonSun and Holy Ghost Cup.😁I love that mug, and I shall look for one on eBay for my husband. He would love to drink his coffee from it during the world cup and while watching football.
It's awesome and unique. I've never seen one like it before 🙌
It was a self gift, when I saw it in a store window I had to buy it to watch my soccer games.
It is brilliant. I like the placemat too🔥
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @chacald.dcymt, you just got hugged. on behalf of @nill2021.
Oh let me tell you that is NOT psychological at all! I have the exact same problem if I have missed my morning dose of caffeine!
Same here. I often wonder if it's just in my head or something, but my brain just feels like it's exploding without strong coffee. Love the flower-cup combo <3
These days I need my coffee to be black and strong. I hate weak or watery coffee:)
Good morning did you see that it is true my sister was telling me that this is psychological, that I am an exaggerator a co-worker told me exactly the same thing that he also had a headache yasomos several.☕☕ I am not so crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, it's not psychological at all. The pain is real!!!

Hahaha did you do the test? Hahaha
Yes, I've had that headache before. It's not pleasant 😡
If the pain is intense, even, my mood changes completely, I stop talking and everything bothers me.
Oh, wow! I love the look of your cup of coffee next to the plants.
Haha! I guess it's hard to tell if that's so, or if that's the effect of the caffeine and a withdrawal that you suffer at those times.
I haven't missed a cup in ages, so I don't know what I'll experience when I do.
I think it's awesome to grow up where coffee is grown and at your disposal.
Do you also drink coffee blossom tea?
Good morningin the mornings and I have day off I like to drink coffee in the garden, can it be withdrawal that has happened to me when I rush off to work or wake up late left the cup of coffee served 🙈🙈, sometimes my kids run out and hit me when they notice.
I think it's amazing to grow up where coffee is grown and have it at your disposal.
That would be great.
Do you also drink coffee flower tea?
You know I've never tried that one, but I once bought the beans and put them in a grinder my mom has.
I guess your kids knew that it could be a disaster without your coffee 😅
this post with the community, recently:)))No, I only recently learned about coffee blossom tea from @coffeenlove who shared
I didn't know that coffee flower tea existed, I tell you that lately I have been taking infusions of bay leaves, oregano and cinnamon to improve digestion.
I also like to prepare coffee with a touch of cinnamon or vanilla only when I prepare it with milk.
That sounds like a brilliant combination.
I do not have any fresh oregano right now, but I'll keep this in mind and give it a try soon 👍
I do both too, but only with black coffee 😁
It is the best thing I have tried for my digestive problems and reflux can also be combined with cloves for those who suffer from constipation,
Hey I read the post about coffee flowers I have never been to a coffee plantation but it would be great to try the taste of it
I almost got the chance to visit a coffee plantation in Taiwan, but I ended up only visiting some tea farms due to heavy mist.
In my country there are several states that have coffee plantations, but I have never visited them, I would like to visit some of them.
Here it is raining hard today while chatting with you I've already had 3 cups of coffee ☕☕☕☕.🙈🙈🙈🙈
A very nice cup of coffee. Have a sweet day 🧁
Good morning blessings and enjoy your coffee today.
Your caffeine levels are no longer in doubt, the headache is proof of that 😳
If it seems so and it is a vice
A very nice mug. I like that picture.
Thank you was a gift from my children on Mother's Day.
Coffee has always been a tradition in my family since I can remember. Nice mug!
It has also been a tradition in my family for as long as you can remember.
For me, there's no such thing as too much coffee! Back in med school, I was getting late for class one morning and I kinda messed up my coffee - it wasn't too bad, but it just wasn't right, You know what I mean? I was quite annoyed and I finished that cup, proceeded on to make another cup. On my way to class I stopped by the cafeteria to buy another cuppa, for good measure!
So yeah, no such thing as "too much" coffee!
Indeed, coffee is never too much and in my college years it was not only not too much but sometimes not enough, lol
Yeah, I think coffee is important in a students life, even if it's not the best quality coffee.
