"Not if I was starving to death and needed money to buy a meal to sustain my life."
I didn't say those exact words but that's what was going through my head as I politely declined the offer. I smiled, more of a lop-sided smirk that passes as my smile, and thanked the fellow for the amazing opportunity then respectfully declined with some dialogue focused around me wanting a break after so long in the industry.
An hour earlier I'd met a fellow I've known for over fifteen years; initially a competitor as we were both in commercial real estate sales at the time, but later an acquaintance. We used to catch up and tell lies now and then and he'd bounce ideas about his fledgling real estate business off me as my own company operated in a completely different sector than his. We'd meet in a coffee shop, the age-old location for business meetings, have a few cups and generally have a good old industry-related yarn. [A yarn is Australian for talk.]
He called me last week and proposed a catch up and with some time on my hands I decided to make that meeting happen; coffee was involved and I figured I'd eat also, so why not? I'm not one to decline coffee.
We small-talked about the industry a little and he asked how I've been lately knowing I quit my job to engage in some me time about six weeks ago.
He probed to see if I'd started looking for work and what roles I'd applied for. Considering I've recently applied and interviewed for a few I told him the truth and surprised him that those roles were all outside of the property industry where I've worked for the last twenty years. He said, but what about all of your property experience? I get it, I know a lot, but I know more about people and how to deal with them and that's transferrable.
As we sipped our coffee's and consumed some tasty croissants he began to get to the point of the meeting, but took a circuitous route. I heard all about his business, what had been going on lately, the challenges and successes, staffing issues, industry pressures from the market and legislation perspective, issues with the finance-sector, people's demanding attitudes and then...The point came.
The hell no face
I'll not go into the details but he asked if I was open to the thought of coming back to the industry and working for him in sales.
This is the appropriate time to insert my opening line once again.
"Not if I was starving to death and needed money to buy a meal to sustain my life."
Again, I didn't say that, I just thought it. Fortunately I had my Oakley's on when I gave my answer as had he been able to see my eyes he'd have known I was deploying my hell no face and I wouldn't have wanted to offend him.
Naturally, him being him, he had a few tries at it - I don't blame him for trying - but was unsuccessful in enticing me back into the industry. He made a reasonable offer actually and if I was thinking of going back to sales I'd have been quite pleased but I just can't see myself doing it. I've been in management for the last...Well, almost a decade now, and dropping back into a property-sales role, residential or commercial, would probably end me...OK maybe not quite but it's just not something I want to do. The industry has changed so dramatically and not for the better. So I respectfully declined.
We sat at the café for a while longer and he had another try, a different angle of course, but equally unsuccessful; I didn't mind, but my answer was the same.
When I decided to quit my job I knew I may not find a suitable role for some time to come; I intended to be selective.
I didn't let the prospect of that dissuade me from my course though; my life seemed more important. I wanted to find time for myself, to look within, without the pressures of work weighing upon me, the need to drive at results. I found that space, the inner-quiet, and am a better man for it and I'll carry that forward to future successes.
It's for this reason I'll not go back to my previous industry; the fact I don't believe I can do my best there and therefore be my best. It's for that reason I declined the offer with a hell no respectful few sentences and a smile. My friend took it well and we ended up our meeting with smiles, hand shakes and promises to meet again.
It was a good meeting, I got coffee, had a laugh or two and knowing this chap valued me well-enough to want me to come on-board with his company was a nice positive injection. It felt satisfying and reminded me of that John Wooden quote above. I feel I did my best in my previous career and that I was a success - that I still am - and it was nice to see that underlined by the job offer.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
I had a similar situation, and my answer was No, but I gave it careful thought before showing up for the meeting. I basically told her that I don't see myself giving my best in the work.
Hey there, thanks for your comment.
I believe it's important to understand when we can or cannot give our best towards a thing and then decide whether it's best to take that path or just avoid it altogether. Doing something and not giving my best isn't something I'm very good at and especially in this case as other people rely upon me bring my best to the table. Yep, not something I was comfortable accepting.
Can I ask you, in your case, did something more suited to you come up? Something you felt able to give your best to?
it wasn't always something. I had thought about it for months before making my decision. I simply felt the need for a change. I wanted a job where I could be free and energetic, not one where I had to work hard to get done with a cold heart since I'd been doing it my entire life. So, I'm 29 years old, and I feel it's time for me to live the life I desire. One day I'll be 35, I'll be responsible for both my parents and my children. Now I am having my own online start-up which sells healthy nuts and foods, and I am still trying every day, learning new things. I am worried at times since there is no more monthly paycheck but I am glad because I've got time for my family while still being able to get outdoor a lot. Hive is also a fantastic place to credit to a life I aspire to. Thank you for sharing and also for listening.
