Black & White Photography Round 89 | The fig tree

in PhotoFeedyesterday

In the Balearic Islands, fig trees are not only used to produce the juicy and sweet fruit that is the fig. Farmers prop up their branches and create a shady space, in summer when they have leaves, to protect the sheep from the scorching summer sun. In winter, when their branches are bare, they look like an abstract sculpture in the middle of the farmland.


En las Islas Baleares las higueras no solo sirven para dar ese fruto jugoso y dulce que es el higo, los campesinos apuntalan sus ramas y crean un espacio de sombra, en verano cuando tienen hojas, en el que se protegen las ovejas del sol abrasante estival. En invierno, cuando sus ramas están desnudas, parecen una escultura abstracta en medio de los capos de labranza.


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Camera: Canon EOS5 MK III
Lens: Canon 24-70 f:2.8
Processed with Capture One


Triple benefit. Fruit, shade, aesthetic element of the landscape :-)