Welcome Back to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event! 🤗
Cinnamon Cup Coffee strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a meaningful comment on the topic below, for a chance to #WINHIVE.

Is coffee in your blood or did someone have to introduce you to its wonders?
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Definitely not in my blood - my dad and my sister does occasionally like to drink some instant coffee, however I was the first in the family to try out and fall in love with "proper" coffee - beans and grinding and steaming the milk and everything. It was in fact I who introduced proper coffee to the family.
My first "exposure" to an espresso shot was via a friend in Med-school, the night before our first semester Anatomy final! Needless to say I didn't sleep the entire night LOL! I finished my revision, went off and gave the exam, had lunch and only then I started to feel sleepy.
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This reminds me a lot of my student years. I had a difficult physiology exam and my fellow students prepared strong coffee. I thought this would be great to keep me awake but unfortunately I belong to that small percentage of the population that coffee makes them sleep soundly... hehehe I'm like a little rebel before the world! A cup coffee before going to sleep would be my best sleeping pill 😂
Haha I don't know whether to say you're lucky or unlucky xD
On one hand you might miss out on the "kick" that caffeine gives us! But on the other hand you can drink coffee whenever you like without having to worry whether it will mess your sleep schedule!
Hahaha you're right! I have to look at the positive side of this condition 😂☕️
You sure made the step towards the right direction! Instant coffee is just for the case when there is really no other type of coffee available around! But if you have the choice you better skip that… 😁
Hehe I agree! Unfortunately here there are still a lot of places and shopping malls without a proper cafe and I sometimes still have to rely on their instant coffee if I'm in the mood!
Which is your country? I mean, here in Bulgaria it’s completely normal for every Cafè, or bar, or restaurant, or whatever you can think of, to have an espresso machine. It’s pretty terrible espresso most of the time, but when you order “a coffee”, anywhere, you’ll get an espresso like 95% of the cases. 🤷🏻♂️
I am based in Bangladesh. Espresso machines haven’t really caught up here, it's slowly changing though. But still, you’d expect to see one in slightly more posh restaurants and posh shopping malls. I have in fact been disappointed to not find one in one of the nicest, busiest mall in the Capital.
That’s a little bit shameful, but after all I don’t think espresso is so popular in Asia. I’ve spent in Japan a lot of time and there also is very difficult to find espresso coffee. In Europe, we may be closer to Italy, the mother of espresso machines, and they seem to be everywhere! I think the situation is gradually changing and the global coffee culture is developing in all the continents. Maybe we just need a bit more time and patience.
Haha! I always liked coffee, but in college, I got addicted to it, lol.
I studied engineering and when we had some work to hand in and we stayed up all night doing it, I think if I was pricked I would get coffee instead of blood. LOL
Haha I've been there! Once I realized how dependent I was getting, I actually had to slowly wean myself off of coffee for a few months. Once I had full control again I kept my coffee intake under strict check!
I love coffee, and I love to drink several a day. But if I go a day or a few days without drinking it, nothing happens. I can survive, lol.
Coffee is our best friend during the student season.
Aye aye! 🖖
Coffee saved the day!
Like injecting a good coffee. with friends!
So every time there is the opportunity, even if it's only for 5 minutes, I meet up with
@aguamiel, either with tea or coffee and some divine cookies we enjoyed last week a moment in Caracas, by the way, when do we have another coffee?
La belleza del momento,
Captura la alegría
Las hermosas tazas
Tu café espumoso dulce
Mi guayoyito caliente
Sin presiones de tiempo
Disfrutamos del reencuentro
A cup of coffee will always be a beauty even more in company and good conversation. Greetings @aguamiel
A wonderful life that allows us to enjoy the moment and even more so when it is in company.
When is our Café?
I think we need to set a date @aguamiel
Como siempre mi hada de las mieles, derrochando poesía. Qué bonito mi querida @aguamiel . Cariños. 😍
As always my fairy of the honeys, squandering poetry. How beautiful my dear @aguamiel . Cariños. 😍
Querida señora Numa,
Que le haya gustado esta rima ha sido todo un placer,
Quiera la divinidad nos reúna
Brindando por los reencuentros
Entre risas y tertulias
Acompañados de una taza de café
Inmortalizar el momento
That you liked this rhyme was a pleasure,
May divinity bring us together
Toasting to the reunions
Between laughter and gatherings
Accompanied by a cup of coffee
Immortalise the moment
Amor es lo que derrochas
Gigante y bella aguamiel
Un Hada color de rosas
Amalgamada en tu piel
Mujer, poeta y canción
Invitemos a un barista
El café y su profesión
La mejor cosecha está lista.
