
So far I sell them by order, the person asks me for the design and I make it. Maybe soon I can make a stock to put them all for sale.

Look at this one

 2 years ago  

That's amazing!
I think it's even more special if they are all individual designs.
The designs are funny and cheerful, just what one needs when drinking coffee:)))

Yes, it's a lot of fun. Having a personalized mug with what you love. I think you enjoy coffee better ☕💜.

 2 years ago  

100% and it's so artist what you do. I've tried pottery once, and I would like to master it enough to make at least one coffee cup from scratch one day :)💜

That would be another level of art. From scratch 😍☕... it would be a very special mug.

 2 years ago  

😍 Yeah, it's the dream 😆😊