Only a few days ago I was commenting to someone about instant coffee which shall now henceforth be referred to as instant disappointment.
Just so you know, I was not commenting favourably and neither was the young lady I was speaking with - That's because there's nothing favourable about instant coffee. Anyway, I thought I'd throw it open to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community to comment on their instant disappointment experiences and figured a little prize would be nice, something for the funniest or most interesting comments in response to this post. But first I have to explain something.
See that cup in the image? It's mine. I know, when I'm drinking it that little, rather clear and concise message points outwardly to those standing in front of me. Trust me, I've used it to good-effect pointing it at many worthy recipients. Many dum dum's, so many dum dum's.
Dum dum is code for...
I occasionally say a very bad word. I don't like to swear much so I'll not repeat it...Ah fuck it, I might as well...Hmm, nah, I'd better fucken not. The word I refer to starts with C and ends with unt and I usually reserve it for those very special people who deserve such a terrible curse word - Trust me, there's been a few.
Anyway, I was asked by someone close to me to come up with another word instead of using the C-word and the first thing I came up with was dum dum, more as a joke to be honest. It stuck.
I had a cup made so I could take it into the boardroom for meetings with people and well...You know, passively insult them...If they were dum dum's that is. I used it to good effect around the office where I used to work and have introduced it at my new company. Genius right?
But there's a flipside...
I'm an honest chap and when I see someone that deserves a compliment I'm quick to give it...I needed to temper my dum dum message with something suitable for the awesome people I came across in my day and so, rare that they are, and so...Meet the other side of the same cup.
Let it never be said that the old G-dog doesn't come prepared for all eventualities. Note, evil Moccona instant disappointment lurks in the background waiting to pounce into my cup and disappoint my tastebuds.

Anyway, back to the coffee.
I have to drink instant disappointment (remember what that stands for?) at work as there are no other options. Sure, I can go and buy one at the café but I'm often busy and so...Instant disappointment it is. Let me assure you it is instantly disappointing and therefore very aptly named.
So here's what you need to do, if you'd like to play along.
Tell me an instant disappointment moment (that's, an instant coffee moment) that has afflicted your life. It can be anything as long as it is a little story about that instantly disappointing brown granulated shite that comes out of a jar and gets mixed with boiling water.
The funnier or more interesting the story the better folks...Or you can totally ignore my post and pour yourself a cup of instant disappointment. Some may actually prefer that I guess. If you don't have a story just make one up and I'll never know the difference.
I've got five hive for the comment I like the best, and maybe I have ten to split between a couple; it's my hive so I'll decide. This post was posted at 09:48am Wednesday 15 Dec 2021 UTC and you have 24 hours from now to get your comment below. I'll pay out (if there is any comments I like) 09:48am Thursday 16 Dec 2021 UTC.
EDIT at 09:56 Thursday 16 Dec 2021 UTC: Well, didn't this post get out of hand - In a good way. Thanks to all who commented and had some fun with me. Below is 10 hive gifted to two users who comments I really got a laugh out of. Well done.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
The photos are not yours, they're mine
I !LUV your awesome dum dum cup.
I've worked with several dum dums in my life. The biggest dum dum told me that I should quit. I'm not really in the mood to talk about dum dums.
Did you ever just show up to work without time to stop for coffee? I work in an elementary school so it's not always easy to find coffee. Today I had just enough time to bring water from home but from there I had to rush off to class without coffee.
All I had is cold water. Because of covid the water machines are turned off at school. And even if I had coffee I was not allowed to drink it in any place with people around.
It was 8:50 am and my only hope was to pick up some instant coffee pack from the fifth grade teachers office and mix it with my bottle of cold water. I rushed to class and the kids saw my water bottle was brown. Elementary school students always say exactly what is on their mind. It was weird... "Teacher... Why is your water brown?"
It was about the worst coffee I ever had. But I'm just thankful at least it wasn't decaf. The only thing worse than instant coffe is instant decaf. Why even bother if it is instant and decaf?
By the way, I figured out how your communties work. There are only two:
The Weekend
(This community to get through the weekend.)
The Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community
(This community for those getting through the week on a cup of coffee.)
Lol...Well I'm glad you had that cold bottle of instant disappointment or else you might have issues some beatings if those kids played up...I've heard that sort of thing gets an elementary school teacher into strife.
Nice call on the communities, @millycf1976 has the week covered and I have the weekends sorted.
