Fun dum dum contest you hosted and as always some good reads in the comments!
Congratulations to @riverflows and @papacrusher for your stories being chosen as the top two!🏆🏆
Once upon a time when I had too much time in my hands I decided CUNT was an acronym that stands for
Cannot Understand Normal Thinking😂You might not know this @galenkp
I am a chaser of fun...A facer. Ok, that doesn't work at all! Lol. I like to have a laugh and it seems a whole lot of people wanted to also. It thought it was a nice little interactive post I and got some nice/funny comments.
So...Of course, what else could it stand for! Normal thinking ofttimes cannot be understood, so it makes sense. Here they say CU Next Tuesday sometimes and there was also a funny advertising campaign for the Northern Territory of Australia.
in the
It got banned. Although there are many sticker on the backs of cars, t-shirts, can-holders etc. Lol.
Us Aussie are simple folk. 🤔
Thanks for commenting Nina, and having a little fun with this post.
It works. I had to read it twice though.🤓 But when the order of words transposed it worked perfectly!
I am a fun chaser...A "facer"
I like that one! Naturally when something is banned it only creates more of a demand!
It was my pleasure having fun with your post and I defo need to make a habit of stopping by your blog more often!☕
Have a terrific Friday! @galenkp
I'm glad it translated. Otherwise it would have been a bloody terrible joke. 😂
You can stop by anytime, it'll be good to see you. ✅