For me, there's no such thing as too much coffee! Back in med school, I was getting late for class one morning and I kinda messed up my coffee - it wasn't too bad, but it just wasn't right, You know what I mean? I was quite annoyed and I finished that cup, proceeded on to make another cup. On my way to class I stopped by the cafeteria to buy another cuppa, for good measure!
So yeah, no such thing as "too much" coffee!
Indeed, coffee is never too much and in my college years it was not only not too much but sometimes not enough, lol
Yeah, I think coffee is important in a students life, even if it's not the best quality coffee.
It's like that! I remember that the coffee at the university when I was a student was not exactly good, and I don't even want to imagine the liters of that coffee that I drank, hehe 😆.
Hehe! It served a good purpose regardless 😆
I guess I am quite lucky in that sense. We used to get some really good coffee on campus, with extra discount for students! Enabled my caffeine addiction 😂
It is never too much. I like that. Nice cup of coffee. Have a sweet day 🧁
The truth is that I am a minimalist. I have a favorite mug but it is white and has a relief. I like it because I can drink enough coffee to be satisfied. I don't have a Peruvian mug but I have a Peruvian llama that accompanies me in the dining room.
Hehe! That's really funny.
Your mug is very nice. Minimalism works for coffee cups, always:)))
Well the coffee doesn't look so bad, now how is the taste? You're coffee lover already takes 3 cups and is starting the day, I'm sure the one you took in the cafe if you were good and you change the mood.
The one in the picture? Horrible 😂 I had to throw it away. That, my friend, was one hell of a failed experiment 😂
I bet coffee still plays an integral part in your life as a doctor.
I once skipped coffee when I was living on the narrowboat and when I got to the lock, I almost fell into the canal because I was dizzy with a headache. I haven't skipped it since. I don't know if it was a one-off, but I don't wanna find out.
It's been a while since I've seen you. Are you keeping well?
Oh absolutely! I may have skipped a few weeks of writing on the Cinnamoncupcoffee community, but haven't been skipping my coffee at all, no sir!
Yes Milly, I've been well. Hope you and the community have been wonderful! I have been quite busy the last month with work and what not! Also, I have focused a bit more on trading HIVE so that took up a lot of my free time to write. But as always, slowly grooving myself back into writing.
surely your body feels like running very fast because of a lot of caffeine 😅
Hehe at first it used to, but have gotten used to it over the more jitters these days!
You're on my team, it's never too much. Thank you coffee for helping us live each day to the fullest!
Let's drink to that eh! ☕️
You are right there is no limit for coffee ☺️👍🏼
Aye aye 🖖