It's like that! I remember that the coffee at the university when I was a student was not exactly good, and I don't even want to imagine the liters of that coffee that I drank, hehe 😆.
Hehe! It served a good purpose regardless 😆
I guess I am quite lucky in that sense. We used to get some really good coffee on campus, with extra discount for students! Enabled my caffeine addiction 😂
It is never too much. I like that. Nice cup of coffee. Have a sweet day 🧁
The truth is that I am a minimalist. I have a favorite mug but it is white and has a relief. I like it because I can drink enough coffee to be satisfied. I don't have a Peruvian mug but I have a Peruvian llama that accompanies me in the dining room.
Hehe! That's really funny.
Your mug is very nice. Minimalism works for coffee cups, always:)))
Well the coffee doesn't look so bad, now how is the taste? You're coffee lover already takes 3 cups and is starting the day, I'm sure the one you took in the cafe if you were good and you change the mood.
The one in the picture? Horrible 😂 I had to throw it away. That, my friend, was one hell of a failed experiment 😂
I bet coffee still plays an integral part in your life as a doctor.
I once skipped coffee when I was living on the narrowboat and when I got to the lock, I almost fell into the canal because I was dizzy with a headache. I haven't skipped it since. I don't know if it was a one-off, but I don't wanna find out.
It's been a while since I've seen you. Are you keeping well?
Oh absolutely! I may have skipped a few weeks of writing on the Cinnamoncupcoffee community, but haven't been skipping my coffee at all, no sir!
Yes Milly, I've been well. Hope you and the community have been wonderful! I have been quite busy the last month with work and what not! Also, I have focused a bit more on trading HIVE so that took up a lot of my free time to write. But as always, slowly grooving myself back into writing.
surely your body feels like running very fast because of a lot of caffeine 😅
Hehe at first it used to, but have gotten used to it over the years...no more jitters these days!
You're on my team, it's never too much. Thank you coffee for helping us live each day to the fullest!
Let's drink to that eh! ☕️
You are right there is no limit for coffee ☺️👍🏼
Aye aye 🖖
Well? Too much coffee? There is never too much of this great drink!
To be honest, when the coffee is not good, like for instance some by-the-road vending machines, or even in some coffee shops (shame…) I can barely finish my cup of coffee, not even think about having a second one…
But! When I pick the coffee myself and prepare it myself, I can have it all day long. Only the financial part can limit my cups of coffee per day, bud during the weekends I usually have 3-4 coffees a day. The caffeine content does not concern me at all, because everything up to 10-15 cups a day cannot even reach the health organizations’ prescriptions.
Coffee all day long! 😝
You are right I can drink many cups of coffee but a good coffee. Not one of those that sometimes are sold and taste like anything but coffee.
Good coffee is always… good!
ah this reminds me when drinking not good coffee in some places, but still I finish it because I think it's a shame to throw it away because I bought it, hehe..🤣
Oh, I am the same… if some product is bad, I feel obligated to finish it, because throwing it away seems even worse to me… and yes, I have already given money for that… 🤣
And the next day it happened again 😰
My day is ruined when I purchase a cup of coffee that's bad. It makes me want to ask for my money back 😏
😆 good point
Now that's interesting 👍
Coffee is good for your health so I don't think drinking coffee all day long is bad. It is never too much
Homemade coffee is not expensive for me, fortunately, because I drink coffee all they long.
Hello everyone.
Here I am preparing the most energetic drink in the world with my old coffee bag that always accompanies me.
I can drink coffee at any time, in the morning, when I wake up, at breakfast, in the middle of the morning, in my day and with a friend, at lunchtime, it fascinates me, at snack time, in the afternoon with a friend, at dinner, it is fantastic.
The important thing for me is that it is always red coffee. I love strong coffee that moves my spirit.
My life is coffee.
Your life with coffee is no longer in doubt, it can be seen from how tired your coffee filter are 😅
Of course.
