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RE: #CC | a 2-Day Commenting & Networking Initiative

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

Honestly, coffee is one of the few things I don't skimp on, as you can really taste the difference, and I love my coffee xD So a pack of my favorite Lavazza (250g) sets me back $5.50, which feels okay to me.

Going out, though, coffee prices have soared in the past few years. A cup of flat white, like the one pictured, costs me about $4.40, so only a dollar less than a whole pack, which granted, lasts me several cups.

Still, I don't go out that often, and when i do, I try to go to coffeeshops I know serve really good coffee.
WhatsApp Image 2023-08-19 at 12.57.10.jpeg


I agree, I prefer paying a bit more to have a decent cup than to drink the lousy rip offs and not enjoy it at all. I only drink coffee because I love it, once that's over, there's no point in drinking it.

I don't know what we pay here for the bags of beans as we never had them here (we did in Budapest) and we also bought more expensive ones probably around 6-7 euros per bag there.

4,40 a cup sounds expensive for that size, but I have no clue what you'd pay here in a coffee shop such as Starbucks etc. I remember it was very expensive in Budapest there too (we don't have one here) but here in Spain, I only drink it in bars and restaurants when I'm out for breakfast.

 2 years ago  

I rarely visit big-brand coffee shops, so I'm out of touch with the cost. However, I think they are overpriced. I only have a decent cup of coffee, like a latte or cappuccino at the lunch pub/restaurant that's served in a nice glass for £3. It's pretty decent and I can't complain.
That's only 1-2 times a week though:)

Hello friend ..... I have to drink coffee every day hehe otherwise it gives me a headache. And by the way, no matter what the price is, I still make an effort to buy it, I think it is the product that no family in my country fails to buy.

I agree, I never really enjoyed the Starbucks coffee over my own cup lol.

PS thanks for the tip <3

 2 years ago  

Neither me. I think that Starbucks is overrated.

Thanks for the tip

You're welcome, and I hope that you'll be able to join us again:)))

I checked the prompts, didn't find inspiration (in time) a few times so don't worry, I'm checking in just not always participating. Very focussed on rolling out business stuff currently which has been in the works (drafts, half ideas etc) for way too long and I'm feeling so good and positive doing this that I often just give Hive 30 minutes a day max to not get distracted. It needs some grinding to get things rolling and some healthy balance..

I hope you're good! <3

 2 years ago  

I understand that all too well.
I've just been looking at my draft too, and trying to get on top of things.
Yes, I'm good otherwise, though:)))

 2 years ago  

Thank you, I think it's expensive, too. I imagine even more so in Starbucks or some such franchise (of which I'm not a fan). I haven't yet visited Budapest, though I have noticed that sometimes, we tend to have more steep prices here in Eastern Europe than in Central or Western. Odd.

Could be, I have to admit that before trying Starbucks in Budapest, I only bought there once before, when we visited Seville, that's all, lol.

I think it makes more sense here to just have a coffee in a bar or café if you are out. Cheaper than these franchises.

I agree that when it comes to buying coffee one should not skimp and buy a quality coffee that we like.

Here a cup like that can cost about 2 maybe 3$ in a more expensive coffee shop. But just yesterday I had a cappuccino for 4.5 $. I think it's one of the most expensive I've had here and it's not something I make often.

 2 years ago  

That's quite a lot. One thing I've found interesting about this week's networking event is how different coffee beverages seem to rank differently in parts of the world. For instance, cappuccino carries a pretty decent price here, but I've never seen a flat white for 2-3 bucks. :O

Here you can get a decent coffee much cheaper. But from time to time if one can, it is good to support these small coffee shops that support small local producers. I think that in this way one contributes to the long-term increase of coffee production in the country and of good quality.

 2 years ago (edited) 

That's a pretty good price for quality coffee. If I browse the internet, I see Instant shit coffee being sold more expensive. Also, the cup of flat white looks like a decent cup, but that price may be a little more, I'm not sure. But my regular latte is £3 with a small free chocolate.

I don't go out that often, and when I do, I try to go to coffee shops I know serve really good coffee.

Same for me. I don't just pop to town and enter a fancy coffee shop and fork out my money, only to get a watery shit cup of bad coffee, I need some feedback, or some other incentive, such as quirky aesthetics, so that I could at least take photos and write an interesting post that could subsidise the expense.

Subsidise the expense

is one of the benefits I like the most about being on Hive 😁😆

 2 years ago  

Yeah, that's for sure. 😁

Puff pastries and lungo for you!


 2 years ago  

That looks so delightful and yummy 😋

 2 years ago  

But my regular latte is £3 with a small free chocolate.

ooh lovely, I've always been a fan of that custom (of adding a complimentary chocolate). It's not a big thing here, alas, but they don't mind if you bring your own xD

only to get a watery shit cup of bad coffee, I need some feedback, or some other incentive, such as quirky aesthetics, so that I could at least take photos and write an interesting post that could subsidise the expense.

Completely! It seems a lot of this industry has turned, mysteriously, into a sort of you eat what we give you, and I don't care for it at all.

 2 years ago  

Eat what we give you, and I don't care for it at all.

Hmm, you're right about that, you know... ad you're making me think that I should give restaurants or dining outlets some more shit if they do not have their acts together.

 2 years ago  

I mean, shouldn't one? I used to be very polite and shy in such places, I still am polite, actually, but I also realized it's not assholey to expect a decent service when you're paying for it.

