As a teenager, I was invited to go on vacation with the family of a friend of mine. My family was far too white trash and poor to go on vacation, unless me and dad driving across the state line on Sundays to buy beer because Georgia used to be a dry state on
Now let me preface this by saying that I have had the absolute honor of enjoying rich, strong, enchanted coffee since a child (one of the perks of being poor white trash, parents don't care much about what you ingest) because it was one of the few things my dad would spend money on to get quality.
Back to the vacation with my friend. Now since being addicted to coffee since about age 5, it was already a very needed daily requirement by the time I was a teenager and the little condo/efficiency we were staying in only had instant coffee and now coffee maker at all. Somewhere, either on tv or in a movie I had seen someone take a dry shot of instant coffee straight out of the jar and I just assumed that it could be done because we were running late, had no sugar, and ,well, if it's on tv it must be true,right?
So I grab a heaping spoon of instant coffee and attempt to just throw it to the back of my mouth and what proceeded from this point could only be described as a wide-eyed, surprised onset of complete full-body convulsions, hacking, and spewing of dark colored sludge from the deep recesses of my soul! It was fairly similar to the cinnamon challenge that was going around on the internet awhile back(too back we didn't have youtube back then!).
Well after about 20 minutes of trying to catch my breath and regain my sanity I realized that the crystals had done a number on the inside of my mouth, throat, and (somehow magically) my sinus cavities. I was getting brown goo out of my nose and throat for the rest of the day and even saw some in the shower that night! This severe onset of pain and burning really topped of a moving morning of trying to get caffeinated. For whatever reason, I was never invited on vacation with that family again. I swear to God and baby Jesus, that I can't even look a pack or container of instant coffee without shivering deep, deep within my being. INSTANT DISAPPOINTMENT!
It's called instant disappointment but I wasn't disappointed in an instant, or even a slowly crept up and disappointed me way with this story. It was enjoyable...Mostly because this happened to you and not me.
Isn't it funny how we learn as youngsters sometimes...Through the most odd of circumstances.
I think you learned a valuable lesson and I got a laugh so it's a win-win.
*in my best gladiator voice....Are you not entertained!!???!! lolol I'm glad I could bring a spot of humor to your day. It's what I do...I'm a giver!
So on these amazing treks through the near and far corners of the earth you embark upon, what do you do for coffee?
Entertained for sure. It's been a very funny set of comments and I'm glad people have got in board, seen the funny side if it.
Hmm, well I always have coffee with me. I have one of those Moka pots(houses ground coffee) which I use on the campfire etc. That, or I boil up some water and make instant disappointment. In the wilderness it tastes better. When in other countries...Well, I've always found good coffee.
Hey dum dum - I've got five hive for you
Deepest gratitude for this gift, sir! Trust me, if there was every a dum dum title, I would be the reigning world champion! lol
Lol...You're welcome and yeah, me too. I own it though, chaps like us tend to do so with most things I'd say.