Love is what you squander
Giant and beautiful mead
A rose-colored fairy
Amalgamated in your skin
Woman, poet and song
Let's invite a barista
Coffee and its profession
The best cup is ready
Mi gran querida Señora Nuna
Cada palabra suya es una abrazo
De calientica y suave piel
Envuelta en ese perfume inigualable
Como el calor de una madre
Every word of yours is an embrace
With warm and soft skin
Wrapped in that incomparable perfume
Like a mother's warmth
🐝🤗😍 ❤️😍🤗🐝
Nothing like enjoying a delicious coffee with a pleasant company. They look cute and happy enjoying their coffee. A hug 😘💜
Excellent company @chacald.dcymt , please invite me. Greetings to @aguamiel
I hope that one day we can meet in a coffee shop and talk and drink coffee for a long time.
@chacald.dcymt Proposal accepted, I am in Venezuela, let's meet in Caracas, there is a place called El Gran Café, it is emblematic, they serve very good coffee and I live in El Junquito in my house with my desserts, it is a great idea.
This coffee meets certainly makes us happy!☺️☕☕
The smiles say a lot about the bonding and merriment from the coffee 🤩
The photo reflects what a thousand words can say, the coffee does!
Such a happy picture. Enjoy
How beautiful, my girls! @aguamiel and @yenmendt. Never stop enjoying these coffee moments. They are unrepeatable, each one will always be better than the other. I advise you to continue with the get-togethers and meetings, if I were closer, I would tie myself with you. A big hug to all my friends, and greetings to the coffee!
A coffee with a friend is always a good plan. Cheers! ☕️
I can tell you that coffee runs in my blood thanks to a transfusion. What is this like? Well, originally in my blood ran the delicate and subtle aroma of jasmine tea and the strong astringency of black tea. Genetically I have tea running through my veins, I am an Asian descendant with influences of English habits. No doubt one cannot deny one's roots but with the passing of time multiculturalism is part of some habits and my taste for coffee was born out of love.
I married a man of Italian descent. For them coffee is a very dear food as well as pasta. They like to drink it strong, because their culture is intense. At first it seemed too strong a drink for my tastes but through all these years of marriage I have tasted coffee in different combinations. Every cup of coffee I have with my husband is a love date.
Can we fall more in love with someone through coffee? I think so. My husband and I have become accomplices visiting coffee-shops varieties and always trying new species of beans. We have taken barista courses together to learn more about this beverage and believe it or not this has allowed us to get to know ourselves even better.
Long live love and coffee! 💕☕️
I like the way you describe coffee as a type of food and it really is! Food is everything that gives nutrients and energy to us and this is the exact case with coffee too! Italians do really have the traditions in special coffee espresso gear, but their coffee blends are not that good… don’t tell your husband that, please! 😁
I think Italians can become very sensitive on that topic.
It’s true that in Asia the tea culture comes first, but recently a really good types of coffee are quite common already, and coffee culture gradually reaches and blends into Asian daily routine.
You are right! You seem to have met several Italians 😄. You can count on me not to say anything about this comment because otherwise imagine "La Triviata" that I have to listen to.🤣🤣🤣
This is a consequence of globalization and it is good to try other things as delicious as coffee. Besides, the coffee industry is a multi-million dollar business and Asians cannot lose a piece of this cake.
So as you say : Long live love and coffee !!!! 🎉🎉No doubt @chaodietas , that beautiful love in you as a couple will continue to grow and partly thanks to that good way to spend pleasant moments in the company of some good coffee drinks.
So be it friend! 😃☕️
That's very true about the transfusion of some tastes that we have with our partners, hehe.
But when it comes to coffee my husband and I have always liked it, and we also love to discover places to have a coffee and talk, and I tell you that time flies in front of a cup of coffee and a good chat.
