Ok, so firstly my apologies for my swearing in this post...I'm Australian -It happens.
Anyway, I'm totally with you on the HC made with H20 in the OC - Or anywhere else for that matter. It should be punishable by death, but let's just say, punishable by some stern words, for the sake of political correctness. It is just as bad as instant disappointment...Maybe it should be called watery disappointment?
Thanks for joining in, I'm pleased you did.
Ha ha! Aussie's swear, American's swear. If I could just avoid hearing all the F*Bombs being played over the sound system while I work out, then I would be prime. It figuratively makes my ears bleed.
P.s. Since you are from the land down under- I must ask- do you like veggiemite?
Vegemite is life. It is a well known fact.
Yes I love it. 😁