29? You're still so young. I've worked for 38 years already and have more ahead, so I feel a little break isn't a bad thing.
It sound like you've got things worked out though and that's good. It's important to have a plan.
Yeah I still have so much to learn. Thank you.
We all do.
It takes a lot of guts to do what you have done. To be honest I wish I was there but I’m not. Not mentally or economically.
I guess the dream for most people is to follow their dreams and do something we are passionate about. Passion however has a tendency to change with time and just like everything else in life it’s not simple either.
I watched this documentary recently called Fire (financial independence retire early. )
If you haven’t seen it, it’s about a movement where people give up some things now so that they can have a better life later. Basically living a very frugal life style. There is a formula, that allows you to calculate when you can retire/ stop working. It is based on how much you you need to save each month, and invest in an index fund, to eventually reach a point where you can live off the gains you make each year and still have the same living standard that you have today.
It of course takes for granted that the stock market will continue performing the way it has been before, which is not something granted. But nevertheless, it’s something I am aiming for as it makes it more bearable to do a 9-5 job, as I will feel that I’m getting closer to being more economically independent.
It would be nicer to just win the lottery and get rich right here and now. To get some “fuck off” money so you can tell the boss you’ll quit. But seeing as that kind of thinking will most likely just make me poor I’d rather grind for now.
You have worked hard to get to where you are today so it’s well deserved and you have probably used the money you made wisely. So my hats off to you !
Thanks mate, for your great comment!
I'll have to look up that doco you mention, it sounds interesting. It's all a pretty simple concept though right? Going without something now, for later. Whilst I'm not one to forego life now I think it's prudent to have a need over want ethos so that one doesn't fall into the consumer trap of want-spending. Then add in a fee sensible investments and ones now and then can actually have a nice balance I think.
It's all up in the air really and one never knows what the future holds. Will I even get there has been said many times by many people I'd wager. I live my life now, enjoy it, but I plan ahead also. It's the only way in my estimation. For 38 years I've been working and whilst I have made mistakes I've also made some good moves as well. I'm hoping it's enough.
I just had breakfast but that ham&cheese croissant - ooh yeah, baby, come to me!!
Well handled. I knew you'd decline, and I'm proud of you that you did. It's not all about money. It is an important part of our lives but should never be everything.
Hahaha - had to laugh at this one
That's how it goes, right?
We met in the café I used to go to daily when working and their croissants are splendid! They're made by a French chap who runs a little bakery not too far from the café - It doesn't look like much on the outside but his croissants grace the plates of many across Adelaide and are in great demand. Tasty!
I declined yes, and you're right in saying that it's not about the money. Life in general, my feelings and attitudes, are for more important things than a little extra in the pocket. My acquaintance understood I think.
Aah, you chose that cafe. You mentioned it previously. I guess the French guy really knows how to make croissants :). Those places that look like nothing are oftentimes the very best!
Indeed, those little holes in the wall than so many walk by often deliver something special.
So what's the new gig? I'm intrigued. You'd be good as a motivational speaker or a life couch. Really shines through and a great way of connecting with people. Perhaps now you're moving into training the new generation of sales hopefuls?
There is no new gig, I resigned and finished up six weeks ago and have been taking it easy since. I've been hiking, shooting, kayaking, walking, off-roading, couch-sitting, reading, gardening, making stuff in my workshop...Everything but working. I've looked at a few jobs though and at some stage will get back to it.
Living it up my brother! You've earned it and after the past 2 years well deserved.
Yeah, 38 years of working...Figured a break would do me some good.
Pura's licensed to slang real estate in two states here, one being California which word has it is the most difficult license in the country.
Two licenses.. we've distributed business cards, etc, she's had signs out there, open house, yata yata yata.
Like most things we as humans do only to learn we don't want to do that, it wasn't until she really put in work and sold that first mansion. At that point she realized it's her they're purchasing and not the property per se which meant she's for sale 24/7 to be treated like an underpaid servant and, well, she flew a couple middle fingers at the whole industry and hasn't looked back since.
Back when I had to do that work stuff, I had a similar line: Not if my dog was starving.
Yep, twenty years of it and I'm done, although I wasn't selling for that long...Company Director and management. The whole industry sucks though, no matter what country one is in.
