
Trust you to take shit to the next level and blow us plebeians right out of the water with your fucken awesomeness.

Lol, it really was awesome. I dont know if I lost it in a move or something but I should get another for the office again.


 3 years ago (edited) 

@meesterboom Best mug design, EVER!🤣

Lol, it is kinda awesome! I wish I could claim the credit!

 3 years ago  

Lol, likewise 😆
I'm happy you shared it anyway:)

Me too, it was made for the sharing!

 3 years ago  

Absolutely 😆

Get that cunty mug!

Omg I have a good one for you!!!!!

😂😂😂 That is a truly special coffee mug! @meesterboom

It is truly outrageous but @riverflows one goes beyond it!