Yep - it's #SUBLIMESUNDAY again, and I am feeling extra appreciative today for @c0ff33a making this community where we can put anything and everything into our posts!

Last week,
I engaged with so many bloggers that really needed some counsel to help them get their heads straight for the blogging journey ahead! And here is the thing, I'm sure there are LOTS of people saying these things - but there are SO many bloggers coming here, and there just aren't enough arrows point in the right direction to where to go.
Have you ever been in an airport under construction? Where the signs are all missing and people are just milling around, looking for any other stranger that looks as lost as they are? LOL HOPING that at least they will be in good company, the blind leading the blind??? LOLOLOL
That happened to me once - and it was kinda funny, but also kinda scary. Just imagine if you couldn't speak the language well... or there were people actually LOOKING to hurt you!
That's what blockchain can be like.
A lot of people who don't speak the language well, and there are just a bunch of scammers waiting for you to make one false move.
But if I help a newbie, and you help a newbie.... it really does help us all!
Feel free to share this video with anyone you think needs it. I don't need credit. And if you have trouble with 3speak and need a youtube link to share it out... just ask in the comment section and I'll drop it for ya! :)
▶️ 3Speak
I remember how many supportive people helped me out when I first arrived. So many patient people for my stupid questions...and yes, we were mostly redfish, lots of conversations, votes, but next to no rewards. Many are sadly no longer around. I was lucky to meet an orca who also lives here in Adelaide and got the SA people together. He been a big influence in keeping me here, so thanks @mattclarke. One of the most genuine and kind people I know.
By the way, I thought you might like an update on the chainsaw relationship happening outside my bedroom. It seems mum and bub have walked out and dad's moved a grinder in...
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! have they moved to an island paradise to retire to???
and yes - i felt the same way when i got here - i knew one person - but quickly found lots of people to engage with.
I've always been a commenter hahahaha so that was fun
and then when I found PYPT show with Shadows - bingo!!! that was my family! hehehehe
Gosh, there are probably worlds on Hive I still don't know exist. Can't believe how long it took for me to meet you!
PYPT is "pimp your post thursday" hehehe its' a little voice chat show on discord where people come and listen to one another present their post. While the person is talking - you can go click on their link and add a comment then - or you can wait til the show is over and do it all at once hehehe
it's so nice. I love it! It is the thing that really changed Hive (at the time - Steem) for me! I felt connected in a whole new way!
i would normally upvote your comments hahahah but....
i'm at like 40% VP right now because I am having will power issues ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLl
meaning - lack of.
Lol! You have an addiction!
Your responses are the best bit anyway, so no need to apologise to me.
Hehehehe I'm so addicted.
But thank you for saying that about my comments! I feel the same way...that the comments are what make the difference hehehe
I'm glad there are lots of other people who feel that way too! ❤️❤️
So many things to say here! I enjoyed your video. You seem so personal. Were you hiking and then decided to make this video on the fly? Also, you said DMs. Are there direct messaging inside of Hive/ecency?
I was listening to your video and mentioning not to make it about the money or seeking out connections with all the "big fish." My philosophy so far is scrolling through posts and finding ones that are interesting and commenting on them and trying to engage with real people on their posts. I am glad to have found a place to put things on "paper." There are things that I have been wanting to write about and have found a space to do it. I figure eventually people will read it and then more people will. In the meantime, they are things I have wanted to get out of my head and put on paper, so I feel good that it is out there and won't be lost to my forgetfulness. Hopefully, other people will enjoy it or find value in it as well.
I am a newbie and am still trying to find my way around. I am about two weeks old. My brother @bobthebuilder2 introduced me. I found you through @old-guy-photos posting about sublime Sunday and me trying to find out what it is all about and I found your post. Thanks for sharing!
One of the reasons I started YouTube channels years ago was so if anything ever happened to me, my kids would have a library of information coming straight from me. I try to share the wisdom I've learned throughout my life. My sister is similar to me in this vein, I think. This forum is great for that because you can put your wisdom down for the world to see and blockchain will keep it forever, while also earning and inspiring others who need the same message now... while my kids may see these messages later in their lives.
Tha t is the most beautiful thing I've heard in a while!
I never even thought of that...even though we REGULARLY go watch old videos and treat it like a photo album!!! So it should have dawned on me!!!!! Lol
What a great idea ... And how precious for your children to not just have the words... But the voice and the face and the "feel" of you!