I had a real optimist view as she trained and went to school, aced her tests and stuff. She did too. Shortly into that venture we both realized there's just too much behind the scenes shit. Real estate sales requires a specific soul.
No seaside massage joints hiring sun tan lotion appliers? That wouldn't be bad.
I was thinking about heading up your way and being your mountain bike brake checker so you don't have to crash and fly over the handlebars to check your brakes anymore.
And yeah, the RE industry is pretty shocking; after twenty years I can confidently say that.
If I had a decent brake mechanic I could mount a second camera on my helmet.
I don't know anything about brakes so can't ensure your safety, but I'm pretty sure I'm, otherwise, quite qualified.
Laugh out loud!
What is so shocking about it? Why are you so disenfranchised by the industry? Is it because of the grind, the constant pressure? Or is it something else? I sense a slight inching around the subject of dirty deeds behind closed doors? I for one, having worked in real estate law as a paralegal, am aware of some pretty disgruntling tricks people pull.
Hey there, it's a lot of things really. The way people working in it let their greed and egos rule their actions, how they see themselves as celebrities rather than servants of the people. Vendors and purchasers are Uberised meaning they expect everything immediately, delivered right to their couch, and have no tolerance for anything but their time-frame and their personal needs, even to their own detriment at times; just as greedy and egotistical as those in the industry really and their actions are sometimes just as reprehensible.
Government seeks to protect the consumer from potential harm by putting on more legislative requirements but fail to educate the consumer (purchaser/vendor) on the legislation which is left to the agents who the public don't believe because they are agents. And so they get a bad (worse) name - And mostly deserve it. It's a downward spiral.
There's a million things really. Greed, hubris, ego, selfishness and elitism sum it up though. Things I am not. I'm surprised I lasted twenty years.
I don't like the way it's all heading. It's an industry where personal values are not highly regarded, where good old fashioned behaviours don't seem to have a place and where apps, Facebook and Instagram seem to have more value than a person with years of experience who actually cares about what he/she is doing.
Nope, it's not for me.
For twenty years I upheld my standards, morals and ethics refusing to give in to the assfuckery of the industry. I didn't go to awards nights though I won awards - none of which I cared about. I worked hard to seek win-win situations and then, when I stopped selling, and began managing I worked hard to influence and mentor sales people and my team towards integrity both professional and personal. It was a losing battle and so I'm done.
The job isn't all about opening mansions and driving prestige cars. It's a grind where hard work, effort, professionalism, integrity, intelligence, persistence, passion and many other things need to combine. That's what I think and did from day one and even then success isn't ensured. These days nah, everyone wants to make a million dollars in their first three weeks and will do anything for it. Anything.
There's more, this is just the light version. To be honest even thinking about it brings negative thoughts though. I'd rather think about hiking, sitting by the fire poking it with a stick, watching the stars overhead, sitting on a mountain top up where the eagles soar or down by the lake leaning up against a tree with cavegirl curled in my lap. Sounds better right?
Honestly, Galen, I am so touched that you value integrity and win-win that much, and that you fought so hard to teach that concept. It must have been heartbreaking for you, and frustrating, to see the industry do its own thing, knowing full well it didn't need to be that way. I am always so surprised that integrity seems such a rare one to find. I feel like times have changed -- it used to not be this way. Back when Warren Buffet was just starting out, things were different. My favorite character out of any movie I have ever seen is George Bailey from It's A Wonderful Life. How he goes to such terrible lengths to make sure his customers get their money back, and he doesn't pull out of the stock market or cash in his chips. He pays them, with his own money, and does everything he can to make good on their pensions.
And then, when he's about to take his life, he is given a tour of all the people he's influenced since he has been on earth.
I'd like to think, even though you may not have had the impact you had hoped, in such a large and looming industry with tall towers and shadowy windows, that your impact might have been more a personal one that will be remembered on an individual basis. And when the time is right, those individuals who mattered will remember what you stood for, they'll remember that this quality exists, that it matters, and that it is achievable.
And more importantly, I bet you would have a whole movie reel of incidents throughout your life where some chain of events occurred to make the world a better place, that you may not even be aware of. And were you given a ledger of that, you might be completely awestruck by the size of it. And your impact is maybe not measured in honest commercial agents doing the right thing, but in the miniature instances throughout your life that add up to the moments that count.
Not that you were taking inventory, or worried about it, but as a note, I bet there is such a ledger, and I bet it is chalk full of tattered and inked pages with splotchy edges and scribbled margins all saying the same thing - keep this guy around. We need him.
