Oh wow, you hit the nail on the head, this is such an amazing post and you have come so far. I couldn't agree more providing value to this community and adding what you feel is so much more important than trying to game the upvotes and seeing those big numbers on your posts.
As a baby blogger myself, I have done a lot to try to engage with people around my level. Of course, I look at some whales as well to see what they write about and how to shape my blog further and make any improvements I can.
Some days I still find it hard to write but always try to put something out, recently joining with the Wednesday Walk and looking at some others like the 5-minute free write which I still haven't participated in.
But I know this each and every day I look forward to posting something and also reading others' posts there are so many amazing people on here from singers to artists to people who write incredible and captivating stories it is a really special place.
Reblogging this hoping more newbies can see it and get a better sense of direction.
Thank you for the tips and advice I think this is most definitely one of my picks for PYPT.
you have done an amazing job joining in and feeling right at home! I LOVE seeing you in PYPT (oh.. and i got a few DMs when you were talking... like WHOSE VOICE IS THAT 😍) HAHAHAHAHA
so yeah - you're a hit with the ladies and that voice LOL
i don't know - maybe men too? hahahahahahahaha
I so enjoy getting to interact with you! and though my comment reply is literally 5 days too late.. hahahaha don't feel shunned LOL
i kinda fell off the map for a bit and have really been having my hands full!!! but after Christmas i expect to be back on trackh ehehehe
i just needed to come and finally catch up with my comments LOLOL
hop you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!
Oh thank you so much Dreem making me feel like Lou Rawls over here 😍, no worries I definitely don't feel shunned haha I know how busy it can be this time of year and know how busy you are as well.
I'm so happy to be part of it so many amazing people in there and what a fun way to connect with everybody.
I wish you an amazing Christmas as well hope it's filled with all the happiness and joy that it can bring have a wonderful day and thanks for always responding that means so much to me 😊
hehehe not sure if there will be PYPT on Thursday but if so- see you there! lol
never a doubt .. Thursday is the 23rd .. it's on
you know - i've been thinking its Christmas Eve on Thursday for ages - and geez. hahahaha
good thing you're around to keep me on my toes hahahah
seems you are in a hurry for the holiday