I woke up with an unusual feeling, and as I removed my earplugs, I heard raindrops and hail on my window; the boat was rocking; and coffee was calling.

It wasn't long before the kettle whistled, and I started brewing my coffee in my French press.
... and voila! A strong cup of black coffee, unsweetened.

One tablespoon of ground coffee is all that's needed to make me one cup of coffee in this size French press.
Marina mornings

The marina is quiet, and occasionally from my window, I might see someone walk by, but not on this rainy morning.

My grey yet colourful view from my bedroom window.
There were no neighbours in the immediate boats around me, and sound does not travel far on these boats, so I played one of my favourite songs, Breakfast in Bed by Lorna Bennett.
It's a bit of a naughty song that doesn't match my story, but the soft melody had me feeling mellow, just the way I like my mornings to be.

Lidl's Yum Yum!
I'd popped into Lidl from the night before, where I replenished my coffee and treats from their bakery.
The bakery was fully stocked, and I wondered why there was a cue, however, as soon as the baker replenished the yum yum tray, they disappeared in no time. So, I felt lucky that I was able to purchase a few.

A tasty, light brekkie
Served with bananas and a cup of strong, smooth Colombian coffee with a nutty aroma, just as the package stated, was a delightful treat.

My choice of preparing my coffee in a French press was ideal for a quick, strong taste, and the combo turned out to be a perfect light morning meal.
... just a simple coffee morning

