Read A Book Today!!!

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Image by Blaz Photo

Hello everyone, how are you doing today? Hope you all are ready for the weekend? It is yet another opportunity for us to relax and chill doing things we love and being with people who love us.

And on that note, I have an idea to share with everyone as a way to spend this weekend; read a book!

Yeah, I know this topic seems out of the blue but I felt it had to be said. When you read, you open up your mind to possibilities, a lot of which would have been absent if you had not opened that book. When you read, you are taken into the mind of the writer and you get to take the information or knowledge that the writer wishes to give.

It is a known fact all over the world that the most successful people in the world are those who read books. And not just any books, they read books that cover topics in their niches, passion, and also books that are written by people they feel are successful as well. There is nothing that can be as motivating as a success story, especially when the story is actually around situations or circumstances that you are very conversant with.

In such situations, you begin to motivate yourself, after all, if this person could do it then I am sure I can as well.

I am a writer, I do it as a profession and as a hobby, and I am saying that the importance of reading can never be overemphasized. Even as an author, you have to read the books of your fellow authors because there is always the possibility that there is something new to learn in a book that you have not read.

The most successful people in the world read at least two books each month; this is a consistent effort towards building your mind and equipping it for the challenges ahead.

Take me for instance, as a fiction writer; I enjoy reading novels and motivational books. Especially books I know that were written by highly successful people who have decided to share their knowledge by placing them within the pages of a book. My favorite authors are Sidney Sheldon and Robert Kiyosaki. These are legends I believe entered the game and completely changed it.

For you, your preference might be different. You might like some other kind of book. What matters is that you are interested in reading books that will help you grow. Any book that won’t do that should be considered a waste of time. Because for starters you have to enjoy reading the book for you to appreciate the message that is being passed across.

And also, you have to be conversant with the situations been talked about in the book. If it is a niche you are not familiar with or have no interest in then the book would make no sense to you. When you are selecting books to read, make sure you are selecting books that will help you grow.

This does not mean you should limit yourself though, every once in a while try and branch out and do something different. Learn a new thing; it might come in handy one day. You never know.

I know many of you might not have time due to work and school, but with eBooks these days you do not literally have to read anymore. There are apps that can read out the texts for you, all you have to do is just plug in your earpiece and listen while you go about your duties and concerns.

This is a method I have employed and it has been working wonders for me.

And on that note, as we go forth into the weekend, read a book. You will be glad you did. And if you are already reading one, what is it? What kind of book is it? And who is your favorite author? Feel free to tell me in the comment section.

Image by Seven Shooter
Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.

 3 years ago  

I really enjoy reading books. The book I read about fisheries technology is in accordance with the education I got. not only read but I also practice it.

Wow... That is great.
With every chapter you read, you will keep getting better and better.

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 3 years ago  

I have found People who read books and talk about them to be very interesting
I basically focus so much on my career books
But there are alot to read
I would try

There really is a lot to read.
You can read to get better in your career or just to relax and take your mind off stress.
Either way, it will be good if you do try.
Thank you for reading, till we meet on the next post.

 3 years ago  

I've heard the saying "Books are windows to the world"

Correct, because you get to see the world from the comfort of your home( or wherever you are reading it) and you will see it through the eyes of the writer.
Very great experience!

 3 years ago  

Reading books is a habit I never liked much until I found myself in Hive. I saw the important of reading books from people's content and I have been trying to make it a compulsory habit because of it's numerous benefit to writers.
Thanks for reminding me to keep grinding in reading at least two books per month!

 3 years ago (edited) 

At least two books per month are good for starters, eventually, you will progress.
And you will see the wonders reading does in one's life.
Thank you for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it.

 3 years ago  

Many thanks for the tips bro!

Read a book to gain more knowledge. Thank you sharing.

Thank you for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it.

 3 years ago  

Awesome Post thanks for sharing
According to my book mentor Eric worre he said READERS ARE LEADERS

I have a couple of books I've read, from the lockdown till now I must have digested about 30 books in total (HARD COPY)
I buy, I borrow and I also download audio and videobooks.

Books are amazing and it really opens the eyes, but laziness will not allow some persons to pick it up
Brian Tracy was the author is first read, Your very Kiyosaki should be 4th I read the popular rich Dad poor Dad and it's been an amazing ride

Make out time to read books it will help for a life time
Currently reading NAPOLEON HILL - Think and grow Rich... Amazing 😁😁

Nice mentor, you got there, I have read a few books by Eric Woore myself. I also have a copy of the Think and Grow Rich book. Very inspiring.
You are doing really well, and please keep it up. It will all pay off.
Thank you for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it.