To hell with all the industry yarning... Or knitting or sewing you two did...
I wanna hear all about that...
"A croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, but mostly associated with France. Croissants are named for their historical crescent shape and, like other viennoiseries, are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough." Wikipedia
I had two yesterday. The first was so good I went back for another...
Lol, well sometimes (mostly) one is never enough!
I remember my first croissant in Paris...Landed at Charles de Gaulle airport 06:00 and made my way to the hotel. The room wasn't ready so early so they held the luggage and pointed me at a cafe up the road. Walked there, ordered coffee and croissant and...Then the Magic happened.
I'll never forget that moment. It was a Sunday at around 07:30 and quiet. The shops were closed, just the little cafe and a florist had some activity going. There were people about though, starting the day, and I sat and watched the world go by as I shipped coffee and ate the best croissant ever. (Baked that morning).