This is wonderful in a couple. So it has been almost thirty years for me and I haven't even noticed it.
I'm glad that a cup of coffee is an impetus to spend long moments of conversation with your husband.
On the contrary, thanks to you for sharing with us those magical moments between you and your wife over a cup of coffee. You have been blessed to have been able to find in this life someone so special to love and share several years by her side. Many people yearn for that and never achieve it. I understand when you say you miss those moments. I really can't imagine a cup of coffee without my husband when he leave this plane.
I send you a big hug from afar! ☕️
Thank you very much for your touching words, have a happy, aromatic and productive weekend, receive a big hug.🤗☕️
I always say that coffee is something that breaks frontiers and unites us under the same taste: the aroma and unique flavor of coffee.
It is a magical drink since it is always shared with friends or people we love. In Venezuela coffee is synonymous with family and friendship.
Oh your husband is Italian! You better never drink Cappuccino after lunch, or offer him one 😂
You're right! 🤣🤣🤣
Most definitely—long live coffee and love ❤️
So be it!

What a beauty! love is always present and even more so with this aromatic beverage! obviously, you must have coffee in your bloodstream because of that great family tree.
Hehehe I don't think I adopted coffee, this drink took hold of me without me knowing it.
Just like me, I wasn't into coffee untill I was tagged along by a friend and ever since then, I'll pick coffee in the presence of tea
This is one addictive drink! 😄
Hello @cinamoncupcoffe
If there is someone who has credits for the world of coffee in my life and in my blood, it is rather something, I succumb to his company, I think it is to be accompanied, this cookie is allowed to be accompanied by a good cup of coffee, the afternoon and my cat. It works this way in a perfect chemistry, in combination with a rich dessert and my beautiful cat, to take it is the permission to my pleasure and to reach my bloodstream if I consume it, it will soon reach my blood. I toast with caffeine and invite to participate to good coffee drinkers @morito13 to @mosa71, @irvinc and @damarysvibra, to move this networking to time.
I confess that I was captivated by the quality of the photo, your cat and the comment you share with us, I totally subscribe to your words, especially when you talk about the chemistry that is around a good cup of coffee, best regards. ☕ 😺
I greet you also you have to do things that you love with who you love, coffee
You can never go wrong with a cookie (or any dessert actually) with a cup of strong coffee!
@simplifylife. That's right I want it that way with a dessert, with a cookie, with a good afternoon, never never alone.
A coffee in good company is always a pleasure. By the way, your cat looks like mine and as curious as he is, hehe 😺☕️
@coquicoin hahaha you must be very close relatives of those cats, so you too delight in good company
Greetings @rosahidalgo , good way of expressing all that you carry in your blood for coffee, without a doubt you transmit your passion for this delicious universal beverage.
Even as a toast I think it's perfect hahaha. Thanks for your comment @castm2
You're right coffee with a good snack and lovely company like that are the perfect combination.
We agree then, coffee is accompanied. @chacald.dcymt
What a great spot to enjoy a cup of coffee with your cat!
I agree with you, if there is something about coffee it is that pleasant sensation to all our senses. It is a drink to share with special people.
Right now I want to be the cat hehe!😁☕
good choice
The pet drinks too?
Hello friends! The image I show you are my two favorite cups to drink my daily coffee. I tell you that my addiction to this nectar, with roasted aroma, comes from my parents. When we were kids, mom used to prepare it clear, what we call a guarapo. In the morning and evening, it has always been our snack companion with bread and butter. As the years went by, I picked up dad's habit. My old man used to tell my mother: "Carmen, you know, my coffee is the first one that comes out of the strainer, black and without sugar". That's how I learned to savor that very special coffee. Today, after my morning grooming, I delight myself with the most delicious coffee anywhere in the world. I confess that when I arrived in Buenos Aires, I thought I was not going to get a good coffee, but it was not so. I kept trying until I managed to get one with a delicious taste. Anyway, if I stop drinking my coffee for just one day, I get a very strong migraine, which I can only get rid of by drinking a good cup of coffee, well charged. Greetings, friends of @cinnccf.😍
My grandfather also used to ask for the first brewed coffee "black and without sugar", my mother took that tradition and then I did. It is wonderful how with the passing of time coffee continues to fill our days with memories and the tradition passes from generation to generation. An infinite hug, Mrs. Numa. And let's have another cup of coffee.