Coffee is one of the best drugs the still sell over the counter. I followed Milly today^^
Indeed...Coffee is life. And yep, Milz is worth a follow.
Thanks for the recommendation Galen:)
Most welcome. 😉
I totally agree with you. Thanks for the follow, and you seem to have great content too:)
Thanks @millycf1976. I don't have enough coffee content but plenty of cinnamon.
@mineopoly Lucky you! I love cinnamon, and always have cinnamon powder available. I struggled to find the cinnamonbark for years, but it's sold in many supermarkets here in the UK, so I do have now. I still use it sparingly though:)
It would be hard to make drinks without cinnamon sticks. We get ours from Vietnam. It has some dirt and sometimes buds in it so I put it in boiling water first and wash it off. Then I use it for drinks. I would think the UK would have cinnamon sticks. How do they survive that nasty dark winter without cinnamon sticks?
Though I like decaf, this sounds like a nightmare
Yes. At that point the macchiato is only a dream. !PIZZA
I taught secondary school. I often took a smoothie for brekky in a jar. Often lovely colours due to things like green alfalfa yes, you know.
Student 1: What's that? Looks like something Shrek would drink.
Student 2: looks like something Shrek would bath in.
And etc. They never ACTUALLY wanted to know what was in it.
It seems that's the difference between primary and secondary. The secondary kids just want to tell a joke. Primary kids are actually curious for any answer. Something in the brain happens around puberty. Boys start to have two brains controlling them. I'm still not sure what goes on in girls and I've studied health science as major for four years.
Haha well girls are either bitchy or studious and rolling eyes at boys. Boys are dumb as unless they aren't, and the best thing is they don't hold grudges. Tough gig!
I used to teach middle school. I am assigned to teach two weeks at a nearby all girls high school. Wish me luck.
ACTUALLY, I love senior high - we don't call it that, but I've always taught Year 9 to 12 here, Year 12 being the equivalent of GCSE or leaving year before university. Basically kids just want to be loved and heard. Tell them you like their earrings or soemthing, but not in a creepy way, and you'll be good.
Cool. Thanks^^
(2/5) gave you
I don’t drink coffee for the flavor. I’m the 7 creams, 7 sugars, 7 caramel swirl girl at Dunkin’. I drink my coffee as milk flavoring. Instant works as well as any other for me, just for the caffeine. Fast, simple, no mess. Water in kettle. Heat. Instant coffee in mug. Add water. Add milk and sugar and stir. Instant drug. Hmmm…caffeine. And sugar. The cocaine of choice of not-very-discerning individuals.
This cracked me up. Points are handed out for that alone! ✅
Oy, knucklehead, CUNT is a good word. It describes a NICE thing, surely? I"m on the side of reclaiming it as the beautiful thing it is.
Instant disappointment? Buying a coffee and KNOWING they use Aldi soy instead of Bonsoy. Yes, I'm the wanker that drinks soy lattes. I love Aldi milk, but not when I pay 5.50 for it.
Haha! I think we have a winner! Great comment, and I agree with your first line completely.
Points also for this little gem.
Cunt Best word ever, next to wanker and bollocks. I resemble that remark.
Lol...Now I feel bad about not busting it out in this post! Everyone else is but me! You know how us Aussies like to use it. It's often a term of endearment here. Like, G'day cunt.
I recommend visitors from overseas use it when they greet the guys from customs at the border. Give them a decent, G'day cunt, and you'll sail through customs no worries!
😁 Ahaha don't do that! And don't use it in polite company 😂
@galenkp is also from South Australia, so they are a little more savage over there.
Thanks for the 5, I didn't expect that, cunt! 😂😂😂
Lol...Well, I was working on the premise that people would know I was joking. Could you imagine some foreigner (or anyone) walking up to customs at the airport and saying this?! Come on, just a little funny right?
I think anyone that doesn't get the joke probably deserves the incoming cavity search ☝️
Hey dum dum - I've got five hive for you
I'm drinking a cup of instant disappointment as I'm reading your post 😂 I started drinking it when I was pregnant because you can dilute it, limiting the caffeine. But then I got in the habit of drinking it. I still drink it, and my baby will be three in a few months 🤦😆
So...Reading an instantly disappointing post about instant disappointment whilst drinking instant disappointment. Hmm, I'd say that's worth a small upvote from me.