ITs a mark of how much he respected you to attempt a few tries and its good that he did. Its nice to be in demand even if its something you don't want to do
I didn't even need to threaten him with violence. Miraculous.
Always threaten a little violence. So they no its not far from the table!
One must never let people think they are above some well-placed and brutally effective violence; it pays to keep it front of mind by threats and some delivery of said violence from time to time.
Thats team management 101 right there! :OD
Is your corner of Australia imposing travel radius restrictions or otherwise significantly screwing up your vacation time with COVID policies?
Some of the borders to other States are closed but it's not inhibited me at all. The States here are huge so there's plenty of space to move about. It's also quite a diverse State so there's loads of things to see and so. I'd wanted to travel to Far North Queensland some 3,500km away but that wasn't possible although it's starting to open up so maybe soon.
@galenkp, Great meeting, in the business cup there is coffee. And the rays of success. But the offer is a great way, for a coffee connoisseur.
Coffee is life and everything goes better with a coffee.
Your friend seems to take rejection really well. I guess once a salesman it is hard to get it out of the system.
You seem to be on the right track @galenkp.
There is a point in our life that our job no longer defines who we are. It may take some time, but we get to the point that who we are begins to define our job(s). The problem is for most people this point is somewhere after retirement.
Your last line is great and you're completely correct; jobs don't define people. I'm enjoying my break and the thoughts and feelings it's bringing. I'll get back to work eventually though.
I feel the same way and I have a job !LUV
@galenkp, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)
I agree, there is no better feeling than that of self-satisfaction on achieving something with your skill. Incidentally after acquiring my diploma in real estate dealing and when I sold my first property after a lot of negotiation and sacrificing all my commission. I then spent another $275 at Mooseheads partying with my customer in Canberra. Right now I am feeling bored as my company is delaying my return and my local project is not taking off.
I'm sure it'll all kick off again eventually, I hope soon.
My son had been in flavour sales & product development for almost twenty years (food ingredients) but took a break from it pre-covid to go on a working holiday in Russia, teaching English. He was stuck there for quite a long while but enjoyed it!
Now he's back but reluctant to go into sales again as it's a hard business, so has been studying online and plans on teaching English full-time, likely in Russia again as the school over there is keen to have him back!
All the way to Russia just to get out of sales sounds crazy but that's where he's at now, even though he was invited to an interview as he really knows his flavours!
I think you may understand his reluctance to go back to sales as it's a tough business to be in, no matter what industry!
You were fortunate to get out and find success in another field, I would say!
I love that John Wooden quote by the way, AND have to add, that coffee and gorgeous croissant looks too good!
That's a lot of effort to get out of sales. I actually don't mind it, I guess being really good at it helps. I just don't want to do property any more, not just the sales, but any aspect of it. Just not interested.
I hope your son gets that English teaching gig, sounds like an adventure.
He was good at his job, but unfortunately, the last company he worked for was new in a market that takes about 3 years to break into, and they expected him to do it within a couple of months; they became real nasty in the end, so sales he will not take on easily as they were not open to him and he's afraid that may happen again!
However, he is quite disillusioned about our country, as many of us are, and that actually is the crux of the matter.
Many young people are emigrating as our politicians are openly corrupt and infrastructure is not being maintained. Basic services like public health, clean water, electricity supply, and sewerage disposal is a huge problem in many parts of our beautiful country! At least in the cities it's not a problem; the retirement village we intend retiring to one day in a small coastal town at least have their own backup water and purification system as well as solar heating, but they have a long waiting list. We don't mind as we're still enjoying being kept busy in our bnb and it will be a huge change in our lifestyle!
A company demanding more than any normal persona can deliver Really? Sounds like most big corporations.
It's funny you say about infrastructure, someone I know over there is without internet right now...Another failing no doubt. It must be really terrible to remember the good old days but see it going down the gurgler.
Reading this post, reminded me of an experience my sister had. Although, she doesn't work in the real estate industry but her was in Manufacturing sector. She quit her job because she couldn't see herself growing in her career line, she felt all the knowledge gained in her past work was just for the company's interest alone and not for her career development. So she had to drop her resignation letter. And i can say it was the part thing for her, because now she's doing what she likes and benefits her.
Your friend seems to be someone who loves to show off his success and paint it on other people's face. But the fact that he understand and seeks your expertise in the business or industry is what i liked the most. Well, i hope you get better deals and opportunities that suits your desire.