I do videos simply because I love them hahahaha I talk about all kinds of things.... anything on my mind really! Lolol
I have so much fun and I just looked back the other day on project videos that my daughter and I worked on about 2 years ago....and it was like being there again.
My gosh... What a gift to be able to be transported like that to memories and relive them!!! Hehehe
I hope you are with us for a long time and your children dont have to view videos to get time with you....but let's just think of their children's children who will hear from you!!!! Because of the legacy you left behind!!!
Thanks for your comment!!!! ❤️
Yep. I like this! 😀
And I found you in dreemsteem's comment section like a mother of 6 who can spot me!
Wow, that is awesome. Small world when we start clicking on tage to "meet" new people.
see why I love the comment section??? ahahahahahahaha
its where the connections happen!!!
Thanks for the mention, BTW Sublime Sunday has a community you can join here.
It really helps to give an idea to post about on Sundays. It was started and run by the awesome @c0ff33a who I introduced to Hive and he has gone on and done great!
Yes hehehe I love @c0ff33a I mentioned him at the top of the post but didn't drop the link for the community...I'll remember that for next time too! Hehehe
Very cool that I just got to meet who brought him here!!!!! That's wild!!!
Thanks for bringing such a great guy!!! I used to love being in the weekly voice shows with him! His voice was like a radio voice hehe
But what I remember about him most is how kind he always was... We don't get to hang out much anymore!!! But I always remember him 🥰
The reason I am finding you for the first time... might tell something right? =)
And now you have an Orca follower 😎😍
Hahahahahahhahahaha do I need to make a new video now???? 😂😂😂😂😂
I got excited when I saw your comment from Gina (not even realizing you were an orca lol) I just smiled huge because it resonated with you so well!!! I actually thought you might be a newbie that was just excited to finally have someone help them!!!! 😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰
It's very cool to see that my video didn't just click with newbies but also with other levels!!! Thank you so much for listening to the message and leaving me a comment to start my day with a smile!!!
I had another piece of advice/video for ALL levels (not just newbies), and made the video on that same day, but my phone wanted to be funny and with a half recorded video hahahah. It's ok though...Im going to do it again today lol
I don't think we have ever interacted before but I'll be coming by your blog to say hi too! Hehehehe
Thanks for the morning hug!!! (I'm in California so it's still morning here! Hahaha)
This community is huge, and it's super cool and refreshing to continue finding new interesting people after 4 years on being here (actually lately its a LOT more than I can cope with LOL, I have a queue of people to dig in LOL).
You video was really inspiring for newbies... for me... it just represented a portion of what I would love say out loud like you did, but because my vocal-photogenic skills are not as good as yours, I prefer to curate what I think is an amazing message. Hence... the FEELING SO great when finding this video. By the way, already on my IPFS node =)
Keep that EPIC mood. !LUV it...
(1/4) gave you
hahahahaha nice!! well, today was supposed to be getting the other video up sooner - but some things came into my day that took precedence - and now if I put it up tonight, it will be very late (it's already 5 pm) hehehe
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! and yes - the community is huge and I've been connecting with a LOT of people lately too - and they're all having the same feelings, questions, concerns.... and while I'd love to be in DM with them and helping hahahahah sometimes its just better to get the video out and point them to it (if they really want it hahahaha)
I'll for sure have some more insight this week. let's see if it helps people (and - feel FREE to pass around any video you see of mine that you think is going to help.)
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/10)@dreemsteem! to your account on behalf of @forykw.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Im going to be an Orca this year too. Hahahaha
Yep...I'm declaring it... By end of 2022.. this is one of my goals.
So when I am ..can I come sit next to you? Hehehe keep my seat warm??? 🤣
hahahahahahaha all things aside... they are seriously amazing creatures lol
nicely done .. yes, I listened to the video
I also did this rare thing ... reblogged it.
I think you should pin the post on the Dreemport site at some point
Ohhhhh watched and reblogged??? That's a winner video in shadows book hahahaha
On our site...or on our @dreemport?
both ... on our site would give a spot to point for any newbie to find easily.
don't let me forget to do this LOLOL
i have been AWOL - i know. hahaha but i'm not really gone. just catching up like mad now and i'm sure it will all pile up again for Christmas! hehe but it's all good in the hood.
the new year is right around the corner and wonderful things coming!
i literally have like 50 more comment tabs open right now hahahahaha hellllllllllp ;)
Hi, can I have the YT link. I have a hard time watching it in 3speak. Thank you.
of course :)
here you go!