That's what I'm saying. You can't make a decent post of a coffee in a disposable cup and have it taste like crap on top of everything else.


Indeed, not a handsome cup for a coffee post. Besides, plastic really changes the taste of beverages, more when it comes to hot ones; and some of that plastic comes into our bodies.

And it goes straight into the trash to accelerate environmental pollution.... My tasting when I get a coffee in plastic 🫤

 2 years ago  

When we analyse things this way, we get a better view of the whole picture.

I must consider myself lucky since coffee is produced in my country, so it is not very expensive compared to foreign countries.☕

Good day.

 2 years ago  

Uu lucky you! :)

 2 years ago  

Yes, that's a massive advantage there!

The price is relatively similar as in my country, the market for coffee shops has grown quite a lot, a normal coffee with milk costs 1.30$ almost the price of 100gr, the difference is that you enjoy the moment and you do not do it every day, otherwise it would be an income.


 2 years ago  

The difference is that you enjoy the moment and you do not do it every day

That's why if I go to a coffee shop and the music is too loud, or if there's something not quite right that can be fixed easily, I never hesitate to say something to the staff. Otherwise, I would leave feeling dissatisfied and like I wasted my money:)

I agree with you that if we go to a coffee shop and the atmosphere or something is not as it should be, including the music since a coffee shop is supposed to be for conversation, I don't hesitate to say so either.

If the atmosphere is not relaxing and pleasant there is no point in paying more for a coffee, for that I enjoy it in the comfort of my home hugging my cat who hates coffee but can't help but come close to smell it every time he can 😹

Otherwise, I would leave feeling dissatisfied and like I wasted my money.

The idea is to enjoy the moment, no loud music, the idea is to listen to each other, there are people who like to read there, I agree with you.

 2 years ago  

That's true and I also hate large groups who takeover with unnecessarily loud conversations without consideration for other customers.

Without counting those who bring children and let them run and scream all over the cafeteria, it is super uncomfortable, I prefer to leave the place.

 2 years ago  

That's just the worst torture, and I prefer to leave also 😡

Loud music, loud people, and screaming children make me get of the coffee shop immediately. Coffee time is special, more if you have to pay 4 to 5 times the cost per cup.

 2 years ago  

I could not agree with you more and we should not let others ruin our experiences when we pay that amount of money.
Coffee Shop owners need to be mindful of these things.

Hahahahaha definitely paying to have a coffee with stress is no good hahaha.

Oh, $4.40 is too much for a cup of flat white. I think they're charging you more for the disposable cup and the milk, though 🤭 Besides, the cow has to pay for own coffee even though she's cute!

I also choose coffee shops where coffee is good; otherwise, I don't spend my--little--money there. Also, it has to be quiet place.

 2 years ago  

Thank you! everyone seems to agree it's damn steep. Will make me think twice about ordering next time. You may be right about the disposable cup, though when you take it in-house, they charge you for cleaning up after you, so how can you win?

Haha she's quite sneaky, though she was just photo-bombing here. xD

 2 years ago  

Yeah, I am annoyed by paper cups while having dine-in experiences in Coffee Shops. Some things are just not right.

 2 years ago  

Oh to their credit, it wasn't their default dine-in option, we just combined take-out with dine in as we needed the paper cups for some flowers we'd rescued xD

 2 years ago  

Ah, ok! That sounds like a nice cause though. I love fresh flowers 😁

Sometimes coffee shop owners must share the blame as well; they have to pay taxes and lots of bills. Anyway, in the end we costumers pay for everything. We should open a Hive Coffee Shop and franchise it; we'd have special discount for Hivers and photo-bombing cows all over the globe 🐮

 2 years ago  

That would be the cutest thing ever. I'm down xD

Pienso que usan vaso desechable para no tener que lavar las tazas de vidrio jeje. Lo bueno de lo desechable es que puedes llevártelo y si vas al trabajo apurada para tomarlo con calma.

For my economy, I find coffee expensive in your region. But compared to your income, is 5.5$ for 200$ of coffee expensive?

She is very cute that little cow drinking coffee ☕😊.

 2 years ago  

I think there has to be an opportunity cost for everything, and coffee shop outings should be considered the same. If you're gonna go for regular coffee, then you have to cut back on some other expenses. Whether it be cosmetics, a cheaper brand of another good or something.
I also think that if you take the time to go out to a coffee shop, having the ability to write a decent post on Hive about the experience is a great way to subsidise the expense😉

Exactly... If you're going to pay for coffee you should get good coffee and at least have a decent presentation for a post on Hive.


Las salidas a las cafeterías considero que siempre serán un poco costosas pero también valen la pena tomar un buen café ya sea como dice una publicidad de una marca de café en mi país: Negrito con leche o marrón...... en buena compañia, buen ambiente una sana conversación vale la pena la inversión.

The price for the flat white cup really seems a bit too much. Especially compared to the Lavazza pack, which is reasonably priced. I usually prefer to give twice the price and buy a beautiful bag of specialty coffee, at about $11 😁

Anyway… the flat white looks nice!

 2 years ago  

I agree! I always purchase coffee/bring my own when traveling, since most accommodations allow for some way to make coffee. Alas, that's not always possible, so when getting take-out coffee is a must, I'd rather it was good coffee to justify its cost :D

Oh, same here. My family always travels with our own coffee and this is the only way for us! We cannot risk having to buy expensive or poor quality coffee when we travel…😁