I have no words. Lol.
Did I mention it's Great Value brand? Thank you for the upvote. Can't decide if I should use it to buy a decent cup of coffee or a whole jar of instant disappointment? 😂
Lol...That coffee is going to give me nightmares you know! Thanks for nothing!
Well, take that upvote and get a decent cup of barista-made coffee I think...You deserve it. When you go to the café say, one of your finest brews good sir, the G-dog is paying!
It's the breakfast of champions 😂
Okay, thank you for the cup of quality coffee!
This is my morning coffee cup, it reminds me of what I am. Nuff said 😁 it is forbidden to serve instant disappointment in my home. I have a few hotel packets I keep for people I don't like when they visit.
This is simply good preparation.
Yes us to. Imstamr coffee shall not darken our door. We have a good espresso machine, beans, a grinder and love.
Ah! The dum dum cup! I'd be very careful if I had the same coz I am ambidextrous and usually pick up a cup with my left... Might send a different message. Lol.
I had the "honor" of preparing a cup of instant disappointment for my now ex-boss because my colleague who used to prepare for him was on holiday. I never got the granules+sugar+milk proportions he liked so I am happy that from that day forward he never asked coffee from me again. For the next 3 weeks that my colleague was on holiday, he came to the office with a store-bought cup on his hand already.
A hazard of wielding great power.
Haha, I like your make bad coffee, never get asked to do it again, ploy. That's thinking for sure! Nice work indeed.
Lol yeah, da move really worked! :D
As a teenager, I was invited to go on vacation with the family of a friend of mine. My family was far too white trash and poor to go on vacation, unless me and dad driving across the state line on Sundays to buy beer because Georgia used to be a dry state on Sundays...lol.
Now let me preface this by saying that I have had the absolute honor of enjoying rich, strong, enchanted coffee since a child (one of the perks of being poor white trash, parents don't care much about what you ingest) because it was one of the few things my dad would spend money on to get quality.
Back to the vacation with my friend. Now since being addicted to coffee since about age 5, it was already a very needed daily requirement by the time I was a teenager and the little condo/efficiency we were staying in only had instant coffee and now coffee maker at all. Somewhere, either on tv or in a movie I had seen someone take a dry shot of instant coffee straight out of the jar and I just assumed that it could be done because we were running late, had no sugar, and ,well, if it's on tv it must be true,right?
So I grab a heaping spoon of instant coffee and attempt to just throw it to the back of my mouth and what proceeded from this point could only be described as a wide-eyed, surprised onset of complete full-body convulsions, hacking, and spewing of dark colored sludge from the deep recesses of my soul! It was fairly similar to the cinnamon challenge that was going around on the internet awhile back(too back we didn't have youtube back then!).
Well after about 20 minutes of trying to catch my breath and regain my sanity I realized that the crystals had done a number on the inside of my mouth, throat, and (somehow magically) my sinus cavities. I was getting brown goo out of my nose and throat for the rest of the day and even saw some in the shower that night! This severe onset of pain and burning really topped of a moving morning of trying to get caffeinated. For whatever reason, I was never invited on vacation with that family again. I swear to God and baby Jesus, that I can't even look a pack or container of instant coffee without shivering deep, deep within my being. INSTANT DISAPPOINTMENT!
It's called instant disappointment but I wasn't disappointed in an instant, or even a slowly crept up and disappointed me way with this story. It was enjoyable...Mostly because this happened to you and not me.
Isn't it funny how we learn as youngsters sometimes...Through the most odd of circumstances.
I think you learned a valuable lesson and I got a laugh so it's a win-win.
*in my best gladiator voice....Are you not entertained!!???!! lolol I'm glad I could bring a spot of humor to your day. It's what I do...I'm a giver!
So on these amazing treks through the near and far corners of the earth you embark upon, what do you do for coffee?
Entertained for sure. It's been a very funny set of comments and I'm glad people have got in board, seen the funny side if it.
Hmm, well I always have coffee with me. I have one of those Moka pots(houses ground coffee) which I use on the campfire etc. That, or I boil up some water and make instant disappointment. In the wilderness it tastes better. When in other countries...Well, I've always found good coffee.
Hey dum dum - I've got five hive for you
Deepest gratitude for this gift, sir! Trust me, if there was every a dum dum title, I would be the reigning world champion! lol
Lol...You're welcome and yeah, me too. I own it though, chaps like us tend to do so with most things I'd say.