I can be a coffee donor
Hehe! That's so funny. I do hope that one day I'll get to drink a cup of authentic Venezuelan coffee that's made the traditional way.🤞
For me, it would be a complete honor. Hopefully soon with a prosperous country to not only invite you for a coffee but to take you to see wonderful places.
I'm responding to this via google translation 👇
That's so kind of you.
It would be wonderful to get to Venezuela someday, especially now that I know so many lovely people like you 😊🤗
Now, because of this praise, the invitation is decreed.
I am responding via:
I apologize, I got so excited that I forgot to do the translation.
My aunt still uses one of those cloth bags to brew coffee. It reminds me so much of my childhood.
The coffee brewed with these bags gives it a very characteristic flavor. In the beginning, it is not as tasty as when the bag has already had a lot of use.
The flavor indeed has a distinct taste. To me, coffee brewed in this way tastes like my childhood.
I totally agree with you. When you drink brewed coffee in a cloth bag, for many it is going back to the times of grandparents, times of a happy and innocent childhood.
Here's to that, my friend...nothing like a strong brewed coffee to move the spirit.
I like it hot, not lukewarm or cold. I am one of those who say that coffee is drunk hot, like when you give a passionate kiss.That's right beautiful Diana (@chacald.dcymt), nothing like a good coffee.
Oh, the tastes of a poet. Exquisite as your lines. Here's to that ☕☕.
I’m a coffee Hobbit: There is the first coffee, which I drink before 6 a.m. with my cats, when my husband is still asleep. Then there’s the second coffee, which I drink with my husband. Then there’s my husband's second coffee, the one you have to drink to wake up your stomach after breakfast, because as everyone knows your stomach is your second brain and it’s better to be alert or your morning will be gone in the blink of an eye. Well, that's my third coffee and it's barely 8 a.m. Then there’s the “cafecito” after lunch, treatment against alkaline tide. Up to this point, all my coffees are black. And some might think that's enough coffee for one day, but who am I to betray tradition and skip the culturally ingrained and sacrosanct "afternoon coffee"?! This one I drink with a little vegetable milk (usually homemade coconut milk and with a little brown sugar or cane honey), at about 6 p.m. And well, then I go to work in the studio and when my husband comes to ask me about tea, at about 8 p.m., I’m really tempted to ask for a “guayoyo”--which is similar to an Americano--; it happened today; I drank my last cup of coffee an hour ago. It’s almost 10 p.m. here, and I can still feel the taste of coffee in my mouth. Then I sleep like a baby.
This is one of my favorite mugs, and it's only 3 months before I start using it.
As of November 1st, I take my special mug out of the cupboard and no one is allowed to touch it under any circumstances. They can look at it. Never touch it. It was a gift from a dear friend 12 years ago, and I love it. I have half a dozen "favorite mugs" and am always on the lookout for another one 😁
And well, there are times when a pink capybara watches me from a safe distance; then I know I've had too much coffee.
It is present from early in the morning to late at night... I always have a cup of coffee whenever my daughter cries or gets into mischief (i.e. always 🤭) to make the situation more bearable.e liked your Christmas mug.
Almost everything is a good excuse so we can go get a cup of coffee. You're daughter is learning a wise tradition!
AHAHAHAHA! A coffee hobbit— yes I think I am one of those too! "Sure we've had coffee, but what about second coffee?!" 🤣
The mug is way cute, and it sounds like it has beautiful memories attached to it. I think a coffee mug is one of the best gifts, as if we are sharing the cup with a friend, even when they are away.
I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on this topic, I think we feel very much the same on the proper amount of coffee... Although, I've yet to see a pink capybara 🤣 perhaps I live in the wrong shire!
I love this Christmas mug. My morning companion is this old lady, though:
Oh, I'll bet you're in the right shire. It's the dawn of capybara here in Middle-Earth You'll get to see it any time soon!
Lovely mug, and I love how important coffee is in your life. You are a good testament that there's never too much, never too much:)))
Never too much🎼🎶 Never too much🎵🎼🎶 😌☕❤️
My mug and say thank you!