That is how it is and will continue to be, although of my children, only two drink and only guarapito, with bread and butter. But coffee will always be on our tables, gatherings, conversations and coffee afternoons with bread, guarapo and butter. Love to my beautiful @chacald.dcymt 😍
My mom also prepares it this way, as a guarapo to start the day, but my dad also likes it black, but with sugar. It is incredible that many of us share these family dynamics as if we were cut with the same knife.
That's right, dear @gabrieladifazio. What happens is that a delicious coffee, not only invites you to drink it with or without milk, he seems to speak to you saying: "EAT ME WITH BREAD"😁.
It’s so true; it’s easier to write with the coffee as a companion. ☕️☕️
That's right @itsostylish, with coffee circulating inside us we perceive details that may go unnoticed by those who do not have this fondness for coffee, at least ami sensitizes me when I write and read a book or a post, I am grateful for the time you took to read the comment I left and leave such a kind comment. Best regards.☕️☕️
It is impressive how our sense of smell becomes a professional at sniffing a good coffee.
How nice that yours remembers the good aroma of your mom's coffee. Greetings @jakim7
I fully subscribe to your words dear @elizpc, I am very pleased by your words, I appreciate your kind comment, which enriches the commentary, I wish you an excellent and productive weekend. Best regards.
Thank you 🤗 happy weekend. Nice to meet you.
We share the same passion for coffee! It is fascinating how a beverage can have such an important place in our lives and in our families. I agree with you that the ritual of preparing and enjoying a cup of coffee is something special that connects us with our loved ones and gives us a moment of calm and energy. Plus, coffee has that unique aroma and flavor that makes us feel so comforted. It's great to know that I'm not alone in my love for coffee.
Hello, thank you very much for the comment, I fully subscribe to your words, have a great start of the week, receive my greetings.☕
This is a beautiful phrase that honors your DNA.☕️
Thank you very much dear @chaodietas for your kind comment, I appreciate and value it, have a happy day, receive my greetings and affection.☕
Thank you 😃☕️
I love your comment. How divine that you can associate the smell of coffee with such pleasant moments.
Hello, happy beginning of the week, thank you very much for the comment, I appreciate and value it, having a cup in company is a truly pleasant moment, receive my greetings and affection in the distance.☕🌹
I guess it's in my blood, in my family we are all coffee lovers. But if I could say that someone introduced me to it I owe it to my mother who used to make me coffee with milk every morning with sweet bread and scrambled eggs, she did this since I was about 7 years old. Some days we changed to arepa stuffed with cheese or pancakes with butter, but something that never changed was coffee with milk.
Coffee runs through my veins, since my great grandmother of Colombian origin used to assemble a pot of water and add the coffee to make it thicker, then she strained it and its flavor was unique. Then my grandmother, who was raised in Venezuela, had customs from both countries and prepared the most delicious coffee in the world. She taught my mother and she taught me. And now I am a coffee lover.
Image made by me with Midjourney from a drawing by @frankches
It´s a nice review. I imagine that every cup of coffee evokes wonderful moments of your childhood by your grandmother's side and also your mother. Olfactory and taste memory is highly emotional, that's why they say that we always consume some foods because of the emotionality they represent in us. 💕☕️
Yes, my friend, you are absolutely right, the aroma of coffee brings back memories of childhood and I feel emotional. Especially when I am far away from my mother.
It's beautiful! 😃💕
You already got me excited, I want to drink the ancestral coffee you prepare!☕
I have heard really good stuff about Colombian coffee. I never got to try original coffee from Colombia though, but someday I definitely will get my hands on some good beans from there!
I think I inherited my love for coffee from my family, both my mother and my father were great coffee lovers, and since I was very young I remember the aroma and taste of freshly brewed coffee at home, I loved the ritual of preparing it and enjoying it, over time, I started to drink it myself and I discovered that I loved it in all its presentations: black, with milk, with foam, cold, hot, now I drink coffee several times a day, especially when I am working or need some energy, in short, coffee is an important part of my life and I can't imagine my day to day life without it, even when I don't drink a cup a day I usually always end up at night with a big headache.
