Wow, you are awesome in making your post really. I love the way you arranged the post pictures and also designed your header. You must have taken so much time to it.
I don't know why I see people outside my country appreciate coffee so much. Over here, there are only little amount of people that takes coffee.
Does coffee taste differently there? And I am surprised seeing coffee pink in colour.
Hello @starstrings01, thank you so much for appreciating my blog. Right this moment it took me a long time to edit the photo since the mobile and wifi connection is not stable yet but if the connection is better it will not take 5 mins of your time. 😊
The pink one is not a coffee, it's a bubble tea. My Niece prefer bubble tea while me I prefer coffee.
I can say that coffee shops here in the Philippines are very popular. We Filipinos always love to follow trends, but we can't deny the fact that we really love coffee and we most of us can't start our day without it. 😊