 3 years ago  

Lol, likewise 😆
I'm happy you shared it anyway:)

Me too, it was made for the sharing!

 3 years ago  

Absolutely 😆

@meesterboom, @millcf1976, @galenkp , I take your cunt mug and raise it with this one.


One of the reasons I love my soon to be daughter in law, who bought this mug, but was worried what I'd think about it. My son promptly took this concern and served me coffee from it next time I visited, much to my absolute delight. In fact, it's to HIS delight that he gives it to guests to test what kind of person they are.

I bet you all want one now.

Nooooooo!!!! It's a VAJUG!! That's exactly the type of mug my Good Lady would buy!!!

You win!!! :0D

Isn't it awesome!!! I'd love a full set... 🤣🤣🤣 I can't believe she thought I'd be offended. My son knew me a bit better than that.. 😂😂😂😂

Hehe, I think my daughter world be quite impressed too. The set works be a sight to behold :0)

Cunt mugs all round!

Gold Riv, gold..

 3 years ago  

🤣😂 Just when I thought it couldn't get better!!!!

To make that the perfect "spout" you should have to drink from those "lips"
This is too funny 🤣

It gets better


 3 years ago  

Lol! I love stuff like that🤣😂😆

River this wins the internet's today 🤣 You are such a hoot!