Happy Easter! It is officially Easter Monday! The Catholic in me still celebrates it and you should too. Never late that way.
Those chicken nuggets look like pure heaven. I am showing that I am not following you, can you check it and let me know. I have been using the phone a lot during Easter weekend, I probably unfollowed a dozen or so fat fingering it. :(
Happy Easter!
Actually I dont know how to check who follows me. Probably for the best as my posts tend to be of the one trick pony category and I dont seem to get on here much anymore.
@old-guy-photos - I guess it was a glitch, which I should have guessed. It had unlinked me with about every person I make any contact with and then later today, it linked me back up. I know you didn't care, but, it bothered me.
That is bunk. I do care. It just funny this is like the tenth time you unfollowed me. Sheesh.
Okay, thanks.