I used to have an UNT mug and when you looked at it from the side the handle looked like the C, lol
Trust you to take shit to the next level and blow us plebeians right out of the water with your fucken awesomeness.
Lol, it really was awesome. I dont know if I lost it in a move or something but I should get another for the office again.
@meesterboom Best mug design, EVER!🤣
Lol, it is kinda awesome! I wish I could claim the credit!
Lol, likewise 😆
I'm happy you shared it anyway:)
Me too, it was made for the sharing!
Get that cunty mug!
Omg I have a good one for you!!!!!
😂😂😂 That is a truly special coffee mug! @meesterboom
It is truly outrageous but @riverflows one goes beyond it!
LOL. That's a funny mug; it's the kind I'd take to a meeting also:)
Only thing is, I doubt I'd have the need to show both sides.
I don't have a funny story myself, but I'll look back for some funny replies, as I do like a good laugh.
Nice initiative from you:)
I usually only show the awesome side to myself. You know why.
That's the best response to why you only turn the cup in one direction, or way of looking at it. I can't beat that :)
Your use of that C-word made me smile and think of my favourite meme ever...
Lol...Great meme. I'm not usually one for meme's but this one (which I've seen before in various formats) always makes me chuckle.
yeah, I'm not big on them either, but this one is everything 🤣😂
Anytime the C-word is used to good effect is a good time.
💯% Agreed
I don't drink coffee, so probably shouldn't even bother commenting, but I like you and your topics, so I will tell you my equivalent to your instant coffee is hot cocoa made with water.
I am a bit of a hot chocolate snob. It must be made with milk at least. I have made several homemade versions from scratch to try to find the most amazing one. Starbucks is on the bitter, dark chocolate side, but Coffee Bean and Tea leaf is yummy.
My bitter disappointment , as opposed to your instant, is when ordering hot chocolate from a fancy restaurant that is forever tarnished by this story and I will not go back- we were in orange county at a nice, pricey french restaurant on a date.
We were getting ready to have some delicious pastries for dessert. They asked if we wanted coffee, to which we declined, but asked if we could get hot chocolate instead. "Of course, it is amazing!" Yep, you already know, it was frickin' (i also don't swear...usually) water and a cocoa packet. I was so just aghast. Also, $8.00, thank you very much.
Ok, so firstly my apologies for my swearing in this post...I'm Australian -It happens.
Anyway, I'm totally with you on the HC made with H20 in the OC - Or anywhere else for that matter. It should be punishable by death, but let's just say, punishable by some stern words, for the sake of political correctness. It is just as bad as instant disappointment...Maybe it should be called watery disappointment?
Thanks for joining in, I'm pleased you did.
Ha ha! Aussie's swear, American's swear. If I could just avoid hearing all the F*Bombs being played over the sound system while I work out, then I would be prime. It figuratively makes my ears bleed.
P.s. Since you are from the land down under- I must ask- do you like veggiemite?
Vegemite is life. It is a well known fact.
Yes I love it. 😁
So damn many...
I remember going to some fancy cafe once to try out their "fancy coffee". I opened the doors and walked right up to the counter and gave the female barista there my order – one cup of instant disappointment(really just coffee) and a croissant.
After ordering, she urged me it will be brought to my table in 5 minutes or less. I then turned around to find a table but instead found a very beautiful girl seating alone at a table in the far end of the cafe. Being the sharp guy that I am, I immediately walked up to her and asked if I could have a sit. She was somewhat peeved but said "sure... no problem".
Once I sat down, I noticed there was this beautiful mug with the words - "Can't talk, drinking coffee". I've honestly never seen a mug like that so I wanted to make a joke out of it. I gestured at the mug and tried to say my joke but before I could, she grabbed the coffee mug and started slurping up the "coffee" that was in it very loudly.
Man, she must've slurped up that coffee for 3 minutes straight and every time I tried my best to say something, she would just slurp even louder. Frankly, I was pissed off. I even almost used the C-word on her but... I tried to keep my cool. But, it was not until the barista came in with a huge jar of coffee to our table and said the words "Ma'am... your coffee is ready!" that I lost it.
I watched with a 🙂 on my face as the barista poured her coffee into the same mug she slurped from, into the same EMPTY mug she slurped from! After the barista left, she then excused herself before going to the restroom.
