It takes a lot of guts to do what you have done. To be honest I wish I was there but I’m not. Not mentally or economically.
I guess the dream for most people is to follow their dreams and do something we are passionate about. Passion however has a tendency to change with time and just like everything else in life it’s not simple either.
I watched this documentary recently called Fire (financial independence retire early. )
If you haven’t seen it, it’s about a movement where people give up some things now so that they can have a better life later. Basically living a very frugal life style. There is a formula, that allows you to calculate when you can retire/ stop working. It is based on how much you you need to save each month, and invest in an index fund, to eventually reach a point where you can live off the gains you make each year and still have the same living standard that you have today.
It of course takes for granted that the stock market will continue performing the way it has been before, which is not something granted. But nevertheless, it’s something I am aiming for as it makes it more bearable to do a 9-5 job, as I will feel that I’m getting closer to being more economically independent.
It would be nicer to just win the lottery and get rich right here and now. To get some “fuck off” money so you can tell the boss you’ll quit. But seeing as that kind of thinking will most likely just make me poor I’d rather grind for now.
You have worked hard to get to where you are today so it’s well deserved and you have probably used the money you made wisely. So my hats off to you !
Thanks mate, for your great comment!
I'll have to look up that doco you mention, it sounds interesting. It's all a pretty simple concept though right? Going without something now, for later. Whilst I'm not one to forego life now I think it's prudent to have a need over want ethos so that one doesn't fall into the consumer trap of want-spending. Then add in a fee sensible investments and ones now and then can actually have a nice balance I think.
It's all up in the air really and one never knows what the future holds. Will I even get there has been said many times by many people I'd wager. I live my life now, enjoy it, but I plan ahead also. It's the only way in my estimation. For 38 years I've been working and whilst I have made mistakes I've also made some good moves as well. I'm hoping it's enough.