Sublime Suggestions for Baby Bloggers
Yay, thank you so much. It feels like you are talking to me. Hahah. Learn from it a lot.Sharing this to my friend.
hehehee I'm so glad!!!! that means a lot to me! I always try to make my videos express what I'm really feeling - which is "I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!!" hahahahaha so I'm glad that came across!!!
and I hope it helps your friend too! if you have any need of help - just drop a comment on any post of mine and i'll be HAPPY to help! :)
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Thanks for the tweet @forkyishere and @forkyw heheheh and thanks @poshtoken for this cool service that does this!!!
Posted via D.BuzzYou might want to have a look at inji as well...
I haven't used these twitter like things for Hive! but i think i'm going to have to start checking them out for our project hahahaha
thank you for the heads up!!!! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with all the avenues that I'll need to take hahahaha and then I remember...
one. step. at. a. time.
it will all come. just breathe and keep doing what you're doing faithfully, and have those other things waiting in the wings to assimilate when the time is ready! LOLOL
Yay! Some truth for the baby bloggers! Great video, chock full of good advice. I had no idea you've been on the chain for ~5 years. (And you even had some fun music and animated people in there!) 🙏
Hahahaha yeah I always try to have fun with the stickers and ALWAYS put music in my videos! Hahahahhaha
It really makes a big difference to have that in the background I've found.
And yep ..I came to Steem knowing NOTHING about crypto on 2016
It was just all about writing and meeting people for me!
(Still is) hehehe
The fun shows, love it, and I agree, music is a game-changer for videos. You've come so far, #KeepRyzing ! 🙏
hahahaha thanks! :)
been doing videos for about 3 years now - glad to see that people are benefitting!!! thanks ryze!!!
The most heart warming post I ve seen today.. My heart sublimes.
But yeah.. Real talk.
Thanks so much🙏🏽❤
glad you appreciated it!!!! when we manage our expectations - we will have SO MUCH MORE FUN!
focus on the things that matter, and give THAT your time and enjoy the ride hehehehehe
Totally agree with your honest opinion.
The "help me, I'm a newbie" strategy and chasing whales, might give a boost short term, but it can do you harm on the long run.
Your high-quality content and your persistence is what can help you long term, and of course the support of friends that you make along the way, and those who like what you do.
Forget the money, and do what you can do best. Make friends, and have fun! The money will follow eventually!
I'm a newbee myself on hive, just not in life! So I'm entitled to at least giving an opinion on the matter too. 😋
that's absolutely right - because we don't have to be oldbies on a platform to use common sense right??? heheheh i mean - really what I'm saying is no different than in OFFLINE life too! just be genuine and let your passion fuel you and have fun! enjoy it!! this is true across the board!
so you are 100% correct in sharing that ( no matter what your Hive newbie status is!) hahahahahahahaha
thanks for coming by :) hope you had a great day after that fun comment conversation last night hahahahaha
I sure have! It was nice "meeting" you and @snook 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing, and the encouraging words.
Newbie here… 6 days old 😉
I started with crypto just a few months ago and found Hive last week, I think by accident, and thought. Let’s have a look. It sounded so new to me. A platform from the people for the people. I joined…
I have content I can share, things to teach, this looks like a community that matters, that cares for each other.
So I’m excited 😊 and looking forward to growing, connecting, sharing and engaging. Learning and figuring out how to navigate here.
Much Love.
Grtz Jackie
hi Jackie!!
you are brand new!!! 47 rep! hehehehe i love seeing new newbies like you. You guys and gals always remind us of what it was first like for us - that sweet energy and curiosity and fire! lol it's good for us cuz sometimes we get old and crochety hahahahaha
NOOOOOOOOOOOOT me. i never get old and crochety. I leave that role for @penderis.
i'll come visit your blog now and meet you through your work! ehehehe
i'm always around to answer questions. hehehe just come drop by any post - and leave any comment! LOL doesn't matter if it has anything to do with the post - i'll help anyway! hahahahahah
Thank you so much 😊
But… we never get old, our minds stay young 😉 longer than our bodies though… lol
Will do, thanks. If I have questions I will drop by. Much appreciated!
hahahahaha yes my mind is so very young LOL
we shall not talk about my body hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
Nope and neither about mine. 😉 hahahahaha
Thank you for this video. I'm new to this platform also. Excited to share more content and provide value. I have no idea what these orcas and dolphins are that you mentioned lol. I'll learn soon.
so when you first start on the platform - you are brand new (like you!) hehe
you are usually called plankton or red dust hehehe i like baby blogger :) it sounds nicer hahahahaha
when you hit 500 HP (this means you have earned or purchased 500 Hive and then powered it up to Hive Power) then you have reached MINNOW status :)
when you hit 5000 HP - this is a dolphin status
50,000 HP - this is orca
and I think 250k HP and higher (but this number is debatable probably) is whale status.
