
PYPT is "pimp your post thursday" hehehe its' a little voice chat show on discord where people come and listen to one another present their post. While the person is talking - you can go click on their link and add a comment then - or you can wait til the show is over and do it all at once hehehe

it's so nice. I love it! It is the thing that really changed Hive (at the time - Steem) for me! I felt connected in a whole new way!

i would normally upvote your comments hahahah but....

i'm at like 40% VP right now because I am having will power issues ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLl

meaning - lack of.

Lol! You have an addiction!

Your responses are the best bit anyway, so no need to apologise to me.

Hehehehe I'm so addicted.

But thank you for saying that about my comments! I feel the same way...that the comments are what make the difference hehehe

I'm glad there are lots of other people who feel that way too! ❤️❤️