Being the honest man that I am, I decided that if she was going to instantly disappoint me, I might as well give her a bigger cup of instant disappointment. And so I grabbed the salt and pepper that was in the table and quietly dumped it all into her coffee. Then, i took my croissant and instant disappointment with me to go and left the cafe.
I hoped the dum dum enjoyed it🙂
Probably exactly why she didn't want to talk to random cunty strangers.
My... no need to be so rude. He did say we can make up stories. So I made up a fiction.
Although, you do have a point. It probably was all a bit too much.
You're brave, I'd never have the courage to approach a woman and ask to sit there like that. I'll give you points for that certainly. Then you see the can't talk drinking coffee cup and you try to talk. Hmm, I wouldn't have been surprised if she had smashed the cup and jammed a Brocken shard into your neck. (Ok, maybe a too-strong a reaction). But still, interruptions of that nature to a serious coffee drinker could go either way. Lol.
Thanks for getting involved with a little fun piece.
Also, I think I'd end your life if you put salt in my coffee...Well, maybe not end it, but just make you wish I had. Lol.
Glad you get it G- dog. It's my pleasure!
Also, if that's how it is, i think I'll rather just stay away from you anytime you're drinking coffee.
Just to be safe....
Lol...I'm safe when drinking coffee...It's when I have none that people need to be wary.
My attitude -
Her attitude -
However, I had a clueless colleague a few years back who hated my pretentious attitude. She was a dum, dum and I wish I’d thought of a subtle cup to send out sweet vibes, but anyway, despite her plebeian ways, she could really come up with a dose of wit, when she wanted to.
So, I asked her one day why she wouldn’t give the good stuff a try. Her response should put us all in our place.
“Oh, no I could never be bothered to grind up beans for coffee, silly. It’s only for those who have the beans, “hasbeens” you know?” My jaw did, kinda, hit the floor, but there was no real room to reprimand.
Lol...Clever...I don't care whether this is true or not I like it!
Indeed. Nicely said.
Here in Nigeria instant disappointment is our reality as coffee isn't really a part of our culture maybe except you are like me who from movies has adopted the habit as an acquired taste but then be prepared to be called a cunt by your peers for needing coffee to start your day.
In post grad school I met a Brazilian lecturer who kept on going about how the coffee i've come to know as my reality is shat, and then he invited a few of us for lunch in his apartment and served the best coffee I've ever had.
I then agreed that all we have as coffee is instant disappointment.
I love this story!!!
In brazil we have an excellent coffe. Just had my morning Expresso
OMG, this cracked me up...And I never say OMG so you can tell how much! 😂
Once you've had the good stuff it's difficult to go back to the disappointment that instant disappointment truly is.
Can't you prepare your coffee at office?!
I recommend you buy a small fench press. Since I start using it, I cant stop. Very similar to that workd.
I am but a poor man and cannot afford such items...Nah, that's not true. I just haven't gotten around to it.
C*nt or french press?! Hahahhaha.
Maybe both.
Fun dum dum contest you hosted and as always some good reads in the comments!
Congratulations to @riverflows and @papacrusher for your stories being chosen as the top two!🏆🏆
Once upon a time when I had too much time in my hands I decided CUNT was an acronym that stands for
Cannot Understand Normal Thinking😂You might not know this @galenkp
I am a chaser of fun...A facer. Ok, that doesn't work at all! Lol. I like to have a laugh and it seems a whole lot of people wanted to also. It thought it was a nice little interactive post I and got some nice/funny comments.
So...Of course, what else could it stand for! Normal thinking ofttimes cannot be understood, so it makes sense. Here they say CU Next Tuesday sometimes and there was also a funny advertising campaign for the Northern Territory of Australia.
in the
It got banned. Although there are many sticker on the backs of cars, t-shirts, can-holders etc. Lol.
Us Aussie are simple folk. 🤔
Thanks for commenting Nina, and having a little fun with this post.
It works. I had to read it twice though.🤓 But when the order of words transposed it worked perfectly!
I am a fun chaser...A "facer"
I like that one! Naturally when something is banned it only creates more of a demand!
It was my pleasure having fun with your post and I defo need to make a habit of stopping by your blog more often!☕
Have a terrific Friday! @galenkp
I'm glad it translated. Otherwise it would have been a bloody terrible joke. 😂
You can stop by anytime, it'll be good to see you. ✅
Yuck soy. I would avoid what has been seen aa estrogen like hormones.
