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RE: My Entry "Tourism In The Philippines."

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Wow... What a beautiful array of pictures that have been arranged here for us to feast our eyes. The Philippines is a really beautiful place and the landscape is just enchanting. It would be quite nice to go visiting sometime.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

P.S: We are no longer accepting photos that may be subject to copyright, you can take images from free sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, etc. And we are now taking strong actions against such acts.
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 3 years ago  

Sorry, I wasn't fully aware can't use Google pics, before doing so I asked a friend if I can use Google pic or not but he said it is ok if you put the image source. No intention of taking the credit for the pic I didn't take. I will keep in dis mind not to do it on my next post. Thanks for a friendly reminder!

You will be amazed with Philippines islands every place you go you will see beautiful beaches, falls,lakes, caves, volcanoes, etc Hehe