Take care @galenkp
I think it's important to work towards doing a job that one feels is beneficial from more than a monetary perspective; we spend so much of lives working that it makes sense to find something we enjoy I guess right?
Yes, you are right.
A job that makes feel the best in it and also helps us to gain more knowledge.
Why the hell he kept offering you Sales Job since you already doing well in Management role since decade .If was there sure offered him to join my company where more value and respect given to the employee and have no force to change the job role.
Anyways you had good day with him with sip of Coffee and Croissant .🙂
I believe he thinks he had a good offer to make me and if I was inclined to go that way the offer would have been pretty solid indeed. No harm done though, we had coffee and a pastry and that isn't all bad. :)
Really good time to chill and enjoy life.
You've really worked hard.
You really are articulate and would easily strive in other fields.
Live life to the fullest !
Thank you for commenting. Yes I think I've worked hard in life and I will again no doubt but for now I'm taking it easy and seeing what floats by. I'll haul something in eventually and get on with it.
Thank you for replying..
That's exactly the way to go
I had a similar story, which happened back in 2015, when I quit my job in trade and completely left that business in foreign economic activity. And I do not regret anything, because all this time (already 6 years) I was free to choose for myself and was engaged in creativity. I love what I am doing today, developing several projects for the urban environment to improve livelihoods. So sometimes you need to make a turn in your life, this is useful for your own development and creative growth. And as an addition: during this time I changed my profession, became a blogger and wrote several books, moreover, on various topics from history, economics to adventure genre and poetry. Good luck with everything @galenkp
It sure sounds like you have loads on the go. I'm surprised you find time for hive!
I manage to do something early in the morning before work or already at work (there is no one yet), but something in the evening. But to be honest, there is not enough time for everything that we would like. Another would be to add 2-3 hours to the day would be nice...))
Yeah, there's never enough time in the day right?
Me alegra que su amigo comprenda el hecho de que no quiera usted volver, disfrute su retiro porque se lo merece después de tantos años de trabajo. Mucho éxito y bendiciones en sus nuevos proyectoctos de vida, saludos.
I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish, but thanks for commenting.
Fair play to you Galen! You have the right mindset, skills, and courage to take on something new.
I'm sure you'll make the most of this personal time, and when the right opportunity comes, you'll know and go for it.
I had my full dose of caffeine fix, but I wish I could work magic and have that croissant sandwich land right next to me. It's saying eat me, and I'd be obedient!
One must croissant-it when the opportunity arises. Coffee in and of itself is essential, but coffee and a croissant? One must furnish oneself with such treats. 😀
I love me a freshly baked, or warm croissant. Something about the buttery taste, smell, and delicate flakes...irresistible 😋
It's always worth knowing you have options if you ever need them.
This is true, one never knows when one may need a fallback.
Being able to say no is super important, life is so short and getting a job you are not passionate about is soul killing. Take your time G., enjoy the you time
There's always time right? Well, at least until there isn't, but in that case one is dead so it doesn't really matter.
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I read it but I am off to dreamland. Want to comment later. Good grief! I can't keep up with you!
Night Swigs.
On a different note, I just returned from a job interview and got the job!
During the first session, the interviewer left me in the back foot pointing out all the negatives about my career.
I used to do this when I was recruited only to the candidates who were worthy,... By doing this the employee gets a bit nervous and it becomes easier to negotiate the salary.
So when I mentioned my expected salary, the hiring manager minimized the margin quite low, considering the industry and the reputation of the company.
I have now 3 years of experience in content marketing, 2 years as a copywriter, 1 as a content writer. But they considered me as a fresher! During my first interview upon being asked why I am leaving my current job, I disclosed that my current company is undergoing massive downsizing and they wouldn't be able to afford me. They knew I needed a job badly, and gambled upon it!
Got to taste my own medicine. This is not relevant, just sharing facts that an employee would ensure his colleague gets paid less so that he can have a better impression from the boss.. A bit of karma too!
That seems an interesting way to negotiate and one I've not come across. I've never used that to negotiate a person's salary down, in fact I've sought ways to increase their salary and the culture as a happy employee will perform better. I guess some employees work differently.
I always thought I would like real estate, in specific, the housing market, and even planned on a career change when I was looking to walk away from day-to-day work. It is really great if you can do it and satisfy your whim.
With the market looking to crash again anytime soon, I would rather not... But, this is about you! Brava! for giving the chap a minute or three of your time and letting him down easy. Besides the fact that until you knew what he was actually going to say, you just didn't know.