Hormone and Roundup
At home I have coconut milk. At my.age I need oestrogen thanks!!!
Yeah, soy isn't the best.
One time at fire camp....
Well not really camp, more like a small fire we were babysitting (I was a wildland firefighter)... Anywho. One time around a boring fire a few of us decided that it was a brilliant idea to start snorting things. They started with crushed up smarties candy, which was unpleasant, but it didn't quite entertain.
Someone carried around Starbucks instant coffee packets. If you have never seen someone snort an instant coffee packet, you haven't lived. I believe a small betting pool started. Would they do it? Would they die? Step right up and place your bets!
Grown men were falling out left and right. "The burning! The burning!" was the most frequent cry. And then an hour or so of heart palpitations and feeling like their chests were going to explode. I could only laugh, this man doesn't do instant coffee, especially not up my nose. Not even for ten bucks.
Instant coffee might be garbage when mixed with hot water. When snorted it is pure hell apparently. But it sure is fun to watch.
Omg... hilariously told. In Australia we had this fizzy sugar powder called Wizz Fizz which was the young person's marching powder. Perhaps we should have tried it with instant coffee.
I'm so sorry to have missed this comment...See what happens when one has a job and has to actually do it?
Now...I'd not be snorting anything personally, that's not my thing, but I'd happily watch a bunch of yahoo's snorting coffee for the fun of it, and the resulting shenanigans, for which I'd haver no pity. Better then than me.
Thats insane!!! You deserve 💯
Decaf is like that as well. That's a cool mug, very clever.
I don't know if I have a story. I'll think about it and come back if one comes to mind.
I actually had four of these mugs made from an online printing sure (Vistaprint) and gave the other three as gifts. They were well-received. 😁
View or trade
Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of from @lxsxl for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I was about to say I wish I had a story, but then that would mean at some point I had actually drank some of that instant disappointment (love that name). Fortunately for me, I have never lowered myself to such an act and I'm glad I have no story to tell about it.
acting all snooty
I believe it would take more than 5 hive to make me do it too !
Don't. Ever. Stoop. So. Low.
ha ha... these days, if I stoop that low, I might not be able to get back up !
I don't intend too !
A story about not having a story about instant disappointment is still a story. Besides, you're one of the lucky ones that has not experienced instant disappointment. I envy you.
Everyone needs to be envied over something once in their life.... right ?
LOL.... my claim to fame.
One must claim fame.
One of these days, I'll get around to posting about how I make my espresso. From Green Beans to Roaster, Let bloom for 3 days, to grinder, to bottomless portafilter to double shot. But not today.
When I travel (for work or pleasure), I bring along a minipresso link to site. I've got the one that accepts Nespresso pods (Nespresso is good, not great, but not bad - and it packs well since the pods are already sealed).
Just add hot water from the kettle, squeeze the plunger until you get your 10 bars of pressure, then out comes espresso. I like mine just like that. black espresso. But, you could quickly add enough water to bring it up to an Americano that's drinkable. (Side Note: if you happen to be in a city that has a Nespresso store, you can usually talk the salesperson into giving you 2 or 3 pods for free)
The minipresso packs really well for camping (or culling roos I'm sure).
So ... unfortunately, I do not have an "instant" disappointment story as I decided to design and create my own life when it comes to the pleasures of coffee/espresso. ;-)
Great tip!!! Love a bit of free stuff
My approach is going in and asking if there are any new seasonal pods or special releases. Then, they let you try them in the store. (Seriously, you should always stop in for a couple shots whenever you walk by one of the stores.). Then simply ask if you can have a pod or two to take home to let your spouse try.
I haven't been turned down yet. :-)
Yes, I have seen these and wondered what they were like. I was intending to try one out as there's many applications in which it would come in handy. Your message has just confirmed that I should!
I've had mine for about 4 years now. At some of the offices I visit, I likely drink 4-6 espressos a day. So I've definitely put it through it's paces and it's never given me an issue.
I'm on it.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
mineopoly tipped macchiata (x1)
(3/7) @mineopoly tipped @riverflows (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.
Dammit Man.!!
If I had found this mug a little sooner. Maybe it would have helped put Dr. Kunalingus over the top...
I need that cup.
This was fun. You have the best games... I want one of those cups! How awesome!
Haha...Well, I have a couple spare and you're welcome to one.