The more HP you have on Hive, the more influence your vote has, the more value your vote has, and probably can be argued the more power/influence too.
now you know ;)
you have another question? come back and ask and I'll help hahahaha
Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
Support Ecency
Vote for new Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more
Incoming: You're more comfortable on video than I am on text.
And you're welcome for not sharing a wildly inappropriate dolphin joke.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha I have had to be comfortable with that kind of thing for a very very long time. Sometimes I appear a lot more comfortable than I am! LOLOL
and come on... seriously!?!?!
now my mind is racing for the joke hahahaha (put it on an old post LOL)
i didn't get any tags for that joke LOL
Girrrrl. Nuh uh. It's so opposite sweet singer church camp counselor I wouldn't dare.
Hahahahhaa I'm not a church camp counselor.... But really?? Lolol
Of all the things I've heard you say a DOLPHIN joke is the limit?? Hehehehhe
You send me 😂😂😂😂
(in case anyone other than Dreem is tuned in, I tried like really really really tried to avoid what I'm about to do)
Imagine Flipper. Remember that show, Flipper? You know how dolphins make that neh eh neh eh neh eh neh eh sound and if you use your imagination it sounds like they're saying "no" and even shaking their head side to side. Now then..
Dolphin sex - It's when you're having sex and you try to stick it in her booty and she gets all Flipper on you like neh eh! Neh eh! Neh eh! Neh eh! Neh eh!
You made me do it!!!!
This is like a dad joke but worse 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 but you are correct....I made you do it!!!! Lolololol
Next time I try desperately to avoid repeating that joke online, I won't mention I'm trying desperately to avoid it.
I got to hang out with Brandt yesterday, that was just as pleasurable as I assumed. He's a super cool dude. My point is:
You're next!
There is just something about you that makes it impossible not to love you ☺ lol maybe it's simple your personality.
I watched the video and that's some sound advice for newcomers like myself shared and hopefully, others get to see it too, so thank you 🤗 strangely I've always heard about the newbie initiative although I have no idea what it is 🤷♀️ maybe its time I find out.
oh yes - a lot of people have gone through it and I think they talk very highly of it!!!
definitely check it out!!!
@kenechukwu97 and @kemmyb - did you two do the newbie initiative???? if so - can you send Princess to where she starts hehehe
Yeah... I joined the initiative. Same as Kemmy and many people from Dreemport. Hehe
It was done for 3 weeks, but currently goes on for 3 Months. They are probably in the last month of the initiative and I'm sure that @princessj190 will be informed when the next round is about to begin.
Thank you @kenechukwu97 i actually got in the smile server and read up about the initiative a short while back 🙏
Nice... They also have an official account on here. I don't remember the exact name for it, but that's where they post all details about the initiate.
You can ask around in their server. Don't miss out on the next round ✌️
Awesome!!!! That's good that they made it 3 months now
There is a lot of info to try to really make into only 3 weeks.. better that they take their time and have the newbies get to know one another longer!!!
That's great!!!
Thanks for the help for her hehe
Yeah... 3 months is cool.
She will get solid support as the program lasts.
As for what she will learn, that will be add-on. She already knows alot. Hehe
The connections with other newbies might be what's best then! Hehehehe
Kinda like the UU classes were very contacted to each other hehheeh
That. Was. Heart warming.
I will have to argue with you on your continued support of my goal to be the emperor of the whole galaxy though. Are you sure you want to place a crown on my head and name me emperor?\
now i'm VERY VERY intrigued to see you as emperor of the galaxy!!!! LOLOLOL
You're amazing and you are my angle. Very long time I found a person who care everything in this world. If I can do any of your work, I'll fell glad.
God bless you long dear @dreemsteem
Thanks for your sweet words! I appreciate you so much! hehehehe My internet is off and on today - so I'll come visit you and your beautiful art very soon! hehehehe
You're a natural born leader, the other dude in the comment section is right and you are way too comfortable on camera, your choice of words are also on point!
I am not a baby anymore haha, but It was really important for me to watch this video, it reminded me of the why I am here, and yes, I didn't know you when we were minnows, but now we're both dolphins, so congrats to us haha...
