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RE: A hailing coffee morning

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year

Thank you 😊

Just like going and sitting under a tree isn't gonna magically solve your problems if deep down, you don't believe it will.

Absolutely. It's a great point that made me reflect on when I was about 9 years old. I was unhappy one day and I walked to an empty field a few metres away from my house and sat under a big tree. While sitting, I touched the trunk and looked at the leaves blowing, then I asked myself,
"Why do I always come to this tree when I feel this way, and why do I always feel so happy when I come to this tree."

Years later, I found myself going through a little depression, and I reflected on that day. That was the turning point of everything. It led me to tap into my childhood, and I did some deep thinking. I started living in the present. Later, I did several little courses that tapped deeper into everything that I already discovered through introspection. So I firmly agree with what you say there.

I love Lidl so much that it's like an excursion when I go there 😆