Hello everyone, to start this chat, let me just say that if there is a coffee drinking competition, I will definitely participate in it, hehe...
Since I was a kid, when I lived at my grandparents' house, I used to taste their coffee on the front porch in the afternoon while listening to songs from my grandfather's favorite sound system.
So it can be said that I have been accustomed to coffee from an early age until I grew older and coffee is always not far from my life even now when I type these words $he is beside me silent and very hot 😘
well, I can't show you a photo of my favorite coffee cup, so I'll serve you this virtual coffee cup 😅
Coffee is a family tradition that left you with beautiful memories.
Yes and it can't be repeated, the memory is stuck in my heart😥
That's so wonderful to hear. For me, it's the beauty of having fresh lemonade made with limes from the tree in my backyard. Otherwise, we grew up drinking hot Milo, Horlicks, or Cocoa, which was never something that I looked forward to:)))
It reminds me of my grandmother's garden, there are many beautiful trees there, unfortunately when I was a child I was very reckless so I often damaged the trees, what a beautiful memory of being able to taste the fruits and play in the garden.
That's what I've learned from so many Venezuelans:)
In my case my father is from the countryside, my grandmother used to wake them up at 4:00 a.m. and the coffee was already ready, and they would brew it with a cloth bag, this tradition has been handed down from generation to generation.
That's some dedication there, which I think is adorable:)
What kind of music? Traditional Indonesian or mainstream music?
I would love to see you in a coffee-drinking competition.😆 Back in Jamaica, it was hilarious to watch the men in beer-drinking competitions. It was unbelievable to see beer disappear so fast... It was like magic 😂
Oh, that's awesome. I love cultural experiences, and it would be great to listen to and see Indonesians dancing 😆
I hope I'll get to visit one day:)))
You will be confused to choose which dance to see from so many dances and cultures😅
I hope it happens soon :)
We coffee lovers are always looking for an excuse for one more cup of coffee ☕.
Coffee that was consumed when I was little, at my grandparents’ and parents’ homes was not famous of being very tasty. In Bulgaria we had only two or three varieties of not-so-good and very cheap coffee, so I wouldn’t like to go back and try it. 🤷🏻♂️
We live in a very complex world now with goods from all around the world and whatever you want you can receive in just a matter of days. But yes, the memories of trying your grandparents’ coffee are what is most valuable here.
Coffee made by my grandparents has a special flavor for me, even today I still remember the taste, and the cool thing is that they buy coffee beans at the traditional market and grind it themselves at home so it didn't surprise me that the third wave of coffee arrived a decade ago in Indonesia. "in my opinion"
I guess it's the same for me. There was always a jar of Instant coffee on the table, that my dad would drink while we had hot Milo or Cocoa. It was rare to see proper coffee in homes. It wasn't until I started working at resorts that I got proper coffee. I used to always sprinkle cinnamon on top.
It fascinates me to see how prevalent good coffee is in all Venezuelan homes:)
Coffee is a proper religion in Venezuela! I learned this thanks to HIVE and all the people from that region around here!
Hehe! Same here. 😁
Coffee is our best companion.
🎼🎼 Never too much, never too much, never too much...
I just don't wanna stop...
"A thousand kisses on my cup, with my love."
#TheCoffeeGoddess 💋I'll share this lovely tune with you all. May you enjoy it and sing along to it, as I'm doing with my coffee.
Happy Weekend Peeps 🤗
A cup of coffee deserves many kisses! Ah, Luther Vandross; beutiful memories 🖤
Yeah, you can't resist being in a good mood from listening to Luther Vandross. His voice is so soulful😍
Good topic. I could sing that to my mug all day long.
Hehe! I'll pop back over to the conversation later:)))
Definitely that would be the coffee anthem ☕🎶🎵🎶🎵 good track.
