My, my, what stunning photos!
You got me there with the cinnamon😍
Great story!
It's sad to visit and find your favourite place gone.
Thanks for entering, we appreciate your participation:-)
My, my, what stunning photos!
You got me there with the cinnamon😍
Great story!
It's sad to visit and find your favourite place gone.
Thanks for entering, we appreciate your participation:-)
Thank you! I see you're a cinnamon fan too. 😊 It's been gone for a long while, but that's true of many such things now. I'm happy to participate. 😊
Haha! Yes, the name of community says it all :-) I'm a big cinnamon fan😍
Glad to have you!;)
🤣🤣🤣 I use cinnamon a LOT. I know that's the name of your community, but it was pure coincidence due to my obsession with cinnamon, which wins over chocolate.
No, I could tell you have a "real love" for cinnamon too:)
🤣 Thank you for appreciating that. @dandays seems to think it's driftwood, but he has no taste anyway. 😉
I'm always marvelled to know that some people don't like cinnamon😂
I love everything about it.
I think the sticks are so beautiful, but I need to improve my way of grating them. I hate using graters🤣
Who doesn't like cinnamon? I'd be wary of such nonsense.
I've had that same thought too. Some have told me they don't like the hot quality.
I also love everything about it, including sucking on the sticks, lol. If you get Ceylon cinnamon, that has very thin bark and breaks easily. Often what's sold as cinnamon is actually cassia bark, which is very pungent, the sticks are thick and it's torture to grate.
I use a large Thai mortar and pestle. A good one will crush anything quickly.
It's obvious by the virtual strangers I surround myself with.
It's obvious that you pay attention to virtual more than immediate surroundings where you are.