... yet all my troubles seem far away.
There's magic in simplicity, especially with coffee.
Or, is it all about one's mindset?
This was a basic meal in a simple setting that made me feel inspired and enthusiastic about the day.
After all, waking up to the sounds of nature—coffee, raindrops, music, toffee-filled yum yum, and bananas—with positive thoughts, optimism, and gratitude—makes me feel like a goddess, with intentions to make it a great day, every day.☕️
Have you tried a new coffee recently that blew your mind? Or a special treat? I'd love to hear about it:)
I had fun taking all these photos on this day.
I think so. I don't think everyone finds satisfaction in simplicity by default, but mostly because they're not attuned for it. they're not searching for it. Just like going and sitting under a tree isn't gonna magically solve your problems if deep down, you don't believe it will.
You look great. Happy. And that breakfast looks delish. I'm currently in a Lavazza Oro phase (I lugged back a kilo from Switzerland, having found a great deal xD I was afraid the airport people would say I was running contraband).
Personally, I love Lidl. I did find coffee I liked from them recently. Might've been Deluxe or some other Lidl-specific brand. Very colorful pack, both Brazil and Guatemala were great, I thought.
Don't get much better than that.
It shows. <3
Thank you 😊
Absolutely. It's a great point that made me reflect on when I was about 9 years old. I was unhappy one day and I walked to an empty field a few metres away from my house and sat under a big tree. While sitting, I touched the trunk and looked at the leaves blowing, then I asked myself,
"Why do I always come to this tree when I feel this way, and why do I always feel so happy when I come to this tree."
Years later, I found myself going through a little depression, and I reflected on that day. That was the turning point of everything. It led me to tap into my childhood, and I did some deep thinking. I started living in the present. Later, I did several little courses that tapped deeper into everything that I already discovered through introspection. So I firmly agree with what you say there.
I love Lidl so much that it's like an excursion when I go there 😆
We just bought a new coffee but haven't opened it up yet to try. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday. That weather looks perfect for a warm cup of coffee. I like your earthenware mug. Nice color
Hmmm, I'm looking forward to reading about it.
Yes, it is! I made myself a second cup not long after. I do have a larger French press that makes coffee for two, but I prefer to use this smaller one and make a second batch if needed. That way, I always have a very hot cup.
The rain continued all day, but I switched over to red wine and more music 😁
Thank you 😊 I'll make sure to secure my mugs when going into locks while cruising, as the boat gets boxed about by the forceful water and wind when navigating locks:)))
Coffee in the day, wine at night - good plan.
Definitely protect that mug!
Yeah, I'm quite liking it. The rain has not eased and my wine is almost done... I might have to leave the boat tomorrow rain or shine to top up my wine 🙃
Nice rhyme 😂
The colour of the mug and the package of this coffee are a perfect match for the new colour of your dress 😇
The other day I made Turkish coffee, a pack I got from a friend some months ago. It is much stronger than the Nescafe I take every morning so it made a cool difference
Thank you. Yeah, colour synchronicity always seems to happen to me. When I saw the photos, I realised that too. Even the plate turned out to be matching all by chance.😊
That sounds awesome, and yes, I would believe that it's a fantastic change from the usual Nescafe. It's always great to switch your coffee up though, and find new appreciation in them.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend:)))
Yes, I noticed the plate too 😇 So nice harmony of colours that happened there, a perfect start to a great day :))
You look glowing!
I recognized the dress, haha. Looking good 😁 The new color matches your coffee mug, and plate, and coffee bag, and the sea... Some of the furniture, haha. I hope that's a lucky color.
That coffee & breakfast is perfect on a rainy morning. And I'm sure you enjoyed it!
I'm starting to hope so too. It's a new green boat and green seems to be following me or just happening, naturally at the moment. In a way, it might be positive because of some personal changes in my life, and I somehow see the colour representing a rebirth. I'm embracing it all and optimistic regardless.
It's still raining, but the good thing is that I'm warm and toasty next to my wood burner.
That's the UK weather. Hopefully, we see the beginning of Spring soon:)))
Seriously, it can't be wrong; green is all around and the vibe feels good. What would life be without a little green--or a lot of it--to flow like the sea?
I had forgotten that the boat was green, too! Spring is rebirth. All those signs must be good for you, I'm sure!
Words cannot express my appreciation for your positive comment.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, always :)))
Coffee and pastries on a rainy day- yesssss!! And I see you're rocking the newly dyed night dress, heck yeah! I can only imagine you had a fire roaring in the background too, perfection 😍
You got that right! The fire is still going on because it has been raining non-stop and is very cold.
Hehe! Yeah, I'm a pyjamas person, but somehow this dress has made me embrace something new, as it's just so comfy on the boat.
and I guess pyjamas are just too hot with this roaring fire on the boat.😍
Loved the color of the mug, it's beautiful. I like your coffee story, it's so easy to make a coffee lover happy.
Something new I tried recently, was a late with vanilla or cinnamon. I had never combined them before. I was in love. Drinking it felt like a late summer afternoon when the cool breeze fills the air. It was great.
Thank you! The mug was a gift from the previous owners, and I love it too.
I find that to be very true.😊
I've tried vanilla-flavoured coffee before, which is nice, and I'm used to adding cinnamon to my coffee. Another thing that you might like is some nutmeg, and you're right, there's something summery and comforting about having those flavours added to your coffee.
Thanks for stopping by 😍
Can I join with you? 😋
Well, how long you’ve been on boat today?
Hope you have great feeling after sipping coffee ☕️☕️☕️
Hehe! Yeah, you can pop on over 😁
It's my first day back on the boat after returning from Jamaica, but we've had this boat for a month now and it's great to be living back on the waterways in nature. Coffee tops the experience, daily:)))