😆 That was the first song that came to mind when I thought about the topic 😍
I am one of those who think that coffee is never too much. I usually drink at least two cups in the morning and at least one in the afternoon, sometimes two. I used to drink one in the evening, but for a while now, I usually drink tea or an infusion in the evenings. My husband is the same, but due to life's circumstances, from today has been forbidden to drink coffee these days due to arrhythmias he has. I wonder if in solidarity I will also drink less coffee. I think at least that I will drink my morning cup, even if it is hidden, so as not to provoke him ;) and will see.
But that leads me to think that maybe sometimes those of us who are coffee addicts overdo it a little bit, right? 🤔
As for my favorite cup. I currently have two. In the mornings, I drink from a mug that my son left me. It's a mug that was given to him when he graduated from high school by the debate organization he belonged to. He left it to me to drink my morning coffee now that he's in college. And in the evenings, I usually use a ceramic mug that my mother gave me as a gift. I love this one.
These cups look interesting, especially the second one! I think whatever happens with me one day, or whatever doctors say, I won’t be able to stop my coffee intake. 😁 Anything that brings happiness in my life is good and coffee just fits perfectly here.
Yes, going without coffee for a while is a challenge. We'll see how it goes and I hope the doctor never tells you to give up coffee ;)
I like the sentiments behind the cup your son left behind, and it's a good size too. However, that ceramic cup on the right looks like a dream coffee cup. Do you notice any difference in taste between the two different materials of the cups?
I think you'll eventually cut back on your coffee intake because of your husband, but atm, I don't think that you're overdoing it.
In the early days of my marriage, my husband used to drink an entire pot of coffee while watching Soccer AM. He was always bouncing off the wall after 😅
Wow, and I guess he would end up electric with so much caffeine, hehe.
My son's cup is pure sentimentality. But the ceramic cup is different from what you find out there. I don't notice any difference in taste. However, I don't know if it's me, but I noticed in the ceramic cup the coffee stays hotter longer. I like to drink my coffee slowly and enjoy it, and sometimes I end up taking the last few sips cold.
Very nice mugs with great sentimental value...I think every time you drink coffee you remember them fondly.
Yes, those mugs have a lot of sentimental value to me. That's why I keep them away from my husband, who has butter hands for mugs, hehe.
Haha, wise move 😆
Hahaha. Yes, it is better to take care of them.
Hello everyone, good evening
I finish at this very hour, having a cup of coffee. Coffee, like for many, has been my favourite drink. Black, with milk, brown, with chocolate, with lemon, with white liqueur, without sugar. An endless number of presetations that all bring to my memory a pleasant memory.
I keep in that line of the cup of coffee, now purer with its deep flavour.
A hug to all those who enjoy, as I do, their cup of coffee.
Photographs of my property @tuniawi
I also finish my day with coffee; when I'm done working, holding a cup of hot coffee in my hands and feeling it's delicious smell is one of those simple but really rewarding moments.
Yes, it is a good closure for every working day. Although it should be done at a reasonable time
Oh my, I'm often happy to drink a last coffee before brushing my teeth at night!
Your cup looks delicious! I like the aesthetics of the jar of beans in your photo, nothing beats freshly ground coffee!
Coffee with lemon is something I have not tried, but now I certainly will! Cheers 😁
Yes, the issue of the coffee beans comes because many commercial brands do not offer a quality product, however I got who has for sale the beans with this presentation, which guarantees to see an excellent roasting.Hello @grindan
Yes, adding lemon to the first cup of coffee is recommended to avoid migraine. You add just a few drops of lemon, no sugar, taste is very nice, to start the day.
Oh! With lemon I've never tried coffee, only in a cake base but a cup of coffee with lemon 🍋? How does it taste?
Hello! How are you?
Yes, adding lemon to the first cup of coffee is recommended to avoid migraine. You add just a few drops of lemon, no sugar, taste is very nice, to start the day.
Wooo this I did not know. I assure you I will give it a try.
It all sounds wonderful, especially with white liqueur. You have the perfect idea:)))