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RE: Read A Book Today!!!

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Awesome Post thanks for sharing
According to my book mentor Eric worre he said READERS ARE LEADERS

I have a couple of books I've read, from the lockdown till now I must have digested about 30 books in total (HARD COPY)
I buy, I borrow and I also download audio and videobooks.

Books are amazing and it really opens the eyes, but laziness will not allow some persons to pick it up
Brian Tracy was the author is first read, Your very Kiyosaki should be 4th I read the popular rich Dad poor Dad and it's been an amazing ride

Make out time to read books it will help for a life time
Currently reading NAPOLEON HILL - Think and grow Rich... Amazing 😁😁


Nice mentor, you got there, I have read a few books by Eric Woore myself. I also have a copy of the Think and Grow Rich book. Very inspiring.
You are doing really well, and please keep it up. It will all pay off.
Thank you for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it.