Greetings @doudoer , mate, you certainly have been an inheritor of coffee drinking by your parents, you got used to it and now you can't live without it, no doubt that is something we have all been hooked on by this delicious beverage.
Hi @castm2! Yes, I definitely think I inherited my love of coffee from my parents. I love how the aroma and taste of freshly brewed coffee can lift my mood and help me focus on work. Thanks for your comment! Do you have a favorite way to brew it?
You made me remember the day I had my first cold coffee. I was a little hesitant to order it, but after I felt that delicious taste taking over my taste buds uffff I loved it.
Good answer, we owe it to our families to have coffee in our blood.
Hi @chacald.dcymt , I'm glad I conjured up that memory for you! Cold brew coffee is definitely one of my favorites, especially on a hot day. It's interesting how something as simple as a beverage can be so meaningful to us and become part of our identity.
This makes me think that you really are a coffee-lover in any of your presentations. The truth is that coffee has so many followers that it is a drink present everywhere, whether at breakfast, at the office, in a restaurant or even when we go out for a walk, there is always a thermos to take this drink with us 😄
Yes, I am definitely a coffee lover in all its presentations. I love how it can suit any time of the day and any mood. It's true that coffee is a very popular drink and it's great that it's so readily available in so many places.
Aye! Now that's a man of culture!
It is certainly a drink that has a rich history and culture in many parts of the world, and it is impressive how it can unite people from different backgrounds and cultures. It is also very versatile and can be enjoyed in many different ways.
Happy beginning of the weekend my dear coffee drinkers.
I greatly consider that I carry coffee not only in my blood, but in my entrails, hahaha. Since I can remember my grandmother in a huge house with a large patio, she heated the water in a stove and then poured it into a fabric cone that she made herself, where she placed the coffee powder and poured the very hot water over it, by then they did not allow me to drink it, so I only enjoyed such a pleasant aroma, which I never forgot. I grew up in my parents' house where every day they prepared it in the morning, after lunch and in the afternoon for a snack. At the age of 10 I was allowed to try it and from that moment on it has been and will continue to be as long as I live, "MY INSEPARABLE FRIEND" I simply "LOVE IT"
Coffee is good at all times, right? Morning, noon and night, it doesn't matter, there is always time to have a cup of coffee. These memories with our relatives are among the most beautiful.
Definitely @gabrieladifazio , a cup of coffee at any time is a wonderful thing, and since I was little I have lived it with my family, it's like that are the best memories!😗
Drinking coffee, a tradition that grows with us
When was it that I was introduced to coffee, I don't know! But here in my country it is usual that we are given coffee from a very early age in the version of coffee with milk and guarapo, both providing a wonderful balance that helps first-timers to begin to appreciate this magical brew. That is why instead of saying that it is in my blood, I would actually say that it is the result of a national tradition and culture with which we Venezuelans identify ourselves.
In my particular case my family did not give me black coffee, I had to grow up a little to be allowed to start drinking it stronger and stronger until I reached the point where I am now of drinking it black almost without sugar, it was a process in which I was accompanied mainly by my parents, but in which uncles, grandparents, cousins participated... this is teamwork. Now, being an adult, I am pleased to be part of the same process but with my little cousin.
You are right. Coffee is deeply rooted in our traditions and culture. When you visit someone there is always a Quieres un cafecito? hehe ;)☕️
It's almost the first thing we do when there's visit at our house. 😂
My mother would wake up the family when she brewed coffee. The striking smell of coffee described the wonderful mood my mother used to wake up in. If there was one thing I learned from her, it was her way of bringing out the flavor of food. Her perfect ingredient was love.
In this way I can affirm that my mother injected that passion for coffee and now it runs through my veins. Thanks to the smell and taste of coffee I continue to nourish the memories of that woman whom I will love today, tomorrow and forever.
Now, I continue my mother's legacy, injecting coffee into the blood of the next generation. My children, when they smell the aroma of coffee, say: "the best coffee is made by my mother".
That beauty has left such a legacy of love in the preparation of coffee, and that your children recognize it is priceless.