Does it still feel good to be where you are? I know when I wasn't ready to leave the workforce, too much time off left me in limbo. But, I would be okay with that now. :)
I know you have probably hinted at it, but, in what direction are you leaning?
The RE industry is so fundamentally changed. Warped and twisted into something that is difficult to find rewarding. I'm not motivated by money and so, with nothing else to offer me, it's time to turn my back on it.
I feel ok about about being jobless although I am starting to feel a little more irresponsible. I'm managing it though and doing hive and my crypto stuff helps. Of course hiking, off-roading, reading, Lego, shooting, gardening, making things with my hands coffee-meetings with friends...All that sort of thing gives me loads to do.
I'm not sure what way I'll go. A few things are in the pipeline and I've been overlooked a couple of times; I'm not too concerned at this stage and know that something will eventuate. I'd rather be a little picky now which will bring the benefit of my next step probably being more sustainable. We'll see.
Absolutely. I take enough time off and away on vacation and for jobs, that I got my fun fix in. I've decided that I think I could do that full-time. You know, but fun thing. I know that you are just waiting for the right thing and in the meantime you are having the time of your life. It doesn't get any better than that. I was so sure that you would be traveling to Denmark by now. LOL
I'd like to have gone to Finland to see smallsteps but alas, my
control regimegovernment won't let people out of the country.OMG... I said Denmark Pfft. I know he lives in Finland, I was commenting on Denmark Guys post. eyeroll
I forgot you are as controlled as we are.
But, dah-ling, it's for your own good.
Haha, yeah I knew what you meant though. I was due to go to Denmark and Finland last year then you know, for my own good I was controlled, and wasn't permitted. I hope to get there again sometime though.
:) Just like a toddler. Lucky they didn't put you on time out... Oh, wait. Yes, they did.
Great story bro, must have been nice perfect coffee shop story have a blessed day

Thanks mate, kindly appreciated and I hope you've had a great week and the weekend is better.
I was giggling throughout the first half... I can't see the look since you're wearing glasses but I KNOW the look LOLOL and poor guy! He didn't stand a chance hehehehe
I love that you're able to be selective in knowing EXACTLY what you want to do. It's funny I saw a video the other day and thought IMMEDIATELY of you. It was all about how people are quitting their careers and really thinking WHAT DO I WANT. and i love it!
the fact that it is ONE OF THE GOOD THINGS that covid brought to us. this pause.
you know? this pause to think.. huh. life is actually much shorter than I thought, and I'm maybe on the second half already.... is THIS really how i want to spend my life??
its the reason why i loved your kayaking post the other day - with the 15 minute nap in the shade.
there was no justification needed for any moment of that day. hehehe you took it - you wanted it - you owned it. and i loved it!
glad you got to catch up with your buddy - but gladder that you know your worth and are not ashamed in the least to claim it :)
I've been on this collision course with choosing from a career perspective for a while now and I'm glad I took the step. Sure, I'll go back to work but after having a taste of freedom it'll be different, more on my terms. It's funny though, I always thought I was working on my terms but looking back now from the position I'm in I realise I was not. It's all smoke and mirrors.
My hell no face is legendary. They made a computer game about it called, Hell no face. Such an original title. It wasn't released though because it was deemed too violent and sexually explicit. So, it shall forever sit on a hard drive gathering dust. Lamentable, but the world just wasn't ready.
shut up!!! a real one?!?!? who did it hahahahahaha
are you messing with me? LOL
This was a knucklehead test - You passed with honours.
hahahahahahahahahahaha you totally got me LOL
Hello Galen,

They say it's always coffee o'clock!
We're Looking forward to seeing you soon;-)
Have a great day!
To hell with all the industry yarning... Or knitting or sewing you two did...
I wanna hear all about that...
"A croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, but mostly associated with France. Croissants are named for their historical crescent shape and, like other viennoiseries, are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough." Wikipedia
I had two yesterday. The first was so good I went back for another...
Lol, well sometimes (mostly) one is never enough!
I remember my first croissant in Paris...Landed at Charles de Gaulle airport 06:00 and made my way to the hotel. The room wasn't ready so early so they held the luggage and pointed me at a cafe up the road. Walked there, ordered coffee and croissant and...Then the Magic happened.
I'll never forget that moment. It was a Sunday at around 07:30 and quiet. The shops were closed, just the little cafe and a florist had some activity going. There were people about though, starting the day, and I sat and watched the world go by as I shipped coffee and ate the best croissant ever. (Baked that morning).