Yeaaah, happy for you 😍
Waking up with a weather like that is fantastic and the only thing that causes is to stay at the side until the rain ends, no doubt preparing the morning coffee is essential and that brand of coffee is the first time I see it, very striking. A perfect breakfast to start with everything and not every day you start like this.
Thanks! I thought so too, as there were a few different options, but I liked the look of this package.
Yes, coffee was essential right away this morning, and coffee kept me comfortable on the boat all day.
No, not at all. It was a refreshing change.
Thanks for checking out my post and for your lovely comment:)))
Hi what a great way to start the day, you look great, very beautiful and happy. 😍🥰 @millycf1976
I enjoyed reading your post, as well as seeing that delicious coffee.
I don't plan to try new coffees, although it doesn't hurt to go out and experiment, I like the one I drink every morning and sometimes in the evenings.
Thank you 😊🤗
Yes, mornings on the canal are great, and luckily I have affordable quality coffee readily available, so it's a treat I look forward to.
I appreciate your comment.
Have a great week ahead:)))
What a great way to brighten up a gray morning, coffee & a yum yum! 😋
Yeah, it was yummy, indeed 😋.
Thank you :)))
I love that view you have from the boat. It seems that you live in an environment of peace and harmony. I love that cup and the perfect coffee to spend that rainy and cold day. Beautiful photos you share with us.👏
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕
Good day.
YES! Indeed!!!... When I'm away from my boat in nature, that's when it sinks in just how much my normal life revolves around peace and harmony.
I think there's beauty in every day, despite what the weather presents, and I take the time to find it.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment, and I'm pleased that you've enjoyed the photos:)))
That delicious and light breakfast is finger-licking good, I love a good cup of strong, sugar-free coffee even more. That Colombian coffee looks good, I haven't tried it yet.
Thank you for sharing your experience, happy day, greetingsWithout a doubt my dear @millycf1976, It was a very productive and positive morning, a perfect day I would call it.
Thanks for your lovely comment.
I trust that you are having a great weekend.
See you around:)))Hello @neilamarcano
You hit the key point, I'm having a great weekend, with my family and enjoying life at its best, a good cup of coffee can't be missing.
Happy weekend. Many cups for you, greetings
That's awesome, and lovely to hear 😍
I like to try new coffees all the time! Every one with different taste and character. 🥸
It is great that you have French press around you. The last time I brewed coffee with this apparatus was maybe more than 5 years ago. It was a very special time, when I still dated my wife-to-be 😁
You've said that so well. That's what I feel too.
Even though I brought back coffee grounds and beans (Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee), I'll wait until hubby returns from his travel to drink it.
Five years ago is a long time, but at least you have fond memories of the early stage of your relationship.
Happy weekend when it comes:)))
I love how I start your day: rain, an exquisite cup of coffee, good music, and positive thoughts. A great way to make any day a special and happy day.
Have a great weekend dear friend @millycf1976, enjoy it very much
It was a nice change to wake up to, although I'm feeling the cold extremely after being in the tropics for 2 weeks.
That's one of the reasons why I went for those treats.
I wish you a relaxing or fun-filled weekend too @jlufer :)))
Oh, everything is great. In your story you wrap us in a fascinating combination. I loved the view with the rain, the boats, the harbor. Those sweets must have been great. I love eating to feel pleasure in any simple bite. You are very fortunate to receive excellent quality coffee like Colombian coffee, good thing it is available where you live.
Thanks for your lovely message.
This is such a sweet comment.
You've made my day 😊😍
I like days like this, dawn with rain. I have never felt the hail fall, although it does sometimes fall here too. I really like the view from your window. And the breakfast looks great, especially the mug with coffee!
A perfect day.
Yeah, I recall getting the occasional hail fall when I lived in Jamaica.
It's a lovely view indeed. Something is calming about seeing boats lined on a marina.
That's the best part, indeed!
Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment:)))
waoo beautiful pictures, wait do you live on a boat? That must be great or maybe not, what do you say? I'd better start the morning with a nice cup of coffee, cheers.
Thank you 😊
Yes, I do!
It is an awesome way to live!
Of course, some challenges come with being off-grid, such as keeping solar power charged, monitoring waste disposal, and general boat maintenance, but the pros of slow-living close to nature, in a friendly community of boaters, outweigh it all.
Have a coffee-licious morning, and thanks for stopping by:)))
It is a good combination, of a boat trip, coffee, and pastries. Like Norwegians do on rainy days. Nice photographs Good post. have a nice weekend. :)
Thank you 😊
It sounds like Norwegians know how to find a great balance.
Have a great weekend too:)))
They know eating chocolate or sweet cakes together with dark coffee for dessert :) : D
That's sounds satisfying:)
Amiga how are you?
Your coffee looks delicious 😜 and the breakfast even more so. I love it 😍
I make my coffee, boiled and passed through a strainer. It's still super delicious....
I am doing well, thank you 😊
Yes, the coffee was super delicious 😋
I hope one day I'll get the chance to try an authentic Venezuelan coffee made in the strainer :)
Have a lovely day or night 🤗
I loved this combo for a morning. Taking coffee especially in this time and season we are heading into will make one more refreshed and warm for the days activities
Indeed! Well said:)
Yeah. Hope you are having fun?
Hi @millycf1976, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am
Thank you so much @teamuksupport for your continuous support:))
a community encouraging first-hand content, and each individual living their best life.
Have a nice weekend:)))Thank you so much @innerblocks and @thekittygirl.
Thanks for your lovely message 😊
I'm pleased that my happiness was reflected in the photos and that you enjoyed the views too.
Have a great weekend:)))