I like your cup of coffee. Nothing like enjoying a good coffee in the cup that we like the most.
Hello @belkisa758 , we are glad to hear your words and how for example your mother managed to inject in you that passion for coffee and now you to your children, a chain.
Success 😀👍👍
Coffee is like love, it is in my blood. My whole family is coffee lovers and they may lack any food at home but without coffee is very difficult, our motto is: the first bottle was a coffee with milk. That is why it is a love that is transmitted from generation to generation. When we want to honor or spoil someone we prepare and serve a delicious coffee. If we want to make the moment special, a coffee with cake is a must. Each region has different names for the style of coffee prepared; however, the important thing is what the coffee leaves implicit love to enjoy and share.
A love that is transmitted, I agree, I managed to transmit that love to my husband now he not only likes to drink it but also to prepare it.
Greetings @liseth.zamora
I love to know that. It's great, we are more and more coffee lovers every day.
Beautiful photo. No doubt you can tell it's in your blood.
Thank you very much @chacald.dcymt 😘
will continue to reproduce 🤗.
Coffee, this extraordinary universal beverage, I have to admit that it was introduced into my being, because the truth is that I did not grow up drinking coffee, I simply saw it as just another beverage, if I did not drink it, I did not care. However, when I met that special person, that is to say my wife, she did bring the habit of her morning coffee and the one who had to prepare it was me, those smells being breathed one day after another were influencing me to the point of now also trying a morning coffee. Now I say what a delight.
It's amazing the things love does. I completely understand what you are describing. In my case it is my husband who makes the coffee. Every time I smell that delicious aroma his image immediately comes to my mind. I also adopted coffee for love!
Nothing like a morning coffee together. That special person. Good response
I have it in my blood, no doubt about it. I grew up among people who love coffee. I don't know of anyone in my closer family who doesn't like coffee.
My parents' ritual of a cup of coffee after each meal has been in my memory for as long as I can remember. They used to drink it black, not too strong, and without sugar. That's how I usually drink my coffee every day. Of course, when I was a little child I was not allowed to participate in that ritual, hehe.
And then, I remember that since I was a child my grandmother let us have a cup of coffee with milk as a snack. It was delicious to eat slices of bread with butter, sugar, and cinnamon with coffee with milk. Yummy coffee memories :)☕️
Picture is my own
I cannot tell that someone exactly introduced me to the wonders of the coffee. I mean, it was at our home since I can remember in the form of Moka pot and a bit later my father bought an espresso machine. This means that it was in my blood and in my way of living like ever. Sadly, I don’t have any photos from this period of time.
I think later coffee become part of my blood even stronger when I started buying and experimenting with weird coffee gear and some more special beans.
The is really marks a very unique moment in my life and that’s when my coffee routine started changing at some
huge steps, or leaps. Coffee is like my daily dose of positivity, no matter the what the day is like and the what time of the day it is!
With every day that has passed since we discovered coffee, it has become an important part of our lives and even a part of ourselves.
Very true!
Greetings @cinnccf 🤗
Personally, anything involving coffee is an attraction to my palate. So in answer to the question:
I grew up in a coffee-loving household, of course, I've had to control it a bit in the afternoons-evenings for health reasons. But religiously every morning, my good morning is: a cup of coffee.
It gives me the energy I need for the day. When I don't, as has happened to me on occasion, I run out of coffee! My energy is not the same, I need that cup of coffee that revitalizes me.
A pleasure to talk and share.
My husband is the same way, without a cup of coffee in the morning he doesn't wake up. The other day we went to breakfast and there was no coffee. He had to come home and have a cup to feel that his day had started 😄
Yes, that's how I feel! I think I'm already addicted to coffee.😅
thanks for replying.💞Greetings @chaodietas, nice to meet you 🤗
Coffee in my blood? Na!
Image source
In my part of the world, we are more freaked with tea to coffee, so it's rare to come from the womb as coffee addict. Lol😂
I was introduced to coffee by a friend and ever since then, I go for coffee anytime, anyday✌️
Many times we discover interesting things on the recommendation of a friend. I am glad that the coffee has gained another follower 😄☕️
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Good thing you got out of instant coffee. Welcome to real coffee lovers