Hello friend, how beautiful all that experience and history that you tell us behind each fate, in addition to a day of much learning, walking, and being able to visit each place or site that may not be very striking, even so the various cafeterias that you could enter to taste some coffee, I liked them and above all I was struck by that container where said coffee comes.
How sad that you couldn't get into the first one, maybe it wasn't the right opportunity and you'll have to go to that place soon, or go to another one that's closer to you, but everything else is very nice and as always looking for the best angle to the pictures.
Eating two ice creams on the same day, knowing that you are in a challenge is bad, or it was very hot and well there is no way and you have to eat them hahaha, no lie they look very good to sit down to eat a full container, with cookies.
You closed your tour with a flourish, a pleasure to have read you friend. Cheers
hahaha Did you like the coffee cups? xD
You have some issues David!
I did go in the first one of course, only the experience wasn't that great, I just don't think it's one of the best possible experiences in the city, I just stumbled upon it and wanted to try.
For your peace of mind, that trip was just before starting the weight loss challenge we are in hehehe so it's not that I'm behaving too bad.
Thanks again for stopping by :)