One thing you said, that really made me think a lot, is what you said about feeling entitled, and it's something that I've been struggling a lot lately, and I am not entirely sure how to deal with it, especially the music content, sometimes I work on it for months and months, before releasing it, and there is so much build up, so much expectations, that if it doesn't "perform" the way I wanted it to, I am disproportionally upset.
I don't have that with the rest of my content though, weirdly enough.
PS: You don't have to upvote my comment, give it a rest!
ahhhhhhhhhh hehehehe i know what you mean about posts and rewards
I had that feeling a few times - but then I thought, LEAH... WHY are you getting pulled into this? You didn't START trying to access the money - don't START now!!!
Ed - you are great. GREAT. You do it for the love, and people LOVE your personality and humor and passion.
you have to just hold onto that and KEEP IT. keep it!
you know when I think of you - you know what I think of????
When we met at Hive Fest - and you made your avatar hop in front of me and start dancing with me hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
THAT is who everyone loves! The guy that tells funny jokes in comments, the guy who sings his heart out, the guy who is SO on fire with the politics in the world and protects his family, the guy who brings us into his home and his garden and lets us love his family
THAT - is what you give us. and what you feel back (i hope) is how appreciated you - no matter what your vote is.
Overall, we have grown immensely. dolphins. dolphin community. and PROMOTING the little ones too.
we have it. we've got the real deal.
love that. and then just let us love you! hehehehe
Man, you really nails the whole "life coach" thing, flipping people's morale like pancakes!
Always finding the right words, and speaking truth again! You could totally be a pastor, I am sure you heard it before 😌
Just watched this. Ive got to say all your advice is spot on. Especially the one about making friends with people who understand you.
Its nice you mentioned the newbies initiative. I'm currently a part of that. I've made a lot of new friends.
i'm catching up on all my comments and I can't believe how far behind i am hahahahahahahahhi my sweet @b0s! hehehe
and i'm glad you're in the newbie initiative!!! see how nice it is to grow in those types of classes??? i totally agree!!! :)
Oh wow, you hit the nail on the head, this is such an amazing post and you have come so far. I couldn't agree more providing value to this community and adding what you feel is so much more important than trying to game the upvotes and seeing those big numbers on your posts.
As a baby blogger myself, I have done a lot to try to engage with people around my level. Of course, I look at some whales as well to see what they write about and how to shape my blog further and make any improvements I can.
Some days I still find it hard to write but always try to put something out, recently joining with the Wednesday Walk and looking at some others like the 5-minute free write which I still haven't participated in.
But I know this each and every day I look forward to posting something and also reading others' posts there are so many amazing people on here from singers to artists to people who write incredible and captivating stories it is a really special place.
Reblogging this hoping more newbies can see it and get a better sense of direction.
Thank you for the tips and advice I think this is most definitely one of my picks for PYPT.
you have done an amazing job joining in and feeling right at home! I LOVE seeing you in PYPT (oh.. and i got a few DMs when you were talking... like WHOSE VOICE IS THAT 😍) HAHAHAHAHA
so yeah - you're a hit with the ladies and that voice LOL
i don't know - maybe men too? hahahahahahahaha
I so enjoy getting to interact with you! and though my comment reply is literally 5 days too late.. hahahaha don't feel shunned LOL
i kinda fell off the map for a bit and have really been having my hands full!!! but after Christmas i expect to be back on trackh ehehehe
i just needed to come and finally catch up with my comments LOLOL
hop you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!
Oh thank you so much Dreem making me feel like Lou Rawls over here 😍, no worries I definitely don't feel shunned haha I know how busy it can be this time of year and know how busy you are as well.
I'm so happy to be part of it so many amazing people in there and what a fun way to connect with everybody.
I wish you an amazing Christmas as well hope it's filled with all the happiness and joy that it can bring have a wonderful day and thanks for always responding that means so much to me 😊
hehehe not sure if there will be PYPT on Thursday but if so- see you there! lol
never a doubt .. Thursday is the 23rd .. it's on
you know - i've been thinking its Christmas Eve on Thursday for ages - and geez. hahahaha
good thing you're around to keep me on my toes hahahah
seems you are in a hurry for the holiday
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Lovely, thank you for sharing🌸 I watched over and over again, so needful.
please watch as much as possible and feel free to DM me in discord, or comment and ask me a question on ANY post of mine - I will always try to do my best to help :)
Thank you so much for your words. I really needed this. 🤗
of course - you are so very welcome! sorry for my late reply hehehe
my life got a TAD crazy this past week hahahahaha